1 import sys 2 3 def print_board(): 4 for i in range(3): 5 for j in range(3): 6 print map[2 - i][j], 7 if j != 2: 8 print '|', 9 print '' 10 11 def check_done(): 12 for i in range(3): 13 if map[i][0] == map[i][1] == map[i][2] != ' ' or map[0][i] == map[1][i] == map[2][i] != ' ': 14 print turn, "Won!!!" 15 return True 16 17 if map[0][0] == map[1][1] == map[2][2] != ' ' or map[0][2] == map[1][1] == map[2][0] != ' ': 18 print turn, "Won!!!" 19 return True 20 21 if ' ' not in map[0] and ' ' not in map[1] and ' ' not in map[2]: 22 print "Draw" 23 return True 24 25 return False 26 27 turn = 'X' 28 done = False 29 map = [[' ', ' ', ' '], 30 [' ', ' ', ' '], 31 [' ', ' ', ' ']] 32 print "Please select position by typing in a number between 1 and 9, see below for which number that is which position..." 33 print "7|8|9" 34 print "4|5|6" 35 print "1|2|3" 36 print_board() 37 while done != True: 38 print turn + "'s turn" 39 try: 40 pos = input("Select: ") 41 if 1 <= pos <= 9: 42 X = (pos - 1) / 3 43 Y = (pos - 1) % 3 44 if map[X][Y] == ' ': 45 map[X][Y] = turn 46 print_board() 47 done = check_done() 48 if done == False: 49 if turn == 'X': 50 turn = 'O' 51 else: 52 turn = 'X' 53 except: 54 print "You need to add a numeric value"