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  • 区间重合判断


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    1. #include <stdio.h>  
    2. #include <vector>  
    3. #include <algorithm>  
    4. class Interval {  
    5.  public:  
    6.   Interval(int start, int end) : start_(start), end_(end) {}  
    7.   Interval() :start_(0), end_(0) {}  
    8.   static bool OrderByStart(const Interval& left, const Interval& right) {  
    9.     return left.start_ < right.start_;  
    10. 10.   }  
    11. 11.   friend bool operator<(const Interval& left, const Interval& right) {  
    12. 12.     return left.start_ < right.start_;  
    13. 13.   }  
    14. 14.   int start_;  
    15. 15.   int end_;  

    16. };  

    17. void CombinInterval(std::vector<Interval>& orginal, std::vector<Interval>* combined) {  

    1. 18.   if (orginal.size() < 1) {  
    2. 19.     return;  
    3. 20.   }  
    4. 21.   sort(orginal.begin(), orginal.end(), Interval::OrderByStart);  
    5. 22.   Interval combined_interval = orginal[0];  
    6. 23.   int new_ending = orginal[0].end_;  
    7. 24.   for (int i = 1; i < orginal.size(); ++i) {  
    8. 25.     if (combined_interval.end_ >= orginal[i].start_) {  
    9. 26.       new_ending = combined_interval.end_ > orginal[i].end_ ? combined_interval.end_ : orginal[i].end_;  
    10. 27.       continue;  
    11. 28.     }  
    12. 29.     combined_interval.end_ = new_ending;  
    13. 30.     combined->push_back(combined_interval);  
    14. 31.     combined_interval = orginal[i];  
    15. 32.     new_ending = orginal[i].end_;  
    16. 33.   }  
    17. 34.   combined_interval.end_ = new_ending;  
    18. 35.   combined->push_back(combined_interval);  

    36. }  

    37. bool CoverTest(const Interval& interval, std::vector<Interval>& intervals, Interval* covered_interval) {  

    1. 38.   std::vector<Interval> combined_intervals;  
    2. 39.   CombinInterval(intervals, &combined_intervals);  
    3. 40.   for (int i = 0; i < combined_intervals.size(); ++i) {  
    4. 41.     printf("%d-%d ", combined_intervals[i].start_, combined_intervals[i].end_);  
    5. 42.   }  
    6. 43.     
    7. 44.   if (combined_intervals.size() < 1) {  
    8. 45.     return false;  
    9. 46.   }  
    10. 47.   int start = 0;  
    11. 48.   int end = combined_intervals.size() -1;  
    12. 49.   int middle = 0;  
    13. 50.   bool found = false;  
    14. 51.   while (end >= start) {  
    15. 52.     middle = (start + end) / 2;  
    16. 53.     if (interval < combined_intervals[middle]) {  
    17. 54.       end = middle - 1;  
    18. 55.     } else if (combined_intervals[middle] < interval) {  
    19. 56.       start = middle + 1;  
    20. 57.     } else {  
    21. 58.       found = true;  
    22. 59.       break;        
    23. 60.     }  
    24. 61.   }  
    25. 62.   int target_index = found ? middle : start - 1;  
    26. 63.   printf("target:%d ", target_index);  
    27. 64.   if (target_index >= 0 &&  
    28. 65.       combined_intervals[target_index].start_ <= interval.start_ &&  
    29. 66.       combined_intervals[target_index].end_  >= interval.end_) {  
    30. 67.     *covered_interval = combined_intervals[target_index];  
    31. 68.     return true;  
    32. 69.   } else {  
    33. 70.     return false;  
    34. 71.   }  

    72. }    

    73. int main(int argc, char** argv) {  

    1. 74.   std::vector<Interval> intervals;  
    2. 75.   intervals.push_back(Interval(2,5));  
    3. 76.   intervals.push_back(Interval(3,4));  
    4. 77.   intervals.push_back(Interval(4,7));  
    5. 78.   intervals.push_back(Interval(9,13));  
    6. 79.   Interval target_interval(3, 4);  
    7. 80.   Interval covered_interval;  
    8. 81.   if (CoverTest(target_interval, intervals, &covered_interval)) {  
    9. 82.     printf("the covered interval is (%d, %d) ", covered_interval.start_, covered_interval.end_);  
    10. 83.   } else {  
    11. 84.     printf("uncovered ");  
    12. 85.   }  

    86. }  



    1、函数参数开始使用了const 修饰,导致sort时出错


    3、二分查找,找下界时,需要将查找过程走几遍就比较清楚了,下界是start-1,但如果start为0,下界可能是负数,要注意处理。另外循环条件是start <=end,等号也很重要,如果判断过程中只有一个元素时,就是等号覆盖的情况。



    然后输入N个无序区间[x1,y1], [x2, y2], [x3, y3]...




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    using namespace std;


    const int size = 100;

    int father[size];

    int rank[size];


    void make_set(int n)


        for(int i = 1; i <= n; i ++){

            father[i] = i;   

            rank[i] = 1;




    int find_set(int x)


        if(x != father[x]){

            father[x] = find_set(father[x]);   


        return father[x];



    void Union(int x, int y)


        x = find_set(x);   

        y = find_set(y);

        if(x == y){

            return ;   


        if(rank[x] < rank[y]){

            father[x] = y;   



            father[y] = x;

            if(rank[x] == rank[y]){

                rank[x] ++;   





    int main()


        int x1, y1;

        cin >> x1 >> y1;

        int x, y;

        int n;

        cin >> n;


        while(n --){

            cin >> x >> y;

            if(x > y){

                swap(x, y);   


            for(int i = x + 1; i <= y; i ++){

                Union(x, i);



        if(find_set(x1) == find_set(y1)){

            cout << "yes" << endl;   



            cout << "no" << endl;   






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    using namespace std;


    typedef pair<int, int> section;


    bool cmp(section a, section b)


        return a.first < b.first;   



    int main()


        section src, tmp;

        cin >> src.first >> src.second;


        vector<section> v;

        while(cin >> tmp.first >> tmp.second, tmp.first | tmp.second){




        sort(v.begin(), v.end(), cmp);


        vector<section> res;

        vector<section>::iterator it = v.begin();

        int begin = it->first;

        for(; (it + 1) != v.end(); it ++){

            if(it->second < (it + 1)->first){

                res.push_back(make_pair(begin, it->second));   

                begin = (it + 1)->first;




        bool solve = false;

        it = res.begin();

        for(; it != res.end(); it ++){

            if(src.first >= it->first && src.second <= it->second){

                solve = true;   





            cout << "in" << endl;   



            cout << "out" << endl;   




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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/fickleness/p/3154995.html
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