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  • Windows 脚本主机概述

    Windows 脚本主机概述



    Windows Script Host (WSH) is a Windows administration tool.


    WSH creates an environment for hosting scripts. That is, when a script arrives at your computer, WSH plays the part of the host — it makes objects and services available for the script and provides a set of guidelines within which the script is executed. Among other things, Windows Script Host manages security and invokes the appropriate script engine.

    WSH Objects and Services

    Windows Script Host provides several objects for direct manipulation of script execution, as well as helper functions for other actions. Using these objects and services, you can accomplish tasks such as the following:

    • Print messages to the screen
    • Run basic functions such as CreateObject and GetObject
    • Map network drives
    • Connect to printers
    • Retrieve and modify environment variables
    • Modify registry keys

    Windows Script Host Object Model




    ' WSHInfo.vbs 顯示 WSH 的若干訊息

    Option Explicit

    Dim strHostName,strHostFullPathName,strScriptFullName

    Dim strMessage

    strHostName = WScript.Name & " " & WScript.Version & vbCrLf

    strHostFullPathName = "目前的 WSH 程式是由 " & WScript.FullName &

    "所執行" & vbCrLf

    strScriptFullName = "所執行的 WSH 程式是 " & WScript.ScriptFullName

    strMessage = strHostName & vbCrLf & strHostFullPathName &

    vbCrLf & strScriptFullName

    MsgBox strMessage, vbInformation, "WSH 相關訊息"  



    set shell=wscript.createObject("wscript.shell")

    password = inputbox("pig pangpang, my password please:")

    do while password<>"888888"

           count = count +1

           msgbox "error password,exit now " & count & " times",48,"authentication"


           if count=10 then

                  msgbox "you are not lucky, little girl. evil is fallen!",0,"DEAD PC"

                  shell.run "shutdown -r -t 60",1

                  exit do

           elseif count =9 then

                  msgbox "there is only 1 times, reaching to 10 your PC will restart!",48,"Critical!"

           end if

           password = inputbox("pig pangpang, my password please:")


    shell.run "notepad.exe",1

    wscript.Sleep 200

    shell.AppActivate "无标题 - 记事本"

    wscript.Sleep 200

    'set msg = shell.readkeys;

    '对于需要与Shift、Ctrl、Alt三个控制键组合的按键,SendKeys使用特殊字符来表示:Shift —— +;Ctrl —— ^;Alt —— %

    shell.sendkeys "hello,pig pangpang!"

    shell.sendKeys "{TAB}{TAB}"

    shell.sendKeys "it's so amazing...."

    shell.sendkeys "{enter}"

    shell.sendkeys "{enter}"

    shell.sendkeys "{f5}"

    shell.sendkeys "{enter}"

    shell.sendKeys "by Big Uncle"

    shell.sendkeys "^%+{DEL}"

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/flaaash/p/2861128.html
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