Programming Languages: Chapter 1: Introduction
Programming languages
Some fundamental questions
- what is a language? a medium of communication
- what is a program? a set of instructions which a computer understands and follows
- what is a programming language? a notational system for describing computation in human-readable and machine-readable form
- is HTML a programming language?
- `a programming language is Turing complete provided it has integer variables and arithmetic and sequentially executes statements, which include assignment, selection (if), and loop (while) statements' [PLPP] p. 13
- or alternatively, `a programming language is Turing complete if it has integer values, arithmetic functions on those values, and if it has a mechanism for defining new functions using existing functions, selection, and recursion' [PLPP] p. 17
- what is a programming language concept?
- parameter passing (by-value, by-reference)
- typing (static or dynamic)
- support for abstraction (procedural, data)
- scope (static or dynamic)
- implementation (interpreted or compiled)
- as you can see, often has options
- on which criteria can we evaluate programming languages?
- four main criteria (desiderata for computer languages)
- readability
- writability
- reliability (safety)
- cost (efficiency) of execution or development or both?
- how are readability and writability related?
- others?
Binding times
- a useful concept for studying language concepts
- a mapping from representation → intended meaning
The times of our lives (and their bindings)
- conception
- sex
- parents
- older siblings (if any)
- birth: dob, name, ssn
- life
- death
Times in the study of programming languages
- language definition time:
- keyword int bound to meaning of integer
- N. Wirth (designer of Pascal): program mypgm () begin end
- language implementation time: int datatype bound to a size (e.g., 4 bytes)
- compile time: identifer x bound to an integer variable
- link time: printf is bound to the definition
- load time:
- variable x bound to memory cell at address 7cd7
- could be at run-time as well (consider a variable local to a function)
- run-time: x bound to value 10
- some are static, some are dynamic
- static: before run-time, and unchangeable
- dynamic: at or during run-time, and modifiable
- earlier times imply
- safety
- reliability
- predictability, no surprises
- efficiency
- later times imply flexibility
- interpreted languages (e.g., Scheme): most bindings are dynamic (i.e., happen at run-time)
- compiled languages (e.g., C, C++, FORTRAN): most bindings are static (i.e., happen before run-time)
Early vs. late binding
- humans analogy
- parents and sex are bound statically (at conception)
- birthday is bound statically (at birth)
- height is bound and re-bound dynamically (throughout life)
- a programming language should be an algorithm for algorithm development, rather than just a tool to implement an algorithm (recall oil painting)
- do not get too wedded to a design or you will be forced to use duck-tape to patch things later should the specifications change (which they always do!) (it's like a bad movie that never ends)
- now even Microsoft trying to get a piece of the pie with F#
Static vs. dynamic bindings
- a static binding happens prior to execution (usually during compile-time) (e.g., type of x)
- a dynamic binding happens and is changable during run-time (i.e., execution) (e.g., the value of x)
Automobile analogs
- make: Honda or Toyota
- engine: gas or diesel; 4 cylinder, V6, or V8
- transmission: manual or automatic
- steering: manual or power
- braking system: manual or power
- options: A/C or no-A/C
- study language concepts by implementing a series of interpreters in Scheme and assess the differences in the resulting languages
- why Scheme (a functional language with imperative features)? for purposes of its elegance and power
- ideally situated between formal mathematics and natural language (preface to [TSS])
- ``If you give someone Fortran, he has Fortran. If you give someone LISP, he has any language he pleases'' (afterward to [TSS])
- it is the most powerful programming language
- it is a metalanguage: a language for creating languages [BITL]
- LISP is the second oldest programming language (which is the oldest?)
Programming language paradigms
- What is a paradigm? a model or world view (contributed by historian of science Thomas Kuhn) [SICP]
- What is a model? a simplified view of something in the real world
- What is a programming language paradigm? a pattern for a programming language to follow [PLPP]
- paradigms
- imperative
- ``any programming language characterized by
- sequential execution
- variables representing memory
- use of assignment to change the values of variables
is said to be an imperative programming language, since its primary method of describing computation is through a sequence of commands, or imperatives'' [PLPP] p. 13
- examples: C, FORTRAN, Pascal, Algol
- functional
- brings programming closer to mathematics; in functional programming languages, functions are first-class entities (see below)
- based on λ-calculus: a mathematical theory of functions on which all functional languages are based
- largely without variables, assignment, and iteration
- purity: no side-effects (not even for I/O), no variables, no assignment statement (see below)
- it is possible to program without variables and assignments statements
- examples: LISP, Scheme, ML, Haskell (pure)
- declarative/logic
- describe what you want, not how to get it
- rule-based
- support for reasoning about facts and rules
- rules specified in no particular order
- examples: PROLOG, CLIPS, POP
- can you think of another example? how about SQL
- an SQL query describes what data is desired, not how to answer it
- travel agents write queries, but a travel agent is not expected to write a program
- reason why DBMS's are the runaway success of the software industry
- usually declarative implies inefficient (several layers of abstraction) (e.g., PROLOG)
- SQL is declarative and efficient ... take CPS 430!
- impedance mismatch between database systems and programming languages
- is also a language paradigm mismatch
- need interfaces like JDBC
- object-oriented
- support for data modeling and abstraction
- message passing; an object-oriented system is one constructed as a collection of objects passing messages to each other
- purity: everything is an object, even primitives
- examples: C++, Java, Smalltalk (pure)
- multi-paradigm: boundaries of the traditional paradigms are becoming blurry
- others? scripting
- command- and control-oriented
- tend to be multi-paradigm, especially Python (imperative, functional, and object-oriented)
- examples: sh, AWK, CLOS, Perl, Python, PHP, R, REXX, Ruby, and Tcl/Tk (and earliest example: IBM's JCL)
- analogy: C is to the imperative paradigm, as Spanish is to romance languages (essentially all have the same grammar, only differ in the terminals)
- declarative languages are sometimes called very-high-level languages ([PLPP] p. 18 and [SICP] p. 22)
- will implement languages using Scheme, a functional language
- object-orientation evolved from the functional paradigm (see below)
- we will also explore (and program in) the functional, logic, and object-oriented paradigms through the use of the languages Haskell and ML, PROLOG, and Smalltalk, respectively
- where do functional and logic languages motivate from?
- LISP machine predecessor to modern single-user workstation as well as important modern technologies such as garbage collection, high-resolution graphics, and computer mice, among others
- Warren Abstract Machine (or WAM) is a target for PROLOG compilers
- historically,
- imperative languages involve more static bindings and, thus, tend to be compiled
- functional and logic languages involve more dynamic bindings and, thus, tend to be interpreted
- when to use which language in which paradigm? application-driven? other ideas?
Definitions of terms used above
- syntax (form of language) vs. semantics (meaning of language)
- first-class entity
- side-effect
Why take variables and assignment away from the programmer?
- seems stoic, but there must be an advantage
- no assignment in mathematics
- variable modification through assignment accounts for a large volume of bugs in programs
- without such facilities we might be able to write less buggy code
- other reasons? parallelization
First-class entity
- notion due to British computer scientist Christopher Strachey (1916-1975) ([SICP] p. 76)
- see [EOPL] p. 56 or [PLP] p. 143
- a first-class entity is one that can be
- stored (e.g., in a variable or data structure),
- passed as an argument, and
- returned as a value
- second-class: only passed as an argument
- third-class: cannot even be passed as an argument
- are objects first-class in C++? yes. Java? depends how you look at it
- are closures first-class in Scheme? yes
- alternate perspective ([PLPP] p. 337): the ability to create new values at run-time
Side effect
- see [COPL6] p. 299
- modification of a parameter or something in the external environment (e.g., a global variable or I/O)
- assignment statement possible?
- for instance, X = read(); print X + X; vs. print read() + read();
- a + fun(a) [COPL6] p. 299
Referential transparency
- expressions and languages are said to be referentially transparent (i.e., independent of evaluation order [PLP] p. 622) if the same arguments to a function yield the same output
- see [COPL6] p. 583
- alternate viewpoint (called substitution rule with mathematical expressions): ``any two expressions in a program that have the same value may be substituted for each other anywhere in the program -- in other words, their values always remain equal regardless of the context in which they are evaluated'' [PLPP] p. 268
- related to side-effects, but different
- are all functions without side-effects referentially transparent? no, consider a function which returns time()
- are all referentially transparent functions without side-effects? no, consider a function which prints "hello world" or a function that always returns 1, but modifies a global variable
What influences language design?
- why did programming languages evolve as they did?
- computer architecture (e.g., von Neumann architecture gives rise to imperative languages ([PLPP] p. 13-14))
- memory stores both instructions and data
- fetch-decode-execute cycle
- I/O (between processor and memory) is the biggest bottleneck of any computer architecture
- von Neumann bottleneck: computation need not described as a sequence of instructions operating on a single piece of data. For instace, what about
- parallel computation,
- nondeterministic computation, or
- recursion? [PLPP].
- programming methodology: top-down design, more data-driven, less procedure-driven, object-oriented
- surprisingly, not the abilities of programmers
- read The Psychology of Computer Programming by Gerald M. Weinberg
Book/Course objectives
- Establish an understanding of fundamental programming language concepts primarily through the implementation of interpreters.
- Improve your ability to understand new languages and technologies, and expand your background for selecting appropriate languages.
- Expose students to alternate styles/paradigms of programming and exotic ways of affecting computation so to paint a more holistic picture of computing.
Book/Course themes
- relationship between languages and the capacity to express ideas about computation
- static (rigid and fast) vs. dynamic (flexible and slow) properties
- cost/speed of execution vs. cost/speed of development
- simple, small, consistent, and powerful languages (LISP, Smalltalk) vs. complex, large, irregular, and weak languages (so called kitchen-sink languages [PLPP], e.g., C++)
- languages evolve: the influence of language design and implementation options on current trends in programming practice and vice versa (iPod, GPS in car)
- shift in modern times towards more functional, dynamic languages (speed of execution is less important as a design goal as it once was)
Advantages of this course of study
(or `why bother with this stuff anyway?')
- see [COPL6] § 1.1 (pp. 2-5)
- improve background for choosing appropriate languages
- ability to easily learn new languages and technologies as they arrive (ability to focus on the big picture and not the details)
- some things cannot be expressed as easily in certain languages (e.g., déjà vu in English, ref. Charlie Suer, Fall 2010)
- increase capacity to express ideas about computation (thinking out of the box)
- why these languages?
- increase ability to design and implement new languages
- to better appreciate the historical context
- to become a well-rounded computer scientist
- in summary, this course will make you a better programmer, in any language
What will you learn?
- concepts of programming languages through the implementation of interpreters
- language definition and description methods (e.g., grammars)
- how to implement interpreters and implementation strategies (e.g., inductive data types, data abstraction and representation, design patterns)
- programming paradigms and how to program using representative languages in each paradigm (e.g., Scheme, Haskell, ML, PROLOG, Smalltalk)
- esoteric language concepts (e.g., continuations, currying, lazy evaluation)
[BITL] |
G. J. Sussman, G.L. Steele, and R.P. Gabriel. A Brief Introduction to Lisp. ACM SIGPLAN Notices, 28(3), 361-362, 1993. |
[COPL6] |
R.W. Sebesta. Concepts of Programming Languages. Addison-Wesley, Boston, MA, Sixth edition, 2003. |
[PLP] |
M.L. Scott. Programming Language Pragmatics. Morgan Kaufmann, Amsterdam, Second edition, 2006. |
[PLPP] |
K.C. Louden. Programming Languages: Principles and Practice. Brooks/Cole, Pacific Grove, CA, Second edition, 2002. |
[SICP] |
H. Abelson and G.J. Sussman. Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs. MIT Press, Cambridge, MA, Second edition, 1996. |
[TSS] |
D.P. Friedman and M. Felleisen. The Seasoned Schemer. MIT Press, Cambridge, MA, 1996. |