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  • AutoHotKey 常用脚本

      1 ; IMPORTANT INFO ABOUT GETTING STARTED: Lines that start with a
      2 ; semicolon, such as this one, are comments.  They are not executed.
      4 ; This script has a special filename and path because it is automatically
      5 ; launched when you run the program directly.  Also, any text file whose
      6 ; name ends in .ahk is associated with the program, which means that it
      7 ; can be launched simply by double-clicking it.  You can have as many .ahk
      8 ; files as you want, located in any folder.  You can also run more than
      9 ; one .ahk file simultaneously and each will get its own tray icon.
     11 ; SAMPLE HOTKEYS: Below are two sample hotkeys.  The first is Win+Z and it
     12 ; launches a web site in the default browser.  The second is Control+Alt+N
     13 ; and it launches a new Notepad window (or activates an existing one).  To
     14 ; try out these hotkeys, run AutoHotkey again, which will load this file.
     16 ;让脚本持久运行 (即直到用户关闭或遇到 ExitApp).
     17 ;#Persistent
     19 ;强制加载新的脚本
     20 #SingleInstance force
     22 ;尝试加载图标
     23 IfExist, icon.ico ;花括号“{”不能和 IfExist 写在同一行
     24 {
     25 Menu TRAY, Icon, icon.ico ;这句会把 icon.ico 作为图标
     26 }
     28 ;定时器 输入为分钟数
     29 #t::
     30 ; 弹出一个输入框,标题 内容
     31 InputBox ,time,定时器,请输入一个时间(单位是分钟),,200,100 ;InputBox, time, 计时器, 请输入一个时间(单位是分钟)
     32 time := time*1000*60 ; 变量赋值,多一个冒号,乘以 1000*60  变time为分钟数
     33 Sleep,%time%
     34 MsgBox,,提示信息, 打卡啦
     35 return
     37 /*
     38 ;打开ie浏览器
     39 #1::
     40 run C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer\iexplore.exe
     41 return
     43 ;打开firefox浏览器
     44 #2::
     45 ;run D:\Program Files\Mozilla Firefox\firefox.exe
     46 run C:\Documents and Settings\koujincheng\Local Settings\Application Data\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe
     47 return
     48 */
     50 ;打开everything
     51 ^!e::
     52 Run D:\Program Files\everything\Everything.exe
     53 return
     55 ;打开任务管理器
     56 ^!K::
     57 Run taskmgr
     58 return
     60 ;打开远程连接
     61 ^!m::
     62 Run mstsc
     63 return
     65 ;新建或激活记事本窗口
     66 ^!n::
     67 IfWinExist ahk_class Notepad
     68 WinActivate
     69 else
     70 Run Notepad
     71 return
     73 ;UltraEdit32
     74 ^!u::
     75 Run D:\Program Files\UltraEdit\Uedit32.exe
     76 return
     78 ;截图工具 FSCapture
     79 ^!c::
     80 Run D:\Program Files (x86)\FScapture\FSCapture.exe
     81 return
     83 ; Foxmail
     84 ^!f::
     85 Run D:\Program Files (x86)\Foxmail7.2\Foxmail.exe
     86 return
     88 ; P2PSearcher
     89 ^!p::
     90 Run D:\Program Files (x86)\P2PSearchers\P2PSearcher.exe
     91 return
     93 ;重新加载脚本
     94 ^!r::Reload  ; Assign Ctrl-Alt-R as a hotkey to restart the script.
     96 ;##################################################window script#############################################################
     97 ;###################################################窗口操作#################################################################
     99 ;最大化或还原(取消最大化)窗口
    100 ~LAlt::            
    101 Keywait, LAlt, , t0.3
    102 if errorlevel = 1
    103 return
    104 else
    105 Keywait, LAlt, d, t0.3
    106 if errorlevel = 0
    107 {
    108 WinGet, DAXIAO , MinMax, A
    109 if (DAXIAO = "1")
    110 {
    111 PostMessage, 0x112, 0xF120,,, A  ; 0x112 = WM_SYSCOMMAND, 0xF120 = SC_RESTORE
    112 }
    113 else
    114 {
    115 PostMessage, 0x112, 0xF030,,, A  ; 0x112 = WM_SYSCOMMAND, 0xF030 = SC_MAXIMIZE
    116 }
    117 }
    118 return
    120 ;最小化窗口 记录最后三个最小化的窗口
    121 ~RAlt::     
    122 Keywait, RAlt, , t0.3
    123 if errorlevel = 1
    124 return
    125 else
    126 Keywait, RAlt, d, t0.3
    127 if errorlevel = 0
    128 {
    129 If (WinActive("ahk_class Progman") or WinActive("ahk_class WorkerW"))
    130 {
    131 }
    132 else
    133 {
    134 Last_Max_Id=0
    135 WinGet, Last_Min_Id, ID, A
    136 if (MinMemo1 = "0")
    137 MinMemo1=%Last_Min_Id%
    138 else if(MinMemo2 = "0")
    139 {
    140 MinMemo2=%MinMemo1%
    141 MinMemo1=%Last_Min_Id%
    142 }
    143 else
    144 {
    145 MinMemo3=%MinMemo2%
    146 MinMemo2=%MinMemo1%
    147 MinMemo1=%Last_Min_Id%
    148 }
    149 IfWinNotActive ahk_class TXGuiFoundation
    150 WinMinimize, A
    151 else  ;qq窗口使用ctrl+alt+z 最小化
    152 {
    153 WinGetTitle, Temp0 , A
    154 If Temp0 contains QQ20
    155 {
    156 sleep,100
    158 }
    159 else
    160 WinMinimize, A
    161 }
    162 }
    163 } ;end if  errorlevel = 0
    164 return
    165 ;恢复最小化的窗口,最多三个(只能识别通过脚本最小化的窗口)
    166 >!Space::      
    167 if (MinMemo1 = "0") ;不存在通过脚本最小化的窗口
    168 {
    169 WinRestore, A
    170 WinActivate,A
    171 }
    172 else if (MinMemo2 = "0") ;只有一个
    173 {
    174 WinRestore, ahk_id %MinMemo1%
    175 WinActivate, ahk_id %MinMemo1%
    176 MinMemo1=0
    177 }
    178 else if (MinMemo3 = "0")
    179 {
    180 WinRestore, ahk_id %MinMemo1%
    181 WinActivate, ahk_id %MinMemo1%
    182 MinMemo1=%MinMemo2%
    183 MinMemo2=0
    184 }
    185 else
    186 {
    187 WinRestore, ahk_id %MinMemo1%
    188 WinActivate, ahk_id %MinMemo1%
    189 MinMemo1=%MinMemo2%
    190 MinMemo2=%MinMemo3%
    191 MinMemo3=0
    192 }
    193 return
    195 ;关闭窗口,在浏览器中为关闭标签页
    196 ~Esc::     
    197 Keywait, Esc, , t0.5
    198 if errorlevel = 1
    199 return
    200 else
    201 Keywait, Esc, d, t0.2
    202 if errorlevel = 0
    203 {
    204 IfWinActive ahk_class ahk_class IEFrame ;识别IE浏览器
    205 Send {ctrldown}w{ctrlup}
    206 else IfWinActive ahk_class MozillaWindowClass ;识别firfox 浏览器
    207 Send {ctrldown}w{ctrlup}
    208 else
    209 send !{F4}
    210 }
    211 return
    213 ;##################################################other script#############################################################
    214 ;###################################################其它脚本################################################################
    217 ;快速按下两次Ctrl 快速粘贴
    218 /*
    219 ~LCtrl::
    220 Keywait, LCtrl, , t0.5
    221 if errorlevel = 1
    222 return
    223 else
    224 Keywait, LCtrl, d, t0.3
    225 if errorlevel = 0
    226 {
    227 Send,^v
    228 }
    229 return
    230 */
    233 ;win+shift+f 在桌面上建立一个以当前日期命名的文件夹
    234 #+f::
    235 Click right ;在桌面当前鼠标所在位置点击鼠标右键
    236 Send, wf ;快捷键新建文件夹
    237 Sleep, 125 ; 把暂停时间改小
    238 clipboard = %A_MM%-%A_DD%-%A_YYYY% ;%A_Hour%-%A_Min%-%A_Sec%-%A_MSec%;把当前的系统日期发送到剪贴板
    239 Send, ^v{Enter} ;发送 Ctrl + v 和回车确认修改文件夹名称
    240 return
    242 ;ctrl+win+c 得到当前选中文件的路径,保存到剪贴板中
    243 ^#c::
    244 send ^c
    245 sleep,200
    246 clipboard=%clipboard% ;解释:windows复制的时候,剪贴板保存的是“路径”.只是路径而不是字符串,只要转换成字符串就可以粘贴出来了
    247 tooltip,%clipboard% ;提示文本
    248 sleep,2000
    249 tooltip, ;置空
    250 return
    252 ; Win+O 关闭显示器
    253 #o:: 
    254 Sleep 1000  ; 让用户有机会释放按键 (以防释放它们时再次唤醒显视器).
    255 SendMessage, 0x112, 0xF170, 2,, Program Manager   ; 关闭显示器: 0x112 为 WM_SYSCOMMAND, 0xF170 为 SC_MONITORPOWER. ; 可使用 -1 代替 2 打开显示器,1 代替 2 激活显示器的节能模式
    256 return
    258 ;获取当前系统日期
    259 ::ddd::
    260 ;获得系统时间比如今天的时间:2013-07-17。如果需要“年”的话请替换上面的“-”。
    261 d = %A_YYYY%-%A_MM%-%A_DD% 
    262 ;把 d 的值发送到剪贴板,变量不用声明,引用变量的值时在变量的前后加“%”。clipboard是 AHK 自带的变量:剪切板
    263 clipboard = %d% 
    264 Send ^v
    265 return
    267 ;获取当前系统时间
    268 ::/time::
    269 d = %A_Hour%:%A_Min%:%A_sec% 
    270 clipboard = %d% 
    271 Send ^v
    272 return
    274 ;获取系统日期和时间
    275 ::/all::
    276 d = %A_YYYY%-%A_MM%-%A_DD% %A_Hour%:%A_Min%:%A_sec%
    277 clipboard = %d% 
    278 Send ^v
    279 return
    281 ::/kou::
    282 Send , koujincheng{Shift}{Tab}1234.abcdd{Enter}
    283 return
    285 ;选中路径,快速打开
    286 #j::
    287 send ^c ; 复制选中的文字
    288 clipwait ; 等待复制动作的完成
    289 Clipboard := Trim(clipboard,A_Space) ;去除空格
    290 Run  %clipboard%
    291 return
    294 ; Note: From now on whenever you run AutoHotkey directly, this script
    295 ; will be loaded.  So feel free to customize it to suit your needs.
    297 ; Please read the QUICK-START TUTORIAL near the top of the help file.
    298 ; It explains how to perform common automation tasks such as sending
    299 ; keystrokes and mouse clicks.  It also explains more about hotkeys.
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/freshier/p/4567704.html
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