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  • CommunityServer2.1删除anonymous帐号后的解决办法

    Deleted Anonymous user. Anyway to fix this....??


    Are you running Community Server 2.1?  Did you delete the anonymous user in the Control Panel Membership page and tell it to reassign all posts assigned to the Anonymous user to "anonymous"?

     If all of the above are true, then it would have deleted all of the anonymous user records in the database, but kept all of the posts. The post records would link to the now non-existant anonymous user account so they would not show up or possibly give an error when viewing them.

    Attached is a simple SQL script to recreate the CS anonymous user once it has been deleted in the scenario above. It will do so with the same UserID as the old one, so anonymous posts should be visible and work again.  There are two settings in the script that you need to check to make sure they match your site's settings:  the application name (in aspnet_applications table - in most sites it is "dev" ) and the UserID of the deleted Anonymous user account. In most cases the anonymous userid is 2101, but you can double check this by looking in the cs_posts table and finding the UserId of posts you know are anonymous.

    Hope that helps!



    Restore CS Anonymous User Script
    A script to re-create the CS
    anonymous user with the same UserID
    as previously used so any posts
    assigned to the anon user will
    show back up.

    Declare @UserID uniqueidentifier
    Declare @ApplicationID uniqueidentifier
    Declare @EveryoneRoleID uniqueidentifier
    Declare @SettingsID int
    Declare @ApplicationName nvarchar(256)
    Declare @cs_UserID int

    Check the two settings below
    to make sure they are correct
    for your CS site!
    Set @cs_UserID = 2101
    Set @ApplicationName = 'dev'

    Set @UserID = newid()
    Select top 1 @ApplicationID = ApplicationId FROM aspnet_Applications where ApplicationName = @ApplicationName
    Select top 1 @SettingsID = SettingsID FROM cs_SiteSettings where ApplicationName = @ApplicationName
    Select top 1 @EveryoneRoleID = RoleId FROM aspnet_Roles where LoweredRoleName = 'everyone'

    Print 'Re-Creating Anonymous User'
    INSERT INTO [aspnet_Users] ([UserId], [ApplicationId], [UserName], [LoweredUserName], [MobileAlias], [IsAnonymous], [LastActivityDate])
    VALUES (@UserID, @ApplicationID, 'Anonymous', Lower('Anonymous'), NULL, 1, getdate())

    INSERT INTO [aspnet_Membership] ([ApplicationId],[UserId], [Password], [PasswordFormat], [PasswordSalt], [MobilePIN], [Email], [LoweredEmail], [PasswordQuestion], [PasswordAnswer], [IsApproved], [CreateDate], [LastLoginDate], [LastPasswordChangedDate], [Comment], [FailedPasswordAnswerAttemptWindowStart], [FailedPasswordAnswerAttemptCount], [FailedPasswordAttemptWindowStart], [FailedPasswordAttemptCount], [LastLockoutDate], [IsLockedOut])
    VALUES (@ApplicationID, @UserID, @UserID, 0, N'DVZTktxeMzDtXR7eik7Cdw==', NULL, 'anonymous@localhost.com', NULL, NULL, NULL, 1, getdate(), getdate(), getdate(), NULL, '1753-01-01', 0, '1753-01-01', 0, '1753-01-01', 0)

    INSERT INTO [cs_Users]([MembershipID], [UserId], [ForceLogin], [UserAccountStatus], [AppUserToken], [LastActivity], [LastAction])
    VALUES(@UserID, @cs_UserID, 0,1, null, getdate(), '')

    INSERT INTO [cs_UserProfile]([UserID], [TimeZone], [TotalPosts], [PostSortOrder], [PostRank], [IsAvatarApproved], [ModerationLevel], [EnableThreadTracking], [EnableDisplayUnreadThreadsOnly], [EnableAvatar], [EnableDisplayInMemberList], [EnablePrivateMessages], [EnableOnlineStatus], [EnableHtmlEmail], [MembershipID], [SettingsID], [PropertyNames], [PropertyValues])
    VALUES (@cs_UserID, 0, 0, 0, 0x01, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, @UserID, @SettingsID, NULL, NULL)

    -- add the anonymous user to the everyone role
    INSERT INTO aspnet_UsersInRoles ([UserId], [RoleId]) VALUES( @UserID, @EveryoneRoleID )

    select * from cs_users where UserID = @cs_UserID

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/flashlm/p/CreateAnonymousUseInCS2_1.html
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