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  • [转]解读ASP.NET 5 & MVC6系列(8):Session与Caching


    在之前的版本中,Session存在于System.Web中,新版ASP.NET 5中由于不在依赖于System.Web.dll库了,所以相应的,Session也就成了ASP.NET 5中一个可配置的模块(middleware)了。


    ASP.NET 5中的Session模块存在于Microsoft.AspNet.Session类库中,要启用Session,首先需要在project.json中的dependencies节点中添加如下内容:

    "Microsoft.AspNet.Session": "1.0.0-beta3"


    services.AddCaching();  // 这两个必须同时添加,因为Session依赖于Caching
    //services.ConfigureSession(null); 可以在这里配置,也可以再后面进行配置


    app.UseInMemorySession(configure:s => { s.IdleTimeout = TimeSpan.FromMinutes(30); });
    //app.UseSession(o => { o.IdleTimeout = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(30); });
    //app.UseInMemorySession(null, null);   //开启内存Session
    //app.UseDistributedSession(null, null);//开启分布式Session,也即持久化Session
    //app.UseDistributedSession(new RedisCache(new RedisCacheOptions() { Configuration = "localhost" }));

    对于UseInMemorySession方法,接收2个可选参数,分别是:IMemoryCache可用于修改Session数据的默认保存地址;Action<SessionOptions>委托则可以让你修改默认选项,比如Session cookie的路径、默认的过期时间等。本例中,我们修改默认过期时间为30分钟。




    public static byte[] Get(this ISessionCollection session, string key);
    public static int? GetInt(this ISessionCollection session, string key);
    public static string GetString(this ISessionCollection session, string key);
    public static void Set(this ISessionCollection session, string key, byte[] value);
    public static void SetInt(this ISessionCollection session, string key, int value);
    public static void SetString(this ISessionCollection session, string key, string value);


    Context.Session.SetString("Name", "Mike");
    Context.Session.SetInt("Age", 21);
    ViewBag.Name = Context.Session.GetString("Name");
    ViewBag.Age = Context.Session.GetInt("Age");



    public static class SessionExtensions
        public static bool? GetBoolean(this ISessionCollection session, string key)
            var data = session.Get(key);
            if (data == null)
                return null;
            return BitConverter.ToBoolean(data, 0);
        public static void SetBoolean(this ISessionCollection session, string key, bool value)
            session.Set(key, BitConverter.GetBytes(value));


    Context.Session.SetBoolean("Liar", true);
    ViewBag.Liar = Context.Session.GetBoolean("Liar");

    另外,ISessionCollection接口上还提供了Remove(string key)和Clear()两个方法分别用于删除某个Session值和清空所有的Session值的功能。但同时也需要注意,该接口并没提供之前版本中的Abandon方法功能。




    public static IApplicationBuilder UseDistributedSession([NotNullAttribute]this IApplicationBuilder app, IDistributedCache cache, Action<SessionOptions> configure = null);


    public interface IDistributedCache
        void Connect();
        void Refresh(string key);
        void Remove(string key);
        Stream Set(string key, object state, Action<ICacheContext> create);
        bool TryGetValue(string key, out Stream value);
    public interface ICacheContext
        Stream Data { get; }
        string Key { get; }
        object State { get; }
        void SetAbsoluteExpiration(TimeSpan relative);
        void SetAbsoluteExpiration(DateTimeOffset absolute);
        void SetSlidingExpiration(TimeSpan offset);


    using Microsoft.Framework.Cache.Distributed;
    using Microsoft.Framework.OptionsModel;
    using StackExchange.Redis;
    using System;
    using System.IO;
    namespace Microsoft.Framework.Caching.Redis
        public class RedisCache : IDistributedCache
            // KEYS[1] = = key
            // ARGV[1] = absolute-expiration - ticks as long (-1 for none)
            // ARGV[2] = sliding-expiration - ticks as long (-1 for none)
            // ARGV[3] = relative-expiration (long, in seconds, -1 for none) - Min(absolute-expiration - Now, sliding-expiration)
            // ARGV[4] = data - byte[]
            // this order should not change LUA script depends on it
            private const string SetScript = (@"
                    redis.call('HMSET', KEYS[1], 'absexp', ARGV[1], 'sldexp', ARGV[2], 'data', ARGV[4])
                    if ARGV[3] ~= '-1' then
                      redis.call('EXPIRE', KEYS[1], ARGV[3]) 
                    return 1");
            private const string AbsoluteExpirationKey = "absexp";
            private const string SlidingExpirationKey = "sldexp";
            private const string DataKey = "data";
            private const long NotPresent = -1;
            private ConnectionMultiplexer _connection;
            private IDatabase _cache;
            private readonly RedisCacheOptions _options;
            private readonly string _instance;
            public RedisCache(IOptions<RedisCacheOptions> optionsAccessor)
                _options = optionsAccessor.Options;
                // This allows partitioning a single backend cache for use with multiple apps/services.
                _instance = _options.InstanceName ?? string.Empty;
            public void Connect()
                if (_connection == null)
                    _connection = ConnectionMultiplexer.Connect(_options.Configuration);
                    _cache = _connection.GetDatabase();
            public Stream Set(string key, object state, Action<ICacheContext> create)
                var context = new CacheContext(key) { State = state };
                var value = context.GetBytes();
                var result = _cache.ScriptEvaluate(SetScript, new RedisKey[] { _instance + key },
                    new RedisValue[]
                        context.AbsoluteExpiration?.Ticks ?? NotPresent,
                        context.SlidingExpiration?.Ticks ?? NotPresent,
                        context.GetExpirationInSeconds() ?? NotPresent,
                // TODO: Error handling
                return new MemoryStream(value, writable: false);
            public bool TryGetValue(string key, out Stream value)
                value = GetAndRefresh(key, getData: true);
                return value != null;
            public void Refresh(string key)
                var ignored = GetAndRefresh(key, getData: false);
            private Stream GetAndRefresh(string key, bool getData)
                // This also resets the LRU status as desired.
                // TODO: Can this be done in one operation on the server side? Probably, the trick would just be the DateTimeOffset math.
                RedisValue[] results;
                if (getData)
                    results = _cache.HashMemberGet(_instance + key, AbsoluteExpirationKey, SlidingExpirationKey, DataKey);
                    results = _cache.HashMemberGet(_instance + key, AbsoluteExpirationKey, SlidingExpirationKey);
                // TODO: Error handling
                if (results.Length >= 2)
                    // Note we always get back two results, even if they are all null.
                    // These operations will no-op in the null scenario.
                    DateTimeOffset? absExpr;
                    TimeSpan? sldExpr;
                    MapMetadata(results, out absExpr, out sldExpr);
                    Refresh(key, absExpr, sldExpr);
                if (results.Length >= 3 && results[2].HasValue)
                    return new MemoryStream(results[2], writable: false);
                return null;
            private void MapMetadata(RedisValue[] results, out DateTimeOffset? absoluteExpiration, out TimeSpan? slidingExpiration)
                absoluteExpiration = null;
                slidingExpiration = null;
                var absoluteExpirationTicks = (long?)results[0];
                if (absoluteExpirationTicks.HasValue && absoluteExpirationTicks.Value != NotPresent)
                    absoluteExpiration = new DateTimeOffset(absoluteExpirationTicks.Value, TimeSpan.Zero);
                var slidingExpirationTicks = (long?)results[1];
                if (slidingExpirationTicks.HasValue && slidingExpirationTicks.Value != NotPresent)
                    slidingExpiration = new TimeSpan(slidingExpirationTicks.Value);
            private void Refresh(string key, DateTimeOffset? absExpr, TimeSpan? sldExpr)
                // Note Refresh has no effect if there is just an absolute expiration (or neither).
                TimeSpan? expr = null;
                if (sldExpr.HasValue)
                    if (absExpr.HasValue)
                        var relExpr = absExpr.Value - DateTimeOffset.Now;
                        expr = relExpr <= sldExpr.Value ? relExpr : sldExpr;
                        expr = sldExpr;
                    _cache.KeyExpire(_instance + key, expr);
                    // TODO: Error handling
            public void Remove(string key)
                _cache.KeyDelete(_instance + key);
                // TODO: Error handling


    public class RedisCacheOptions : IOptions<RedisCacheOptions>
        public string Configuration { get; set; }
        public string InstanceName { get; set; }
        RedisCacheOptions IOptions<RedisCacheOptions>.Options
            get { return this; }
        RedisCacheOptions IOptions<RedisCacheOptions>.GetNamedOptions(string name)
            return this;


    using Microsoft.Framework.Cache.Distributed;
    using System;
    using System.IO;
    namespace Microsoft.Framework.Caching.Redis
        internal class CacheContext : ICacheContext
            private readonly MemoryStream _data = new MemoryStream();
            internal CacheContext(string key)
                Key = key;
                CreationTime = DateTimeOffset.UtcNow;
            /// <summary>
            /// The key identifying this entry.
            /// </summary>
            public string Key { get; internal set; }
            /// <summary>
            /// The state passed into Set. This can be used to avoid closures.
            /// </summary>
            public object State { get; internal set; }
            public Stream Data { get { return _data; } }
            internal DateTimeOffset CreationTime { get; set; } // 可以让委托设置创建时间
            internal DateTimeOffset? AbsoluteExpiration { get; private set; }
            internal TimeSpan? SlidingExpiration { get; private set; }
            public void SetAbsoluteExpiration(TimeSpan relative) // 可以让委托设置相对过期时间
                if (relative <= TimeSpan.Zero)
                    throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("relative", relative, "The relative expiration value must be positive.");
                AbsoluteExpiration = CreationTime + relative;
            public void SetAbsoluteExpiration(DateTimeOffset absolute) // 可以让委托设置绝对过期时间
                if (absolute <= CreationTime)
                    throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("absolute", absolute, "The absolute expiration value must be in the future.");
                AbsoluteExpiration = absolute.ToUniversalTime();
            public void SetSlidingExpiration(TimeSpan offset) // 可以让委托设置offset过期时间
                if (offset <= TimeSpan.Zero)
                    throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("offset", offset, "The sliding expiration value must be positive.");
                SlidingExpiration = offset;
            internal long? GetExpirationInSeconds()
                if (AbsoluteExpiration.HasValue && SlidingExpiration.HasValue)
                    return (long)Math.Min((AbsoluteExpiration.Value - CreationTime).TotalSeconds, SlidingExpiration.Value.TotalSeconds);
                else if (AbsoluteExpiration.HasValue)
                    return (long)(AbsoluteExpiration.Value - CreationTime).TotalSeconds;
                else if (SlidingExpiration.HasValue)
                    return (long)SlidingExpiration.Value.TotalSeconds;
                return null;
            internal byte[] GetBytes()
                return _data.ToArray();


    using StackExchange.Redis;
    using System;
    namespace Microsoft.Framework.Caching.Redis
        internal static class RedisExtensions
            private const string HmGetScript = (@"return redis.call('HMGET', KEYS[1], unpack(ARGV))");
            internal static RedisValue[] HashMemberGet(this IDatabase cache, string key, params string[] members)
                var redisMembers = new RedisValue[members.Length];
                for (int i = 0; i < members.Length; i++)
                    redisMembers[i] = (RedisValue)members[i];
                var result = cache.ScriptEvaluate(HmGetScript, new RedisKey[] { key }, redisMembers);
                // TODO: Error checking?
                return (RedisValue[])result;


    app.UseDistributedSession(new RedisCache(new RedisCacheOptions()
        Configuration = "此处填写 redis的地址",
        InstanceName = "此处填写自定义实例名"
    }), options =>
        options.CookieHttpOnly = true;




    var cache = app.ApplicationServices.GetRequiredService<IMemoryCache>();
    var obj1 = cache.Get("key1");
    bool obj2 = cache.Get<bool>("key2");


    public static class CachingServicesExtensions
        public static IServiceCollection AddCaching(this IServiceCollection collection)
            return collection.AddTransient<IDistributedCache, LocalCache>()
                .AddSingleton<IMemoryCache, MemoryCache>();


    services.AddTransient<IDistributedCache, RedisCache>();
    services.Configure<RedisCacheOptions>(opt =>
        opt.Configuration = "此处填写 redis的地址";
        opt.InstanceName = "此处填写自定义实例名";


    var cache = app.ApplicationServices.GetRequiredService<IDistributedCache>();
    var obj1 = cache.Get("key1"); //该对象是流,需要将其转换为强类型,或自己再编写扩展方法
    var bytes = obj1.ReadAllBytes();


    本文已同步至目录索引:解读ASP.NET 5 & MVC6系列

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/freeliver54/p/6364881.html
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