Download Google Chrome
Install Google Chrome
The easiest way to install google chrome on your Kali Linux is to by use of
which will automatically download all depended packages.First install gdegi
apt install gdebi-core
Once ready, install the actual google chrome package:
gdebi google-chrome-stable_current_amd64.deb
Start Google Chrome
To start Google Chrome, open up a terminal and run google-chrome command:
google-chrome --no-sandbox
But it is not safe to run google-chrome without sandbox.
Run Google Chrome as standard user
useradd -m chromeuser
To run google chrome use command:
apt install gksu
gksu -u chromeuser google-chrome
Configure Google Chrome to Use a Proxy Server
vim ~/.bashrc
Add following Content to ~/.bashrc
alias chrome='google-chrome --proxy-server="socks://" --no-sandbox --user-data-dir'
Enable the configuration
source ~/.bashrc
Run Google Chrome
NOTE: run Google Chrome in this way that without sandbox
is NOT safe.