Example demonstrates how to access HTML Editor's content at current selection/caret position from "outside" component.
Example code
<script type="text/JavaScript"> function Insert() { oboutGetEditor('editor').InsertHTML("<a href='mailto://support@obout.com'>Obout support</a>"); } </script> <input type="button" onclick="Insert();" value="Insert Obout support link"/> <ed:Editor id="editor" runat="server" />
具体实例效果见 http://www.obout.com/editor_new/sample_InsertHTML.aspx
Obout.Ajax.UI Controls - HTML Editor - Insert HTML code in the current cursor position
<%@ Register Assembly="Obout.Ajax.UI" Namespace="Obout.Ajax.UI.HTMLEditor" TagPrefix="obout" %> <input type="button" onclick="InsertLink();" value="Insert Obout support link"/> <br /><br /> <obout:Editor runat="server" Id="editor" Width="100%" > <TopToolbar PreservePlace="true" /> <EditPanel Height="400px" /> </obout:Editor> ... <script type="text/javascript"> function InsertLink() { // get the EditPanel var editPanel = $find("<%= editor.ClientID %>").get_editPanel(); // can be inserted in 'Design' mode only if (editPanel.get_activeMode() == Obout.Ajax.UI.HTMLEditor.ActiveModeType.Design) { // save content for 'Undo' operation editPanel.get_activePanel().SaveContent(); // insert HTML into current caret position editPanel.get_activePanel().insertHTML("<a href='mailto://support@obout.com'>Obout support</a>"); } } </script>
var editPanel = Obout.Ajax.UI.HTMLEditor.LastFocusedEditPanel;
// if the current mode is 'Design'
if (editPanel != null && editPanel.get_activeMode() == Obout.Ajax.UI.HTMLEditor.ActiveModeType.Design) {
// get the DesignPanel's object
var designPanel = editPanel.get_activePanel();
// For 'Undo'
// What to do - insert some text at current selection
designPanel.insertHTML("" + "$$" + varHtmlContent + "$$" + "");
// Notify Editor about content changed and update toolbars linked to the edit panel
// setTimeout(function () { designPanel.onContentChanged(); editPanel.updateToolbar(); }, 0);
// Ensure focus in design panel