Squid checks all always_direct tags before it checks any never_direct tags. If a matching always_direct tag is found, Squid will not check the never_direct tags, but decides which cache to talk to immediately....If the line used the deny keyword instead of allow, Squid would have simply skipped on to checking the never_direct lines
use this to not query neighbor caches for certain objects....never_direct overrides this option
always_direct *prevents* peers being used. It does not force them. " hierarchy_stoplist ? " is the directive preventing the peer being used. 看起来挺让人晕头转向的。 其实就是说: always_direct allow的优先级高于never_direct,但deny(包括allow !)时则不。 hierarchy_stoplist强制请求通过域名解析回源,但never_direct又优先于它。 prefer_direct用于所有cache_peer都down了时,never_direct会报错,而prefer会转入dns解析。