from queue import Queue
首先创建一个Job类,为了测试简单,只包含一个job id属性
#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- class Job: def __init__(self, job_id): self.job_id = job_id
from Queue import Queue from multiprocessing.managers import BaseManager from job import Job class Master: def __init__(self): # 派发出去的作业队列 self.dispatched_job_queue = Queue() # 完成的作业队列 self.finished_job_queue = Queue() def get_dispatched_job_queue(self): return self.dispatched_job_queue def get_finished_job_queue(self): return self.finished_job_queue def start(self): # 把派发作业队列和完成作业队列注册到网络上 BaseManager.register('get_dispatched_job_queue', callable=self.get_dispatched_job_queue) BaseManager.register('get_finished_job_queue', callable=self.get_finished_job_queue) # 监听端口和启动服务 manager = BaseManager(address=('', 8888), authkey='jobs') manager.start() # 使用上面注册的方法获取队列 dispatched_jobs = manager.get_dispatched_job_queue() finished_jobs = manager.get_finished_job_queue() # 这里一次派发10个作业,等到10个作业都运行完后,继续再派发10个作业 job_id = 0 while True: for i in range(0, 10): job_id = job_id + 1 job = Job(job_id) print('Dispatch job: %s' % job.job_id) dispatched_jobs.put(job) while not dispatched_jobs.empty(): job = finished_jobs.get(60) print('Finished Job: %s' % job.job_id) manager.shutdown() if __name__ == "__main__": master = Master() master.start()
import time from Queue import Queue from multiprocessing.managers import BaseManager from job import Job class Slave: def __init__(self): # 派发出去的作业队列 self.dispatched_job_queue = Queue() # 完成的作业队列 self.finished_job_queue = Queue() def start(self): # 把派发作业队列和完成作业队列注册到网络上 BaseManager.register('get_dispatched_job_queue') BaseManager.register('get_finished_job_queue') # 连接master server = '' print('Connect to server %s...' % server) manager = BaseManager(address=(server, 8888), authkey='jobs') manager.connect() # 使用上面注册的方法获取队列 dispatched_jobs = manager.get_dispatched_job_queue() finished_jobs = manager.get_finished_job_queue() # 运行作业并返回结果,这里只是模拟作业运行,所以返回的是接收到的作业 while True: job = dispatched_jobs.get(timeout=1) print('Run job: %s ' % job.job_id) time.sleep(1) finished_jobs.put(job) if __name__ == "__main__": slave = Slave() slave.start()
>$ python master.py Dispatch job: 1 Dispatch job: 2 Dispatch job: 3 Dispatch job: 4 Dispatch job: 5 Dispatch job: 6 Dispatch job: 7 Dispatch job: 8 Dispatch job: 9 Dispatch job: 10 Finished Job: 1 Finished Job: 2 Finished Job: 3 Finished Job: 4 Finished Job: 5 Finished Job: 6 Finished Job: 7 Finished Job: 8 Finished Job: 9 Dispatch job: 11 Dispatch job: 12 Dispatch job: 13 Dispatch job: 14 Dispatch job: 15 Dispatch job: 16 Dispatch job: 17 Dispatch job: 18 Dispatch job: 19 Dispatch job: 20 Finished Job: 10 Finished Job: 11 Finished Job: 12 Finished Job: 13 Finished Job: 14 Finished Job: 15 Finished Job: 16 Finished Job: 17 Finished Job: 18 Dispatch job: 21 Dispatch job: 22 Dispatch job: 23 Dispatch job: 24 Dispatch job: 25 Dispatch job: 26 Dispatch job: 27 Dispatch job: 28 Dispatch job: 29 Dispatch job: 30
$ python slave.py Connect to server Run job: 1 Run job: 2 Run job: 3 Run job: 5 Run job: 7 Run job: 9 Run job: 11 Run job: 13 Run job: 15 Run job: 17 Run job: 19 Run job: 21 Run job: 23
>$ python slave.py Connect to server Run job: 4 Run job: 6 Run job: 8 Run job: 10 Run job: 12 Run job: 14 Run job: 16 Run job: 18 Run job: 20 Run job: 22 Run job: 24