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链接:https://pan.baidu.com/s/1f9VdZUXztwylkOdFLbcmWw 密码:2r4v
我使用Python 抓取过一些网站数据,如:美团、点评、一亩田、租房等;这些数据并没有用作商业用途而是个人兴趣爬取下来做练习使用;这里我已 一亩田为例使用 scrapy框架去抓取它的数据。
抓取大类、中类、小类、品种 hangqing.py

1 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- 2 import scrapy 3 from mySpider.items import MyspiderItem 4 from copy import deepcopy 5 import time 6 7 8 class HangqingSpider(scrapy.Spider): 9 name = "hangqing" 10 allowed_domains = ["hangqing.ymt.com"] 11 start_urls = ( 12 'http://hangqing.ymt.com/', 13 ) 14 15 # 大分类数据 16 def parse(self, response): 17 a_list = response.xpath("//div[@id='purchase_wrapper']/div//a[@class='hide']") 18 19 for a in a_list: 20 items = MyspiderItem() 21 items["ymt_bigsort_href"] = a.xpath("./@href").extract_first() 22 items["ymt_bigsort_id"] = items["ymt_bigsort_href"].replace("http://hangqing.ymt.com/common/nav_chandi_", "") 23 items["ymt_bigsort_name"] = a.xpath("./text()").extract_first() 24 25 # 发送详情页的请求 26 yield scrapy.Request( 27 items["ymt_bigsort_href"], 28 callback=self.parse_medium_detail, 29 meta={"item": deepcopy(items)} 30 ) 31 32 33 # 中分类数据 其中小类也包含在其中 34 def parse_medium_detail(self, response): 35 items = response.meta["item"] 36 li_list = response.xpath("//div[@class='cate_nav_wrap']//a") 37 for li in li_list: 38 items["ymt_mediumsort_id"] = li.xpath("./@data-id").extract_first() 39 items["ymt_mediumsort_name"] = li.xpath("./text()").extract_first() 40 yield scrapy.Request( 41 items["ymt_bigsort_href"], 42 callback=self.parse_small_detail, 43 meta={"item": deepcopy(items)}, 44 dont_filter=True 45 ) 46 47 # 小分类数据 48 def parse_small_detail(self, response): 49 item = response.meta["item"] 50 mediumsort_id = item["ymt_mediumsort_id"] 51 if int(mediumsort_id) > 0: 52 nav_product_id = "nav-product-" + mediumsort_id 53 a_list = response.xpath("//div[@class='cate_content_1']//div[contains(@class,'{}')]//ul//a".format(nav_product_id)) 54 for a in a_list: 55 item["ymt_smallsort_id"] = a.xpath("./@data-id").extract_first() 56 item["ymt_smallsort_href"] = a.xpath("./@href").extract_first() 57 item["ymt_smallsort_name"] = a.xpath("./text()").extract_first() 58 yield scrapy.Request( 59 item["ymt_smallsort_href"], 60 callback=self.parse_variety_detail, 61 meta={"item": deepcopy(item)} 62 ) 63 64 # 品种数据 65 def parse_variety_detail(self, response): 66 item = response.meta["item"] 67 li_list = response.xpath("//ul[@class='all_cate clearfix']//li") 68 if len(li_list) > 0: 69 for li in li_list: 70 item["ymt_breed_href"] = li.xpath("./a/@href").extract_first() 71 item["ymt_breed_name"] = li.xpath("./a/text()").extract_first() 72 item["ymt_breed_id"] = item["ymt_breed_href"].split("_")[2] 73 74 yield item 75 76 else: 77 item["ymt_breed_href"] = "" 78 item["ymt_breed_name"] = "" 79 item["ymt_breed_id"] = -1 80 81 yield item
抓取省份、城市、县市 chandi.py

1 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- 2 import scrapy 3 from mySpider.items import MyspiderChanDi 4 from copy import deepcopy 5 6 7 class ChandiSpider(scrapy.Spider): 8 name = 'chandi' 9 allowed_domains = ['hangqing.ymt.com'] 10 start_urls = ['http://hangqing.ymt.com/chandi_8031_0_0'] 11 12 # 省份数据 13 def parse(self, response): 14 # 产地列表 15 li_list = response.xpath("//div[@class='fl sku_name']/ul//li") 16 for li in li_list: 17 items = MyspiderChanDi() 18 items["ymt_province_href"] = li.xpath("./a/@href").extract_first() 19 items["ymt_province_id"] = items["ymt_province_href"].split("_")[-1] 20 items["ymt_province_name"] = li.xpath("./a/text()").extract_first() 21 22 yield scrapy.Request( 23 items["ymt_province_href"], 24 callback=self.parse_city_detail, 25 meta={"item": deepcopy(items)} 26 ) 27 28 # 城市数据 29 def parse_city_detail(self, response): 30 item = response.meta["item"] 31 option = response.xpath("//select[@class='location_select'][1]//option") 32 33 if len(option) > 0: 34 for op in option: 35 name = op.xpath("./text()").extract_first() 36 if name != "全部": 37 item["ymt_city_name"] = name 38 item["ymt_city_href"] = op.xpath("./@data-url").extract_first() 39 item["ymt_city_id"] = item["ymt_city_href"].split("_")[-1] 40 yield scrapy.Request( 41 item["ymt_city_href"], 42 callback=self.parse_area_detail, 43 meta={"item": deepcopy(item)} 44 ) 45 else: 46 item["ymt_city_name"] = "" 47 item["ymt_city_href"] = "" 48 item["ymt_city_id"] = 0 49 yield scrapy.Request( 50 item["ymt_city_href"], 51 callback=self.parse_area_detail, 52 meta={"item": deepcopy(item)} 53 54 ) 55 56 # 县市数据 57 def parse_area_detail(self, response): 58 item = response.meta["item"] 59 area_list = response.xpath("//select[@class='location_select'][2]//option") 60 61 if len(area_list) > 0: 62 for area in area_list: 63 name = area.xpath("./text()").extract_first() 64 if name != "全部": 65 item["ymt_area_name"] = name 66 item["ymt_area_href"] = area.xpath("./@data-url").extract_first() 67 item["ymt_area_id"] = item["ymt_area_href"].split("_")[-1] 68 yield item 69 else: 70 item["ymt_area_name"] = "" 71 item["ymt_area_href"] = "" 72 item["ymt_area_id"] = 0 73 yield item

1 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- 2 import scrapy 3 import pymysql 4 import json 5 from copy import deepcopy 6 from mySpider.items import MySpiderSmallProvincePrice 7 import datetime 8 9 10 class LocationCharSpider(scrapy.Spider): 11 name = 'location_char' 12 allowed_domains = ['hangqing.ymt.com'] 13 start_urls = ['http://hangqing.ymt.com/'] 14 15 i = datetime.datetime.now() 16 dateKey = str(i.year) + str(i.month) + str(i.day) 17 db = pymysql.connect( 18 host="", port=3306, 19 user='root', password='mysql', 20 db='ymt_db', charset='utf8' 21 ) 22 23 def parse(self, response): 24 cur = self.db.cursor() 25 location_char_sql = "select small_id from ymt_price_small where dateKey = {} and day_avg_price > 0".format(self.dateKey) 26 27 cur.execute(location_char_sql) 28 location_chars = cur.fetchall() 29 for ch in location_chars: 30 item = MySpiderSmallProvincePrice() 31 item["small_id"] = ch[0] 32 location_char_url = "http://hangqing.ymt.com/chandi/location_charts" 33 small_id = str(item["small_id"]) 34 form_data = { 35 "locationId": "0", 36 "productId": small_id, 37 "breedId": "0" 38 } 39 yield scrapy.FormRequest( 40 location_char_url, 41 formdata=form_data, 42 callback=self.location_char, 43 meta={"item": deepcopy(item)} 44 ) 45 46 def location_char(self, response): 47 item = response.meta["item"] 48 49 html_str = json.loads(response.text) 50 status = html_str["status"] 51 if status == 0: 52 item["unit"] = html_str["data"]["unit"] 53 item["dateKey"] = self.dateKey 54 dataList = html_str["data"]["dataList"] 55 for data in dataList: 56 if type(data) == type([]): 57 item["province_name"] = data[0] 58 item["province_price"] = data[1] 59 elif type(data) == type({}): 60 item["province_name"] = data["name"] 61 item["province_price"] = data["y"] 62 63 location_char_url = "http://hangqing.ymt.com/chandi/location_charts" 64 small_id = str(item["small_id"]) 65 province_name = str(item["province_name"]) 66 province_id_sql = "select province_id from ymt_1_dim_cdProvince where province_name = "{}" ".format(province_name) 67 cur = self.db.cursor() 68 cur.execute(province_id_sql) 69 province_id = cur.fetchone() 70 71 item["province_id"] = province_id[0] 72 73 province_id = str(province_id[0]) 74 form_data = { 75 "locationId": province_id, 76 "productId": small_id, 77 "breedId": "0" 78 } 79 yield scrapy.FormRequest( 80 location_char_url, 81 formdata=form_data, 82 callback=self.location_char_province, 83 meta={"item": deepcopy(item)} 84 ) 85 86 def location_char_province(self, response): 87 item = response.meta["item"] 88 89 html_str = json.loads(response.text) 90 status = html_str["status"] 91 92 if status == 0: 93 dataList = html_str["data"]["dataList"] 94 for data in dataList: 95 if type(data) == type([]): 96 item["city_name"] = data[0] 97 item["city_price"] = data[1] 98 elif type(data) == type({}): 99 item["city_name"] = data["name"] 100 item["city_price"] = data["y"] 101 102 location_char_url = "http://hangqing.ymt.com/chandi/location_charts" 103 small_id = str(item["small_id"]) 104 city_name = str(item["city_name"]) 105 city_id_sql = "select city_id from ymt_1_dim_cdCity where city_name = "{}" ".format(city_name) 106 cur = self.db.cursor() 107 cur.execute(city_id_sql) 108 city_id = cur.fetchone() 109 110 item["city_id"] = city_id[0] 111 112 city_id = str(city_id[0]) 113 form_data = { 114 "locationId": city_id, 115 "productId": small_id, 116 "breedId": "0" 117 } 118 yield scrapy.FormRequest( 119 location_char_url, 120 formdata=form_data, 121 callback=self.location_char_province_city, 122 meta={"item": deepcopy(item)} 123 ) 124 125 def location_char_province_city(self, response): 126 item = response.meta["item"] 127 128 html_str = json.loads(response.text) 129 status = html_str["status"] 130 131 if status == 0: 132 dataList = html_str["data"]["dataList"] 133 for data in dataList: 134 if type(data) == type([]): 135 item["area_name"] = data[0] 136 item["area_price"] = data[1] 137 elif type(data) == type({}): 138 item["area_name"] = data["name"] 139 item["area_price"] = data["y"] 140 area_name = item["area_name"] 141 area_id_sql = "select area_id from ymt_1_dim_cdArea where area_name = "{}" ".format(area_name) 142 cur1 = self.db.cursor() 143 cur1.execute(area_id_sql) 144 area_id = cur1.fetchone() 145 146 item["area_id"] = area_id[0] 147 148 breed_id_sql = "select breed_id from ymt_all_info_sort where small_id = {} and breed_id > 0".format(item["small_id"]) 149 cur1.execute(breed_id_sql) 150 breed_ids = cur1.fetchall() 151 # print(len(breed_ids)) 152 location_char_url = "http://hangqing.ymt.com/chandi/location_charts" 153 for breed_id in breed_ids: 154 item["breed_id"] = breed_id[0] 155 form_data = { 156 "locationId": str(item["city_id"]), 157 "productId": str(item["small_id"]), 158 "breedId": str(breed_id[0]) 159 } 160 # print(form_data, breed_id) 161 yield scrapy.FormRequest( 162 location_char_url, 163 formdata=form_data, 164 callback=self.location_char_province_city_breed, 165 meta={"item": deepcopy(item)} 166 ) 167 168 def location_char_province_city_breed(self, response): 169 item = response.meta["item"] 170 171 html_str = json.loads(response.text) 172 status = html_str["status"] 173 174 if status == 0: 175 dataList = html_str["data"]["dataList"] 176 for data in dataList: 177 if type(data) == type([]): 178 item["breed_city_name"] = data[0] 179 item["breed_city_price"] = data[1] 180 elif type(data) == type({}): 181 item["breed_city_name"] = data["name"] 182 item["breed_city_price"] = data["y"] 183 184 yield item

1 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- 2 import scrapy 3 import pymysql.cursors 4 from copy import deepcopy 5 from mySpider.items import MySpiderSmallprice 6 7 import datetime 8 import json 9 10 11 class PricedataSpider(scrapy.Spider): 12 name = 'pricedata' 13 allowed_domains = ['hangqing.ymt.com'] 14 start_urls = ['http://hangqing.ymt.com/chandi_8031_0_0'] 15 i = datetime.datetime.now() 16 17 def parse(self, response): 18 db = pymysql.connect( 19 host="", port=3306, 20 user='root', password='mysql', 21 db='ymt_db', charset='utf8' 22 ) 23 cur = db.cursor() 24 25 all_small_sql = "select distinct small_id,small_name,small_href from ymt_all_info_sort" 26 27 cur.execute(all_small_sql) 28 small_all = cur.fetchall() 29 30 for small in small_all: 31 item = MySpiderSmallprice() 32 item["small_href"] = small[2] 33 # item["small_name"] = small[1] 34 item["small_id"] = small[0] 35 yield scrapy.Request( 36 item["small_href"], 37 callback=self.small_breed_info, 38 meta={"item": deepcopy(item)} 39 ) 40 41 def small_breed_info(self, response): 42 item = response.meta["item"] 43 item["day_avg_price"] = response.xpath("//dd[@class='c_origin_price']/p[2]//span[1]/text()").extract_first() 44 item["unit"] = response.xpath("//dd[@class='c_origin_price']/p[2]//span[2]/text()").extract_first() 45 item["dateKey"] = str(self.i.year)+str(self.i.month)+str(self.i.day) 46 47 if item["day_avg_price"] is None: 48 item["day_avg_price"] = 0 49 item["unit"] = "" 50 51 yield item

1 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- 2 3 # Define here the models for your scraped items 4 # 5 # See documentation in: 6 # http://doc.scrapy.org/en/latest/topics/items.html 7 8 import scrapy 9 10 # 行情爬虫字段 11 12 13 class MyspiderItem(scrapy.Item): 14 ymt_bigsort_href = scrapy.Field() 15 ymt_bigsort_id = scrapy.Field() 16 ymt_bigsort_name = scrapy.Field() 17 ymt_mediumsort_id = scrapy.Field() 18 ymt_mediumsort_name = scrapy.Field() 19 ymt_smallsort_id = scrapy.Field() 20 ymt_smallsort_href = scrapy.Field() 21 ymt_smallsort_name = scrapy.Field() 22 ymt_breed_id = scrapy.Field() 23 ymt_breed_name = scrapy.Field() 24 ymt_breed_href = scrapy.Field() 25 26 27 # 产地爬虫字段 28 29 30 class MyspiderChanDi(scrapy.Item): 31 ymt_province_id = scrapy.Field() 32 ymt_province_name = scrapy.Field() 33 ymt_province_href = scrapy.Field() 34 ymt_city_id = scrapy.Field() 35 ymt_city_name = scrapy.Field() 36 ymt_city_href = scrapy.Field() 37 ymt_area_id = scrapy.Field() 38 ymt_area_name = scrapy.Field() 39 ymt_area_href = scrapy.Field() 40 41 # 小类产地价格 42 43 44 class MySpiderSmallprice(scrapy.Item): 45 small_href = scrapy.Field() 46 small_id = scrapy.Field() 47 day_avg_price = scrapy.Field() 48 unit = scrapy.Field() 49 dateKey = scrapy.Field() 50 51 # 小分类 省份/城市/县市 价格 52 53 54 class MySpiderSmallProvincePrice(scrapy.Item): 55 small_id = scrapy.Field() 56 unit = scrapy.Field() 57 province_name = scrapy.Field() 58 province_price = scrapy.Field() # 小类 省份 均价 59 province_id = scrapy.Field() 60 city_name = scrapy.Field() 61 city_price = scrapy.Field() # 小类 城市 均价 62 city_id = scrapy.Field() 63 area_name = scrapy.Field() 64 area_price = scrapy.Field() # 小类 县市均价 65 area_id = scrapy.Field() 66 67 breed_city_name = scrapy.Field() 68 breed_city_price = scrapy.Field() 69 breed_id = scrapy.Field() 70 71 dateKey = scrapy.Field()

1 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- 2 3 from pymongo import MongoClient 4 import pymysql.cursors 5 6 7 class MyspiderPipeline(object): 8 def open_spider(self, spider): 9 # client = MongoClient(host=spider.settings["MONGO_HOST"], port=spider.settings["MONGO_PORT"]) 10 # self.collection = client["ymt"]["hangqing"] 11 pass 12 13 def process_item(self, item, spider): 14 db = pymysql.connect( 15 host="", port=3306, 16 user='root', password='mysql', 17 db='ymt_db', charset='utf8' 18 ) 19 cur = db.cursor() 20 21 if spider.name == "hangqing": 22 23 # 所有 分类数据 24 all_sort_sql = "insert into ymt_all_info_sort(big_id, big_name, big_href, " 25 "medium_id, medium_name, " 26 "small_id, small_name, small_href, " 27 "breed_id, breed_name, breed_href) " 28 "VALUES({},"{}","{}","{}","{}","{}","{}","{}","{}","{}","{}")".format( 29 item["ymt_bigsort_id"], item["ymt_bigsort_name"], item["ymt_bigsort_href"], 30 item["ymt_mediumsort_id"], item["ymt_mediumsort_name"], 31 item["ymt_smallsort_id"], item["ymt_smallsort_name"], item["ymt_smallsort_href"], 32 item["ymt_breed_id"], item["ymt_breed_name"], item["ymt_breed_href"]) 33 34 try: 35 cur.execute(all_sort_sql) 36 db.commit() 37 38 except Exception as e: 39 db.rollback() 40 finally: 41 cur.close() 42 db.close() 43 44 return item 45 46 elif spider.name == "chandi": 47 48 # 所有的产地数据 49 all_cd_sql = "insert into ymt_all_info_cd(" 50 "province_id, province_name, province_href, " 51 "city_id, city_name, city_href," 52 "area_id, area_name, area_href) " 53 "VALUES({},"{}","{}",{},"{}","{}",{},"{}","{}")".format( 54 item["ymt_province_id"], item["ymt_province_name"], item["ymt_province_href"], 55 item["ymt_city_id"], item["ymt_city_name"], item["ymt_city_href"], 56 item["ymt_area_id"], item["ymt_area_name"], item["ymt_area_href"]) 57 try: 58 # 产地数据 59 cur.execute(all_cd_sql) 60 db.commit() 61 except Exception as e: 62 db.rollback() 63 64 finally: 65 cur.close() 66 db.close() 67 68 return item 69 70 elif spider.name == "pricedata": 71 avg_day_price_sql = "insert into ymt_price_small(small_href, small_id, day_avg_price, unit, dateKey) " 72 "VALUES("{}",{},{},"{}","{}")".format(item["small_href"], item["small_id"], item["day_avg_price"], item["unit"], item["dateKey"]) 73 try: 74 cur.execute(avg_day_price_sql) 75 db.commit() 76 except Exception as e: 77 db.rollback() 78 finally: 79 cur.close() 80 db.close() 81 82 elif spider.name == "location_char": 83 location_char_sql = "insert into ymt_price_provice(small_id, province_name, provice_price, city_name, city_price, area_name, area_price,unit, dateKey, area_id, city_id, provice_id, breed_city_name, breed_city_price, breed_id) " 84 "VALUES({},"{}",{},"{}",{},"{}",{},"{}",{},{},{},{},"{}",{},{})".format(item["small_id"], item["province_name"], item["province_price"], item["city_name"], item["city_price"], 85 item["area_name"], item["area_price"], item["unit"], item["dateKey"], 86 item["area_id"], item["city_id"], item["province_id"], 87 item["breed_city_name"], item["breed_city_price"], item["breed_id"]) 88 try: 89 cur.execute(location_char_sql) 90 db.commit() 91 except Exception as e: 92 db.rollback() 93 finally: 94 cur.close() 95 db.close() 96 97 else: 98 cur.close() 99 db.close()
FocusBI: 使用Python爬虫为BI准备数据源(原创)