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  • [转]MySQL 5.1.56 for Windows XP/Vista/7

    MySQL 5.1.56 for Windows XP/Vista/7

    Building a Web Server, for Windows



    • None


    Our Configuration

    • %SYSTEMROOT% : C:\Windows
    • Install to : C:\www\mysql


    • Unpack as C:\www\mysql-5.1.56-win32
    • Rename directory C:\www\mysql-5.1.56-win32 to C:\www\mysql
    • Copy MySQL configuration file C:\www\mysql\my-medium.ini (or your choice of one of the other included my-*.ini files) to your %SYSTEMROOT% directory
    • Rename file %SYSTEMROOT%\my-medium.ini (or the copied over my-*.ini file) to my.ini
    • Edit %SYSTEMROOT%\my.ini
      • Under Sections "[client]" and "[mysqld]", edit...
        • socket = C:/www/tmp/mysql.sock
      • Under Section "[mysqld]", insert...
        • basedir = C:/www/mysql/
        • datadir = C:/www/mysql/data/

    MySQL Server Binaries

    MySQL ships with a number of server binaries to choose from. For standard/typical use and functionality, the preference is for server binary 'mysqld'.

    • mysqld.exe: Support for symbolic links, InnoDB and BDB transactional tables, and named pipes.
    • mysql-debug.exe: Compiled with full debugging and automatic memory allocation checking, symbolic links, and InnoDB and BDB transactional tables.


    MySQL can be installed as a Service (automatic or manual start-up) or started as a standalone console application. The MySQL server can be configured to listen (and communicate) on all interfaces (, the loopback (, or any other address. The MySQL server can also be configured to skip networking (TCP/IP) and/or connect via named-pipes (sockets).

    • Install the MySQL process as a Service.
      • [Default] Listen on all interfaces (
        • For MySQL automatic start (but not this first time):mysqld --installOr for MySQL manual start only:mysqld --install-manual
      • Other options (edit my.ini), section '[mysqld]', insert...
        • Listen on loopback only (
        • Do not use TCP/IP (IP addresses and ports) for connections, use named-pipes...
          bind-address=localhostskip-networkingenable-named-pipe[Note option socket=C:/www/tmp/mysql.sock (default is 'socket=MySQL' for mysql and php) under sections '[client]' and '[mysqld]'; Make sure the specifed dir exists; Make sure to fill php.ini options mysql[i].default_socket = C:/www/tmp/mysql.sock and mysql[i].default_host = localhost; Use mysql[i]_connect('localhost:/www/tmp/mysql.sock', 'user', 'password')]
      • Start the MySQL Service...
        ...> NET START MySQL
    • Start MySQL as a standalone console application.
      • C:\www\mysql\bin> mysqld --standalone --console
      • [option '--standalone': Dummy option to start as a standalone server; can be omitted and have the same effect]
      • [option '--console': Write error output on screen (as opposed to error log)]
      • Other command line arguments...
        • IP address to bind to:--bind-address=
        • Bypass TCP/IP with named pipes:--skip-networking --enable-named-pipe --socket=mysql.sock
        • [option '--skip-networking': do not use TCP/IP -- only valid for localhost]
        • [option '--enable-named-pipe': allows connections to other NT machines without being dependant on a specific network layer (TCP/IP or IPX)]
        • [option '--socket=...': name of nt-pipe/socket to use for option '--enable-named-pipe']


    • Create a password for the 'root' mysql account...
      • C:\www\mysql\bin> mysqladmin -u root password set-root-password-here
    • Delete all insecure users...
      • Access the MySQL prompt...
        • C:\www\mysql\bin> mysql -u root -p
      • Display all databases, accounts, and access controls to individual databases...
        • mysql> SHOW DATABASES;
        • mysql> SELECT User, Host, Password FROM mysql.user;
        • mysql> SELECT Host, Db, User, Select_priv FROM mysql.db;
      • Remove all initial accounts except 'root@localhost'; remove 'test' database and privileges set...
        • Remove anonymous users:mysql> DELETE FROM mysql.user WHERE User='';
        • Remove remote root:mysql> DELETE FROM mysql.user WHERE User='root' AND Host != 'localhost';
        • Remove test database:mysql> DROP DATABASE test;
        • Remove privileges on test database:mysql> DELETE FROM mysql.db WHERE Db = 'test' OR Db = 'test\\_%';
        • mysql> FLUSH PRIVILEGES;
      • Exit.
        • mysql> quit;

    Running MySQL

    All commands are run from the command line and directory C:\www\mysql\bin (unless the mentioned dir is under the PATH)

    • Enter the command-line interface...
      > mysql -u root -p
    • Stop the MySQL Service (one of two ways)...
      > NET STOP MySQL
      > mysqladmin -u root -p shutdown
    • Uninstall the MySQL Service...
      > mysqld --remove
    • Shutdown the standalone console MySQL application (one of two ways)...
      > mysqladmin -u root -p shutdown[Note that this is done from another cmd.exe window]
      Ctrl-C under the cmd.exe window it was started from


    All commands are run from the command line and directory C:\www\mysql\bin (unless the mentioned dir is under the PATH)

    • Display the MySQL command-line interface (shell) options...
      > mysql --help
    • Display mysqld options...
      > mysqld --help
    • Display MySQL version information...
      > mysqladmin -V
    • See what values a running MySQL server is using...
      > mysqladmin -u <user> -p<password> variables
    • Display information...
      > mysqladmin -u <user> -p<password> version status proc
    • Update password for MySQL user 'root' (from the MySQL shell)...
      mysql> UPDATE mysql.user SET Password=PASSWORD('root-password') WHERE User='root';
      mysql> FLUSH PRIVILEGES;
  • 相关阅读:
    ASP.NET MVC案例教程(基于ASP.NET MVC beta)——第二篇:第一个页面
  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/freebird92/p/2342413.html
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