GenerateFile(filetype, path, ea1, ea2, flags) @param filetype: type of output file. One of OFILE_... symbols. See below. @param path: the output file path (will be overwritten!) @param ea1: start address. For some file types this argument is ignored @param ea2: end address. For some file types this argument is ignored @param flags: bit combination of GENFLG_... @returns: number of the generated lines. -1 if an error occured OFILE_EXE: 0-can't generate exe file, 1-ok # output file types: OFILE_MAP = idaapi.OFILE_MAP OFILE_EXE = idaapi.OFILE_EXE OFILE_IDC = idaapi.OFILE_IDC OFILE_LST = idaapi.OFILE_LST OFILE_ASM = idaapi.OFILE_ASM OFILE_DIF = idaapi.OFILE_DIF # output control flags: GENFLG_MAPSEG = idaapi.GENFLG_MAPSEG # map: generate map of segments GENFLG_MAPNAME = idaapi.GENFLG_MAPNAME # map: include dummy names GENFLG_MAPDMNG = idaapi.GENFLG_MAPDMNG # map: demangle names GENFLG_MAPLOC = idaapi.GENFLG_MAPLOC # map: include local names GENFLG_IDCTYPE = idaapi.GENFLG_IDCTYPE # idc: gen only information about types GENFLG_ASMTYPE = idaapi.GENFLG_ASMTYPE # asm&lst: gen information about types too GENFLG_GENHTML = idaapi.GENFLG_GENHTML # asm&lst: generate html (gui version only) GENFLG_ASMINC = idaapi.GENFLG_ASMINC # asm&lst: gen information only about types
GenCallGdl(outfile, title, flags)
GenFuncGdl(outfile, title, ea1, ea2, flags) Generate a flow chart GDL file @param outfile: output file name. GDL extension will be used @param title: graph title @param ea1: beginning of the area to flow chart @param ea2: end of the area to flow chart. @param flags: combination of CHART_... constants @note: If ea2 == BADADDR then ea1 is treated as an address within a function. That function will be flow charted. CHART_PRINT_NAMES = 0x1000 # print labels for each block? CHART_GEN_GDL = 0x4000 # generate .gdl file (file extension is forced to .gdl) CHART_WINGRAPH = 0x8000 # call wingraph32 to display the graph CHART_NOLIBFUNCS = 0x0400 # don't include library functions in the graph