select::-ms-expand { display: none; } select { padding-right:20px; color:#a7bce3; appearance:none; -moz-appearance:none; -webkit-appearance:none; background: rgba(21, 81, 176, 0.89) url("../../../app/img/select-icon.png") no-repeat scroll right center; }
select {
background: rgba(21, 81, 176, 0.89) url("../../../app/img/select-icon.png") no-repeat scroll right center;
5.ie9 不支持 const
4.ie和火狐 a标签去除虚线框
(1)、设置 :focus{ outline: none; } 属性,但IE6、 7并没有用,似乎在一些Firefox浏览器上也没用
::-moz-focus-inner{ border: 0; }属性,Firefox有效,此处设置的不是outline,是border
(3)、最简单粗暴的方法 jq 基础下 $(this).blur(); 使其主动失去焦点,不用考虑浏览器问题,麻烦的是需要每个作用对象下执行
3.ie8 不支持 forEach
if ( !Array.prototype.forEach ) { Array.prototype.forEach = function forEach( callback, thisArg ) { var T, k; if ( this == null ) { throw new TypeError( "this is null or not defined" ); } var O = Object(this); var len = O.length >>> 0; if ( typeof callback !== "function" ) { throw new TypeError( callback + " is not a function" ); } if ( arguments.length > 1 ) { T = thisArg; } k = 0; while( k < len ) { var kValue; if ( k in O ) { kValue = O[ k ]; callback.call( T, kValue, k, O ); } k++; } }; }
2.ie8 不支持indexOf
// Production steps of ECMA-262, Edition 5, // Reference: http://es5.github.io/#x15.4.4.14 if (!Array.prototype.indexOf) { Array.prototype.indexOf = function(searchElement, fromIndex) { var k; // 1. Let o be the result of calling ToObject passing // the this value as the argument. if (this == null) { throw new TypeError('"this" is null or not defined'); } var o = Object(this); // 2. Let lenValue be the result of calling the Get // internal method of o with the argument "length". // 3. Let len be ToUint32(lenValue). var len = o.length >>> 0; // 4. If len is 0, return -1. if (len === 0) { return -1; } // 5. If argument fromIndex was passed let n be // ToInteger(fromIndex); else let n be 0. var n = fromIndex | 0; // 6. If n >= len, return -1. if (n >= len) { return -1; } // 7. If n >= 0, then Let k be n. // 8. Else, n<0, Let k be len - abs(n). // If k is less than 0, then let k be 0. k = Math.max(n >= 0 ? n : len - Math.abs(n), 0); // 9. Repeat, while k < len while (k < len) { // a. Let Pk be ToString(k). // This is implicit for LHS operands of the in operator // b. Let kPresent be the result of calling the // HasProperty internal method of o with argument Pk. // This step can be combined with c // c. If kPresent is true, then // i. Let elementK be the result of calling the Get // internal method of o with the argument ToString(k). // ii. Let same be the result of applying the // Strict Equality Comparison Algorithm to // searchElement and elementK. // iii. If same is true, return k. if (k in o && o[k] === searchElement) { return k; } k++; } return -1; }; }
function IEVersion() { var userAgent = navigator.userAgent; //取得浏览器的userAgent字符串 var isIE = userAgent.indexOf("compatible") > -1 && userAgent.indexOf("MSIE") > -1; //判断是否IE<11浏览器 var isEdge = userAgent.indexOf("Edge") > -1 && !isIE; //判断是否IE的Edge浏览器 var isIE11 = userAgent.indexOf('Trident') > -1 && userAgent.indexOf("rv:11.0") > -1; if(isIE) { var reIE = new RegExp("MSIE (\d+\.\d+);"); reIE.test(userAgent); var fIEVersion = parseFloat(RegExp["$1"]); if(fIEVersion == 7) { return 7; } else if(fIEVersion == 8) { return 8; } else if(fIEVersion == 9) { return 9; } else if(fIEVersion == 10) { return 10; } else { return 6;//IE版本<=7 } } else if(isEdge) { return 'edge';//edge } else if(isIE11) { return 11; //IE11 }else{ return -1;//不是ie浏览器 } }
值 | 值类型 | 值说明 |
-1 | Number | 不是ie浏览器 |
6 | Number | ie版本<=6 |
7 | Number | ie7 |
8 | Number | ie8 |
9 | Number | ie9 |
10 | Number | ie10 |
11 | Number | ie11 |
'edge' | String | ie的edge浏览器 |