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    1. def sendmail(xx,conntent):
    2. try:
    3. import smtplib
    4. from email.mime.text import MIMEText
    5. from email.utils import formataddr
    6. msg = MIMEText(conntent, 'plain', 'utf-8')
    7. msg['From'] = formataddr(["谭付飞", 'tanfufei@aliyun.com'])
    8. msg['To'] = formataddr(["vattss", 'tanfufei@163.com'])
    9. msg['Subject'] = "主题"
    10. server = smtplib.SMTP("smtp.aliyun.com", 25)
    11. server.login("tanfufei@aliyun.com", "yellow1rose")
    12. server.sendmail('tanfufei@aliyun.com', [xx, ], msg.as_string())
    13. server.quit()
    14. except:
    15. return "失败"
    16. else:
    17. return "cc"
    18. while True:
    19. em=input("请输入邮件地址:")
    20. co=input("请输入邮件内容:")
    21. res=sendmail(em,co)
    22. if res=="cc":
    23. print("发送成功")
    24. else:
    25. print("发送失败")


    1. def login(user,passwd):
    2. '''
    3. 用于用户登陆
    4. :param user:用户名
    5. :param passwd:密码
    6. :return:
    7. '''
    8. f=open('db','r')
    9. for line in f:
    10. line_list=line.strip().split('|') #strip()移除空白和换行符
    11. if line_list[0]==user and line_list[1]==passwd:
    12. return True
    13. return False
    14. pass
    15. def register(ruser,rpasswd):
    16. '''
    17. 用于用户注册
    18. :param ruser: 用户名
    19. :param rpasswd: 密码
    20. :return:默认返回None
    21. '''
    22. f=open('db','a')
    23. temp=' '+ruser + '|' + rpasswd
    24. f.write(temp)
    25. f.close()
    26. pass
    27. def main():
    28. res=input("[1]登陆 [2] 注册:")
    29. if res=='1':
    30. user=input("请输入用户名:")
    31. passwd=input("请输入密码:")
    32. r=login(user,passwd)
    33. if r:
    34. print("登陆成功")
    35. else:
    36. print("登陆失败")
    37. elif res=='2':
    38. ruser=input("请输入用户名:")
    39. rpasswd=input("请输入密码:")
    40. register(ruser,rpasswd)
    41. pass
    42. main()

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/fftan/p/5955284.html
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