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  • MySQL统计函数记录——按月、按季度、按日、时间段统计

    select sum(mymoney) as totalmoney, count(*) as sheets from mytable group by date_format(col, '%Y');
    select sum(mymoney) as totalmoney, count(*) as sheets from mytable group by date_format(col, '%Y-%m');
    select sum(mymoney) as totalmoney,count(*) as sheets from mytable group by concat(date_format(col, '%Y'),FLOOR((date_format(col, '%m')+2)/3)); 
    select sum(mymoney) as totalmoney,count(*) as sheets from mytable group by concat(date_format(col, '%Y'),FLOOR((date_format(col, '%m')+2)/3));
    select sum(mymoney) as totalmoney,count(*) as sheets from mytable group by date_format(col, '%Y-%m-%d %H ');
    查询 本年度的数据:
    SELECT * FROM mytable WHERE year(FROM_UNIXTIME(my_time)) = year(curdate())
    SELECT id, quarter(FROM_UNIXTIME(my_time)) FROM mytable;
    查询 本季度的数据:
    SELECT * FROM mytable WHERE quarter(FROM_UNIXTIME(my_time)) = quarter(curdate());
    select * from mytable where month(my_time1) = month(curdate()) and year(my_time2) = year(curdate())
    select * from mytable where month(my_time1) = month(curdate()) and week(my_time2) = week(curdate())

    -- 全站时段统计
    SELECT tch.hourlist as hourStr,
      IFNULL(tv.numStr,0) as viewCount,
      IFNULL(ts.numStr,0) as shareCount,
      IFNULL(tl.numStr,0) as likesCount,
      IFNULL(tc.numStr,0) as collectCount 
    (SELECT hourlist from t_calendar_hour) as tch 
     LEFT JOIN (select  DATE_FORMAT(CREATE_TIME,'%H') as hourStr, count(ID) as numStr from t_article_view_record where 1=1 and CREATE_TIME>='2016-06-20 00:00:00' and CREATE_TIME<='2016-06-20 23:59:59' GROUP BY DATE_FORMAT(CREATE_TIME,'%Y-%m-%d %H')) as tv 
     ON tv.hourStr = tch.hourlist 
     LEFT JOIN (select  DATE_FORMAT(CREATE_TIME,'%H') as hourStr, count(ID) as numStr from t_article_share_record where 1=1 and CREATE_TIME>='2016-06-20 00:00:00' and CREATE_TIME<='2016-06-20 23:59:59' GROUP BY DATE_FORMAT(CREATE_TIME,'%Y-%m-%d %H')) as ts 
      ON ts.hourStr = tch.hourlist 
     LEFT JOIN (select  DATE_FORMAT(CREATE_TIME,'%H') as hourStr, count(ID) as numStr from t_article_likes_record where 1=1 and CREATE_TIME>='2016-06-20 00:00:00' and CREATE_TIME<='2016-06-20 23:59:59' GROUP BY DATE_FORMAT(CREATE_TIME,'%Y-%m-%d %H')) as tl 
      ON tl.hourStr = tch.hourlist 
     LEFT JOIN (select  DATE_FORMAT(CREATE_TIME,'%H') as hourStr, count(ID) as numStr from t_article_collection_record where 1=1 and CREATE_TIME>='2016-06-20 00:00:00' and CREATE_TIME<='2016-06-20 23:59:59' GROUP BY DATE_FORMAT(CREATE_TIME,'%Y-%m-%d %H')) as tc 
      ON tc.hourStr = tch.hourlist 
     WHERE 1=1 ORDER BY tch.hourlist ASC;
    create procedure myproc()
    declare num int; 
    set num=1; 
    while num <= 24 do 
    insert into t_calendar_hour(hourlist) values(num);
    set num=num+1;
    end while;
    CALL myproc();
    -- 文章按时段统计
    SELECT tch.hourlist as hourStr,
      IFNULL(tv.numStr,0) as viewCount,
      IFNULL(ts.numStr,0) as shareCount,
      IFNULL(tl.numStr,0) as likesCount,
      IFNULL(tc.numStr,0) as collectCount 
    (SELECT hourlist from t_calendar_hour) as tch 
     LEFT JOIN (select  DATE_FORMAT(CREATE_TIME,'%H') as hourStr, count(ID) as numStr from t_article_view_record where 1=1 and ARTICLE_ID="e548fdc0556bb01a01556bc6723b0005" and CREATE_TIME>='2016-06-20 00:00:00' and CREATE_TIME<='2016-06-20 23:59:59' GROUP BY DATE_FORMAT(CREATE_TIME,'%Y-%m-%d %H')) as tv 
     ON tv.hourStr = tch.hourlist 
     LEFT JOIN (select  DATE_FORMAT(CREATE_TIME,'%H') as hourStr, count(ID) as numStr from t_article_share_record where 1=1 and ARTICLE_ID="e548fdc0556bb01a01556bc6723b0005" and CREATE_TIME>='2016-06-20 00:00:00' and CREATE_TIME<='2016-06-20 23:59:59' GROUP BY DATE_FORMAT(CREATE_TIME,'%Y-%m-%d %H')) as ts 
      ON ts.hourStr = tch.hourlist 
     LEFT JOIN (select  DATE_FORMAT(CREATE_TIME,'%H') as hourStr, count(ID) as numStr from t_article_likes_record where 1=1 and ARTICLE_ID="e548fdc0556bb01a01556bc6723b0005" and CREATE_TIME>='2016-06-20 00:00:00' and CREATE_TIME<='2016-06-20 23:59:59' GROUP BY DATE_FORMAT(CREATE_TIME,'%Y-%m-%d %H')) as tl 
      ON tl.hourStr = tch.hourlist 
     LEFT JOIN (select  DATE_FORMAT(CREATE_TIME,'%H') as hourStr, count(ID) as numStr from t_article_collection_record where 1=1 and ARTICLE_ID="e548fdc0556bb01a01556bc6723b0005" and CREATE_TIME>='2016-06-20 00:00:00' and CREATE_TIME<='2016-06-20 23:59:59' GROUP BY DATE_FORMAT(CREATE_TIME,'%Y-%m-%d %H')) as tc 
      ON tc.hourStr = tch.hourlist 
     WHERE 1=1 ORDER BY tch.hourlist ASC;
    SELECT hourlist from t_calendar_hour;
    select DATE_FORMAT(CREATE_TIME,'%Y-%m-%d') as dateStr, DATE_FORMAT(CREATE_TIME,'%H') as hourStr, count(ID) as numStr from t_article_view_record where ARTICLE_ID="e548fdc0556bb01a01556bc6723b0005" and CREATE_TIME>='2016-06-20 00:00:00' and CREATE_TIME<='2016-06-20 23:59:59' GROUP BY DATE_FORMAT(CREATE_TIME,'%Y-%m-%d %H');
    select DATE_FORMAT(CREATE_TIME,'%Y-%m-%d') as dateStr, DATE_FORMAT(CREATE_TIME,'%H') as hourStr, count(ID) as numStr from t_article_share_record where ARTICLE_ID="e548fdc0556bb01a01556bc6723b0005" and CREATE_TIME>='2016-06-20 00:00:00' and CREATE_TIME<='2016-06-20 23:59:59' GROUP BY DATE_FORMAT(CREATE_TIME,'%Y-%m-%d %H');
    select DATE_FORMAT(CREATE_TIME,'%Y-%m-%d') as dateStr, DATE_FORMAT(CREATE_TIME,'%H') as hourStr, count(ID) as numStr from t_article_likes_record where ARTICLE_ID="e548fdc0556bb01a01556bc6723b0005" and CREATE_TIME>='2016-06-20 00:00:00' and CREATE_TIME<='2016-06-20 23:59:59' GROUP BY DATE_FORMAT(CREATE_TIME,'%Y-%m-%d %H');
    select DATE_FORMAT(CREATE_TIME,'%Y-%m-%d') as dateStr, DATE_FORMAT(CREATE_TIME,'%H') as hourStr, count(ID) as numStr from t_article_collection_record where ARTICLE_ID="e548fdc0556bb01a01556bc6723b0005" and CREATE_TIME>='2016-06-20 00:00:00' and CREATE_TIME<='2016-06-20 23:59:59' GROUP BY DATE_FORMAT(CREATE_TIME,'%Y-%m-%d %H');
    	SPECIAL_ID="4028813d54851a470154855335040012" -- 频道
    	CREATOR="e548fdc054f170770154f17f55dc0008"  -- 编辑
    	AUTHOR="4028813d54084b6a015408a303f1003a"  -- 作者
     and TITLE LIKE "%陷贿选门%"
    SELECT t.ID as articleId, t.title as title,t.SPECIAL_ID as specialId,t.CREATOR as createId,t.author as authorId,t.FACT_TIME as factTime,
      IFNULL(tv.numStr,0) as viewCount,
      IFNULL(ts.numStr,0) as shareCount,
      IFNULL(tl.numStr,0) as likesCount,
      IFNULL(tc.numStr,0) as collectCount
    	(select ID,TITLE,SPECIAL_ID,CREATOR,AUTHOR,FACT_TIME from t_article WHERE  1=1 and SPECIAL_ID='e548fdc054f188670154f1b6366c000b' ORDER BY FACT_TIME DESC LIMIT 0,1000) as t 
       LEFT JOIN (SELECT ARTICLE_ID,CREATE_TIME, count(ID) as numStr from t_article_view_record where CREATE_TIME>='2016-9-16' and CREATE_TIME<='2016-10-16' GROUP BY ARTICLE_ID having numStr>=45 and numStr<=87) as tv 
    		on t.ID = tv.ARTICLE_ID 
       LEFT JOIN (SELECT ARTICLE_ID,CREATE_TIME, count(ID) as numStr from t_article_share_record where CREATE_TIME>='2016-9-16' and CREATE_TIME<='2016-10-16' GROUP BY ARTICLE_ID) as ts 
    		on t.ID = ts.ARTICLE_ID
       LEFT JOIN (SELECT ARTICLE_ID,CREATE_TIME, count(ID) as numStr from t_article_likes_record where CREATE_TIME>='2016-9-16' and CREATE_TIME<='2016-10-16' GROUP BY ARTICLE_ID) as tl 
    		on t.ID = tl.ARTICLE_ID
       LEFT JOIN (SELECT ARTICLE_ID,CREATE_TIME, count(ID) as numStr from t_article_collection_record where CREATE_TIME>='2016-9-16' and CREATE_TIME<='2016-10-16' GROUP BY ARTICLE_ID) as tc 
    		on t.ID = tc.ARTICLE_ID 
       where 1=1 ;
    	SELECT t.ID as articleId, t.title as title,t.SPECIAL_ID as specialId,t.CREATOR as createId,t.author as authorId,t.FACT_TIME as factTime,IFNULL(tv.numStr,0) as viewCount,IFNULL(ts.numStr,0) as shareCount,IFNULL(tl.numStr,0) as likesCount,IFNULL(tc.numStr,0) as collectCount FROM  (select ID,TITLE,SPECIAL_ID,CREATOR,AUTHOR,FACT_TIME from t_article WHERE 1=1  ORDER BY FACT_TIME DESC ) as t  LEFT JOIN (SELECT ARTICLE_ID,CREATE_TIME, count(ID) as numStr from t_article_view_record where 1=1  and CREATE_TIME>='2016-06-28' and CREATE_TIME<='2016-10-12'  GROUP BY ARTICLE_ID) as tv on t.ID = tv.ARTICLE_ID  LEFT JOIN (SELECT ARTICLE_ID,CREATE_TIME, count(ID) as numStr from t_article_share_record where 1=1  and CREATE_TIME>='2016-06-28' and CREATE_TIME<='2016-10-12' GROUP BY ARTICLE_ID) as ts on t.ID = ts.ARTICLE_ID  LEFT JOIN (SELECT ARTICLE_ID,CREATE_TIME, count(ID) as numStr from t_article_likes_record where 1=1  and CREATE_TIME>='2016-06-28' and CREATE_TIME<='2016-10-12' GROUP BY ARTICLE_ID) as tl on t.ID = tl.ARTICLE_ID  LEFT JOIN (SELECT ARTICLE_ID,CREATE_TIME, count(ID) as numStr from t_article_collection_record where 1=1  and CREATE_TIME>='2016-06-28' and CREATE_TIME<='2016-10-12'  GROUP BY ARTICLE_ID) as tc on t.ID = tc.ARTICLE_ID where 1=1  ORDER BY viewCount DESC  LIMIT 0,20;
    SELECT ARTICLE_ID,CREATE_TIME, count(ID) as numStr from t_article_view_record where CREATE_TIME>='2016-9-16' and CREATE_TIME<='2016-10-16' GROUP BY ARTICLE_ID having numStr>=45 and numStr<=87;
    SELECT ARTICLE_ID,CREATE_TIME, count(ID) as numStr from t_article_share_record where CREATE_TIME>='2016-9-16' and CREATE_TIME<='2016-10-16' GROUP BY ARTICLE_ID having numStr>=45;
    SELECT ARTICLE_ID,CREATE_TIME, count(ID) as numStr from t_article_likes_record where CREATE_TIME>='2016-9-16' and CREATE_TIME<='2016-10-16' GROUP BY ARTICLE_ID having numStr>=45;
    SELECT ARTICLE_ID,CREATE_TIME, count(ID) as numStr from t_article_collection_record where CREATE_TIME>='2016-9-16' and CREATE_TIME<='2016-10-16' GROUP BY ARTICLE_ID having numStr>=45;
    SELECT de.datelist as timeStr, 
    IFNULL(tv.numStr,0) as viewCount,
    IFNULL(ts.numStr,0) as shareCount,
    IFNULL(tl.numStr,0) as likesCount,
    IFNULL(tc.numStr,0) as collectCount FROM
    (SELECT * from t_calendar where datelist<'2016-07-01' ORDER BY datelist DESC LIMIT 0,100) as de 
      LEFT JOIN (select DATE_FORMAT(CREATE_TIME,'%Y-%m-%d') as dateStr,count(ID) as numStr from t_article_view_record where ARTICLE_ID="e548fdc0556bb01a01556bc6723b0005" GROUP BY DATE_FORMAT(CREATE_TIME,'%Y-%m-%d')) AS tv
     on tv.dateStr = de.datelist 
     LEFT JOIN (select DATE_FORMAT(CREATE_TIME,'%Y-%m-%d') as dateStr,count(ID) as numStr from t_article_share_record where ARTICLE_ID="e548fdc0556bb01a01556bc6723b0005" GROUP BY DATE_FORMAT(CREATE_TIME,'%Y-%m-%d')) AS ts
    	on ts.dateStr = de.datelist  
     LEFT JOIN (select DATE_FORMAT(CREATE_TIME,'%Y-%m-%d') as dateStr,count(ID) as numStr from t_article_likes_record where ARTICLE_ID="e548fdc0556bb01a01556bc6723b0005" GROUP BY DATE_FORMAT(CREATE_TIME,'%Y-%m-%d')) AS tl
    	on tl.dateStr = de.datelist 
     LEFT JOIN (select DATE_FORMAT(CREATE_TIME,'%Y-%m-%d') as dateStr,count(ID) as numStr from t_article_collection_record where ARTICLE_ID="e548fdc0556bb01a01556bc6723b0005" GROUP BY DATE_FORMAT(CREATE_TIME,'%Y-%m-%d')) AS tc
    	on tc.dateStr = de.datelist 
     ORDER BY de.datelist DESC;
    -- 按日统计 
    select DATE_FORMAT(CREATE_TIME,'%Y-%m-%d') as dateStr,count(ID) as numStr from t_article_view_record where ARTICLE_ID="e548fdc0556bb01a01556bc6723b0005" GROUP BY DATE_FORMAT(CREATE_TIME,'%Y-%m-%d');
    select DATE_FORMAT(CREATE_TIME,'%Y-%m-%d') as dateStr,count(ID) as numStr from t_article_share_record where ARTICLE_ID="e548fdc0556bb01a01556bc6723b0005" GROUP BY DATE_FORMAT(CREATE_TIME,'%Y-%m-%d');
    select DATE_FORMAT(CREATE_TIME,'%Y-%m-%d') as dateStr,count(ID) as numStr from t_article_likes_record where ARTICLE_ID="e548fdc0556bb01a01556bc6723b0005" GROUP BY DATE_FORMAT(CREATE_TIME,'%Y-%m-%d');
    select DATE_FORMAT(CREATE_TIME,'%Y-%m-%d') as dateStr,count(ID) as numStr from t_article_collection_record where ARTICLE_ID="e548fdc0556bb01a01556bc6723b0005" GROUP BY DATE_FORMAT(CREATE_TIME,'%Y-%m-%d');
    select * from t_article_share_record where ARTICLE_ID="e548fdc0556bb01a01556bc6723b0005";


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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/freespider/p/10238557.html
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