317 git commit -m "add txt" 318 git push -u origin 319 ls 320 cd configserver/ 340 git fetch 是不变的 341 ls 342 git status 查看所有状态 343 git branch -r 查看所有分支 344 pull = fetch + merge 345 git merge origin/master 拉取分支 git pull origin master 查看远程分支 git branch -a 查看本地分支 git branch 删除分支 git branch -d 分支名字 删除远程分支 git push origin --delete 分支名字 显示所有分支 git branch -a 合并分支 1. 创建分支 git checkout -b fengjian 2. 修复代码 echo "fix" > index.html git add index.html git commit -m "fix index.html" 3. 切换到 master分支 git checkout master 3. 合并分支,推动到远程master git merge fengjian git push origin master 推送到远程其他分支 git push origin fengjian 3. 使用git clone git config --global user.name "fengjian" git config --global user.email "fengjian@senyint.com" ssh-keygen -t rsa -C "fengjian@senyint" 初始化配置git 用户名和email git config --global user.name "fengjian" git config --global user.email fengjian@senyint.com 查看配置信息 git config --list 解决冲突 1. 修改 Dockerfile 文件,添加 一行 11111111 git add Dockerfile git commit -m "update Dockerfile 111111111" 2. 修改Dockerfile 文件, 添加一行22222222 git add Dockerfile git commit -m "update Dockerfile 2222222" #合并master git pull origin master From * branch master -> FETCH_HEAD Updating 17a97de..ab57c2a error: Your local changes to the following files would be overwritten by merge: Dockerfile Please, commit your changes or stash them before you can merge. Aborting 修改 Dcokerfile, 删除head 和================ 再次提交 删除文件 1.进入到目录中 rm xxx.txt -rf 2. git add -A 或者 git rm xxx.txt 3. git commit -m "delete xxx.txt" 4. git push origin master 添加新的仓库 mkdir docker cd docker/ git init git remote add origin git remote show origin 远程仓库重命名 cd existing_repo git remote rename origin old-origin git remote add origin http://testgit.cinyi.com/HIP/docker.git git push -u origin --all git push -u origin --tags 具体操作流程 svn checkout cd EMDI/03-实现/源程序/EMDI/ git init git remote add origin git add . git commit -m "Initial commit" git push origin master 切换分支 git checkout -b 大连附一 git branch echo 11111 > book.txt git add book.txt git commit -m "branch fengjian add book.txt" git push origin 大连附一 指定远程分支下载到本地 git pull origin dev2:dev2