14 numbers every developer should know列举了14个数字,可以作为大家设计算法时的一个参考。下表列出了秒数量级下各种算法复杂度能接受的输入个数。
maximum n |
complexity |
algorithms |
data structures |
1,000,000,000 and higher |
log n, sqrt n |
binary search, ternary search, fast exponentiation, euclid algorithm |
10,000,000 |
n, n log log n, n log* n |
set intersection, Eratosthenes sieve, radix sort, KMP, topological sort, Euler tour, strongly connected components, 2sat |
disjoint sets, tries, hash_map, rolling hash deque |
1,000,000 |
n log n |
sorting, divide and conquer, sweep line, Kruskal, Dijkstra |
segment trees, range trees, heaps, treaps, binary indexed trees, suffix arrays |
100,000 |
n log2 n |
divide and conquer |
2d range trees |
50,000 |
n1.585, n sqrt n |
Karatsuba, square root trick |
two level tree |
1000 - 10,000 |
n2 |
largest empty rectangle, Dijkstra, Prim (on dense graphs) |
300-500 |
n3 |
all pairs shortest paths, largest sum submatrix, naive matrix multiplication, matrix chain multiplication, gaussian elimination, network flow |
30-50 |
n4, n5, n6 |
25 - 40 |
3n/2, 2n/2 |
hash tables (for set intersection) |
15 - 24 |
2n |
subset enumeration, brute force, dynamic programming with exponential states |
15 - 20 |
n2 2n |
dynamic programming with exponential states |
bitsets, hash_map |
13-17 |
3n |
dynamic programming with exponential states |
hash_map (to store the states) |
11 |
n! |
brute force, backtracking, next_permutation |
8 |
nn |
brute force, cartesian product |