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  • 粒子滤波代码学习

    Object tracking is a tricky problem. A general, all-purpose object tracking algorithm must deal with difficulties like camera motion, erratic object motion, cluttered backgrounds, and other moving objects. Such hurdles render general image processing techniques an inadequate solution to the object tracking problem.

    Particle filtering is a Monte Carlo sampling approach to Bayesian filtering. It has many uses but has become the state of the art in object tracking. Conceptually, a particle filtering algorithm maintains a probability distribution over the state of the system it is monitoring, in this case, the state -- location, scale, etc. -- of the object being tracked. In most cases, non-linearity and non-Gaussianity in the object's motion and likelihood models yields an intractable filtering distribution. Particle filtering overcomes this intractability by representing the distribution as a set of weighted samples, or particles. Each particle represents a possible instantiation of the state of the system. In other words, each particle describes one possible location of the object being tracked. The set of particles contains more weight at locations where the object being tracked is more likely to be. We can thus determine the most probable state of the object by finding the location in the particle filtering distribution with the highest weight.


    1.命令行参数处理 ->
    3.初始化视频句柄 ->
    4.取视频中的一帧进行处理 ->
      3) 判断是否为第一帧,


    void arg_parse( int argc, char** argv )
      int i = 0;
      pname = remove_path( argv[0] );

      while( TRUE )
          char* arg_check;
          int arg = getopt( argc, argv, OPTIONS );
          if( arg == -1 )

          switch( arg )
        case 'h':
          usage( pname );
        case 'a':
          show_all = TRUE;

        case 'o':
          export = TRUE;

        case 'p':
          if( ! optarg )
            fatal_error( "error parsing arguments at -%c\n"    \
                 "Try '%s -h' for help.", arg, pname );
          num_particles = strtol( optarg, &arg_check, 10 );
          if( arg_check == optarg  ||  *arg_check != '\0' )
            fatal_error( "-%c option requires an integer argument\n"    \
                 "Try '%s -h' for help.", arg, pname );
          fatal_error( "-%c: invalid option\nTry '%s -h' for help.",
                   optopt, pname );
      if( argc - optind < 1 )
        fatal_error( "no input image specified.\nTry '%s -h' for help.", pname );
      if( argc - optind > 2 )
        fatal_error( "too many arguments.\nTry '%s -h' for help.", pname );
      vid_file = argv[optind];

    作者使用Getopt这个系统函数对命令行进行解析,-h表示显示帮助,-a表示将所有粒子所代表的位置都显示出来,-o表示输出tracking的帧,-p number进行粒子数的设定,然后再最后指定要处理的视频文件。


    IplImage* bgr2hsv( IplImage* bgr )
    IplImage* bgr32f, * hsv;

    bgr32f = cvCreateImage( cvGetSize(bgr), IPL_DEPTH_32F, 3 );
    hsv = cvCreateImage( cvGetSize(bgr), IPL_DEPTH_32F, 3 );
    cvConvertScale( bgr, bgr32f, 1.0 / 255.0, 0 );
    cvCvtColor( bgr32f, hsv, CV_BGR2HSV );
    cvReleaseImage( &bgr32f );
    return hsv;



    gsl_rng_env_setup();//setup the enviorment of random number generator
    rng = gsl_rng_alloc( gsl_rng_mt19937 );//create a random number generator
    gsl_rng_set( rng, time(NULL) );//initializes the random number generator.



    histogram** compute_ref_histos( IplImage* frame, CvRect* regions, int n )
      histogram** histos = malloc( n * sizeof( histogram* ) );
      IplImage* tmp;
      int i;

      for( i = 0; i < n; i++ )
          cvSetImageROI( frame, regions[i] );//set the region of interest
          tmp = cvCreateImage( cvGetSize( frame ), IPL_DEPTH_32F, 3 );
          cvCopy( frame, tmp, NULL );
          cvResetImageROI( frame );//free the ROI
          histos[i] = calc_histogram( &tmp, 1 );//calculate the hisrogram
          normalize_histogram( histos[i] );//Normalizes a histogram so all bins sum to 1.0
          cvReleaseImage( &tmp );

      return histos;

    histogram* calc_histogram( IplImage** imgs, int n )
      IplImage* img;
      histogram* histo;
      IplImage* h, * s, * v;
      float* hist;
      int i, r, c, bin;

      histo = malloc( sizeof(histogram) );
      histo->n = NH*NS + NV;
      hist = histo->histo;
      memset( hist, 0, histo->n * sizeof(float) );

      for( i = 0; i < n; i++ )
          img = imgs[i];
          h = cvCreateImage( cvGetSize(img), IPL_DEPTH_32F, 1 );
          s = cvCreateImage( cvGetSize(img), IPL_DEPTH_32F, 1 );
          v = cvCreateImage( cvGetSize(img), IPL_DEPTH_32F, 1 );
          cvCvtPixToPlane( img, h, s, v, NULL );
          for( r = 0; r < img->height; r++ )
        for( c = 0; c < img->width; c++ )
            bin = histo_bin( pixval32f( h, r, c ),
                     pixval32f( s, r, c ),
                     pixval32f( v, r, c ) );
            hist[bin] += 1;
          cvReleaseImage( &h );
          cvReleaseImage( &s );
          cvReleaseImage( &v );
      return histo;

    这个函数将h、s、 v分别取出,然后以从上到下,从左到右的方式遍历以函数histo_bin的评判规则放入相应的bin中(很形象的)。函数histo_bin的评判规则详见下图:

          1NH      2NH       3NH                    NS*NH    NS*NH+1    NS*NH+2                     NS*NH+NV


    particle* init_distribution( CvRect* regions, histogram** histos, int n, int p)
    particle* particles;
    int np;
    float x, y;
    int i, j, width, height, k = 0;

    particles = malloc( p * sizeof( particle ) );
    np = p / n;

    for( i = 0; i < n; i++ )
    width = regions[i].width;
    height = regions[i].height;
    x = regions[i].x + width / 2;
    y = regions[i].y + height / 2;
    for( j = 0; j < np; j++ )
    particles[k].x0 = particles[k].xp = particles[k].x = x;
    particles[k].y0 = particles[k].yp = particles[k].y = y;
    particles[k].sp = particles[k].s = 1.0;
    particles[k].width = width;
    particles[k].height = height;
    particles[k].histo = histos[i];
    particles[k++].w = 0;

    i = 0;
    while( k < p )
    width = regions[i].width;
    height = regions[i].height;
    x = regions[i].x + width / 2;
    y = regions[i].y + height / 2;
    particles[k].x0 = particles[k].xp = particles[k].x = x;
    particles[k].y0 = particles[k].yp = particles[k].y = y;
    particles[k].sp = particles[k].s = 1.0;
    particles[k].width = width;
    particles[k].height = height;
    particles[k].histo = histos[i];
    particles[k++].w = 0;
    i = ( i + 1 ) % n;

    return particles;



    particle transition( particle p, int w, int h, gsl_rng* rng )
      float x, y, s;
      particle pn;
      x = A1 * ( p.x - p.x0 ) + A2 * ( p.xp - p.x0 ) +
        B0 * gsl_ran_gaussian( rng, TRANS_X_STD ) + p.x0;
      pn.x = MAX( 0.0, MIN( (float)w - 1.0, x ) );
      y = A1 * ( p.y - p.y0 ) + A2 * ( p.yp - p.y0 ) +
        B0 * gsl_ran_gaussian( rng, TRANS_Y_STD ) + p.y0;
      pn.y = MAX( 0.0, MIN( (float)h - 1.0, y ) );
      s = A1 * ( p.s - 1.0 ) + A2 * ( p.sp - 1.0 ) +
        B0 * gsl_ran_gaussian( rng, TRANS_S_STD ) + 1.0;
      pn.s = MAX( 0.1, s );
      pn.xp = p.x;
      pn.yp = p.y;
      pn.sp = p.s;
      pn.x0 = p.x0;
      pn.y0 = p.y0;
      pn.width = p.width;
      pn.height = p.height;
      pn.histo = p.histo;
      pn.w = 0;

      return pn;



    particle* resample( particle* particles, int n )
      particle* new_particles;
      int i, j, np, k = 0;

      qsort( particles, n, sizeof( particle ), &particle_cmp );
      new_particles = malloc( n * sizeof( particle ) );
      for( i = 0; i < n; i++ )
          np = cvRound( particles[i].w * n );
          for( j = 0; j < np; j++ )
          new_particles[k++] = particles[i];
          if( k == n )
            goto exit;
      while( k < n )
        new_particles[k++] = particles[0];

      return new_particles;



    void normalize_weights( particle* particles, int n )
      float sum = 0;
      int i;

      for( i = 0; i < n; i++ )
        sum += particles[i].w;
      for( i = 0; i < n; i++ )
        particles[i].w /= sum;


    OpenCV中实现了粒子滤波的代码,位置在c:\program files\opencv\cv\src\cvcondens.cpp文件,通过分析这个文件,可以知道库函数中如何实现粒子滤波过程的。


    typedef struct CvConDensation
    int MP; // 测量向量的维数: Dimension of measurement vector
    int DP; // 状态向量的维数: Dimension of state vector
    float* DynamMatr; // 线性动态系统矩阵:Matrix of the linear Dynamics system
    float* State; // 状态向量: Vector of State
    int SamplesNum; // 粒子数: Number of the Samples
    float** flSamples; // 粒子向量数组: array of the Sample Vectors
    float** flNewSamples; // 粒子向量临时数组: temporary array of the Sample Vectors
    float* flConfidence; // 每个粒子的置信度(译者注:也就是粒子的权值):Confidence for each Sample
    float* flCumulative; // 权值的累计: Cumulative confidence
    float* Temp; // 临时向量:Temporary vector
    float* RandomSample; // 用来更新粒子集的随机向量: RandomVector to update sample set
    CvRandState* RandS; // 产生随机向量的结构数组: Array of structures to generate random vectors
    } CvConDensation;







    CV_IMPL CvConDensation* cvCreateConDensation( int DP, int MP, int SamplesNum )


    int i;

    CvConDensation *CD = 0;

    CV_FUNCNAME( "cvCreateConDensation" );


    if( DP < 0 || MP < 0 || SamplesNum < 0 )

    CV_ERROR( CV_StsOutOfRange, "" );

    /* allocating memory for the structure */

    CV_CALL( CD = (CvConDensation *) cvAlloc( sizeof( CvConDensation )));

    /* setting structure params */

    CD->SamplesNum = SamplesNum;

    CD->DP = DP;

    CD->MP = MP;

    /* allocating memory for structure fields */

    CV_CALL( CD->flSamples = (float **) cvAlloc( sizeof( float * ) * SamplesNum ));

    CV_CALL( CD->flNewSamples = (float **) cvAlloc( sizeof( float * ) * SamplesNum ));

    CV_CALL( CD->flSamples[0] = (float *) cvAlloc( sizeof( float ) * SamplesNum * DP ));

    CV_CALL( CD->flNewSamples[0] = (float *) cvAlloc( sizeof( float ) * SamplesNum * DP ));

    /* setting pointers in pointer's arrays */

    for( i = 1; i < SamplesNum; i++ )


    CD->flSamples[i] = CD->flSamples[i - 1] + DP;

    CD->flNewSamples[i] = CD->flNewSamples[i - 1] + DP;


    CV_CALL( CD->State = (float *) cvAlloc( sizeof( float ) * DP ));

    CV_CALL( CD->DynamMatr = (float *) cvAlloc( sizeof( float ) * DP * DP ));

    CV_CALL( CD->flConfidence = (float *) cvAlloc( sizeof( float ) * SamplesNum ));

    CV_CALL( CD->flCumulative = (float *) cvAlloc( sizeof( float ) * SamplesNum ));

    CV_CALL( CD->RandS = (CvRandState *) cvAlloc( sizeof( CvRandState ) * DP ));

    CV_CALL( CD->Temp = (float *) cvAlloc( sizeof( float ) * DP ));

    CV_CALL( CD->RandomSample = (float *) cvAlloc( sizeof( float ) * DP ));

    /* Returning created structure */


    return CD;



    CV_IMPL void

    cvReleaseConDensation( CvConDensation ** ConDensation )


    CV_FUNCNAME( "cvReleaseConDensation" );


    CvConDensation *CD = *ConDensation;

    if( !ConDensation )

    CV_ERROR( CV_StsNullPtr, "" );

    if( !CD )


    /* freeing the memory */

    cvFree( &CD->State );

    cvFree( &CD->DynamMatr);

    cvFree( &CD->flConfidence );

    cvFree( &CD->flCumulative );

    cvFree( &CD->flSamples[0] );

    cvFree( &CD->flNewSamples[0] );

    cvFree( &CD->flSamples );

    cvFree( &CD->flNewSamples );

    cvFree( &CD->Temp );

    cvFree( &CD->RandS );

    cvFree( &CD->RandomSample );

    /* release structure */

    cvFree( ConDensation );




    CV_IMPL void

    cvConDensInitSampleSet( CvConDensation * conDens, CvMat * lowerBound, CvMat * upperBound )


    int i, j;

    float *LBound;

    float *UBound;

    float Prob = 1.f / conDens->SamplesNum;

    CV_FUNCNAME( "cvConDensInitSampleSet" );


    if( !conDens || !lowerBound || !upperBound )

    CV_ERROR( CV_StsNullPtr, "" );

    if( CV_MAT_TYPE(lowerBound->type) != CV_32FC1 ||

    !CV_ARE_TYPES_EQ(lowerBound,upperBound) )

    CV_ERROR( CV_StsBadArg, "source has not appropriate format" );

    if( (lowerBound->cols != 1) || (upperBound->cols != 1) )

    CV_ERROR( CV_StsBadArg, "source has not appropriate size" );

    if( (lowerBound->rows != conDens->DP) || (upperBound->rows != conDens->DP) )

    CV_ERROR( CV_StsBadArg, "source has not appropriate size" );

    LBound = lowerBound->data.fl;

    UBound = upperBound->data.fl;

    /* Initializing the structures to create initial Sample set */


    for( i = 0; i < conDens->DP; i++ )


    cvRandInit( &(conDens->RandS[i]),



    i );


    /* Generating the samples */


    for( j = 0; j < conDens->SamplesNum; j++ )


    for( i = 0; i < conDens->DP; i++ )


    cvbRand( conDens->RandS + i, conDens->flSamples[j] + i, 1 );


    conDens->flConfidence[j] = Prob;


    /* Reinitializes the structures to update samples randomly */


    for( i = 0; i < conDens->DP; i++ )


    cvRandInit( &(conDens->RandS[i]),

    (LBound[i] - UBound[i]) / 5,

    (UBound[i] - LBound[i]) / 5,





    CV_IMPL void

    cvConDensUpdateByTime( CvConDensation * ConDens )


    int i, j;

    float Sum = 0;

    CV_FUNCNAME( "cvConDensUpdateByTime" );


    if( !ConDens )

    CV_ERROR( CV_StsNullPtr, "" );

    /* Sets Temp to Zero */

    icvSetZero_32f( ConDens->Temp, ConDens->DP, 1 );

    /* Calculating the Mean */


    for( i = 0; i < ConDens->SamplesNum; i++ )


    icvScaleVector_32f( ConDens->flSamples[i], ConDens->State, ConDens->DP,

    ConDens->flConfidence[i] );

    icvAddVector_32f( ConDens->Temp, ConDens->State, ConDens->Temp, ConDens->DP );

    Sum += ConDens->flConfidence[i];

    ConDens->flCumulative[i] = Sum;


    /* Taking the new vector from transformation of mean by dynamics matrix */

    icvScaleVector_32f( ConDens->Temp, ConDens->Temp, ConDens->DP, 1.f / Sum );

    icvTransformVector_32f( ConDens->DynamMatr, ConDens->Temp, ConDens->State, ConDens->DP,

    ConDens->DP );

    Sum = Sum / ConDens->SamplesNum;

    /* Updating the set of random samples */


    for( i = 0; i < ConDens->SamplesNum; i++ )


    j = 0;

    while( (ConDens->flCumulative[j] <= (float) i * Sum)&&(j<ConDens->SamplesNum-1))




    icvCopyVector_32f( ConDens->flSamples[j], ConDens->DP, ConDens->flNewSamples[i] );


    /* Adding the random-generated vector to every vector in sample set */

    for( i = 0; i < ConDens->SamplesNum; i++ )



    for( j = 0; j < ConDens->DP; j++ )


    cvbRand( ConDens->RandS + j, ConDens->RandomSample + j, 1 );



    icvTransformVector_32f( ConDens->DynamMatr, ConDens->flNewSamples[i],

    ConDens->flSamples[i], ConDens->DP, ConDens->DP );

    icvAddVector_32f( ConDens->flSamples[i], ConDens->RandomSample, ConDens->flSamples[i],

    ConDens->DP );





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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/freedesert/p/2603118.html
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