1.通过SMSS 连接数据库,打开一个SQL窗口;
2.右键该窗口 Results to -》Results to text
右键该窗口 Query Options -》Results - Text -》 取消勾选 Include column headers in the result set
3. 执行如下sql,得到其文本结果信息
declare @trigname nvarchar(100)=N''; --查找某时间点后的增修的Trigger declare curProc cursor for select [name] FROM sys.all_objects where type_desc = N'SQL_TRIGGER' and is_ms_shipped = 0 and substring([name],1,4) in ('TRG_') and modify_date >='2017-08-17 00:00:00' order by modify_date desc; open curProc; fetch next from curProc into @trigname; while @@FETCH_STATUS = 0 begin --如存在 则删除 print(N'IF EXISTS(SELECT 1 FROM SYS.OBJECTS WHERE [NAME]=N''' + @trigname +''' AND [TYPE]=''TR'')') PRINT(N'DROP TRIGGER ' + @trigname); print N'GO'; --重建 exec ('sp_helptext ' + @trigname); print N'GO'; fetch next from curProc into @trigname; end close curProc; deallocate curProc; declare @trigname2 nvarchar(100)=N''; declare @tablename2 nvarchar(100)=N''; --查找当前表及触发器的禁用状态 仅过滤需要禁用的 declare curProc2 cursor for SELECT [Name] as TriggerName, object_name(parent_object_id) as TableName FROM sys.all_objects WHERE [TYPE]='TR' and is_ms_shipped = 0 and modify_date >='2017-08-10 00:00:00' and 1=OBJECTPROPERTY(object_id, 'ExecIsTriggerDisabled') ; open curProc2; fetch next from curProc2 into @trigname2, @tablename2; while @@FETCH_STATUS = 0 begin --按需 禁用 print N''; PRINT(N'ALTER TABLE ' + @tablename2 +' DISABLE TRIGGER ' + @trigname2) +N' ; '; print N'GO'; fetch next from curProc2 into @trigname2, @tablename2; end close curProc2; deallocate curProc2;