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  • GIS学习笔记(一)

    Microsoft Windows XP [版本 5.1.2600]
    (C) 版权所有 1985-2001 Microsoft Corp.

    C:\Documents and Settings\dell>hostname                               这是我的主机名

    C:\Documents and Settings\dell>cd /d F:\cao                           这是我的workspace

    F:\cao>dir                                                            现在里面只有tif数据
     驱动器 F 中的卷是 新加卷                                             ArcGIS下的DEM文件
     卷的序列号是 2409-8A33

     F:\cao 的目录

    2010-03-09  10:27    <DIR>          .
    2010-03-09  10:27    <DIR>          ..
    2006-02-22  17:43         3,154,042 odaster.tif
    2010-03-07  09:14         2,103,679 oddem.tif
    2010-03-07  09:54             1,160 readme.txt
                   3 个文件      5,258,881 字节
                   2 个目录 164,609,568,768 可用字节

    F:\cao>write readme.txt                                               看看作业要求

    作业一 理解图像、GRID等数据的不同                                     这是作业,不在cmd下
    试着将实习数据oddem.tif图像,转成<ArcGIS GRID>格式.
    请将oddem.tif转成<ArcGIS GRID>格式?输出文件名oddem。


    作业二 投影定义
    UTM投影,Datum - WGS84, Zone - 47, Unit - Meters


    作业三 投影转换
    UTM投影,Datum - Indian 1954, UTM Zone - 47


    作业四 检验配准

    'od*' 不是内部或外部命令,也不是可运行的程序

    F:\cao>dir od*                                                        显示以od开头的文件
     驱动器 F 中的卷是 新加卷
     卷的序列号是 2409-8A33

     F:\cao 的目录

    2006-02-22  17:43         3,154,042 odaster.tif
    2010-03-09  10:37                38 oddem.tfw
    2010-03-07  09:14         2,103,679 oddem.tif
                   3 个文件      5,257,759 字节
                   0 个目录 164,609,568,768 可用字节

    F:\cao>arc                                                            进入Arc环境
    Copyright (C) 1982-2006 Environmental Systems Research Institute, Inc.
    All rights reserved.
    ARC 9.2 (Sun Sep 17 16:05:34 PDT 2006)

    This software is provided with RESTRICTED AND LIMITED RIGHTS.  Use,
    duplication, and disclosure by the U.S. Government are subject to
    restrictions as set forth in FAR Section 52.227-14 Alternate III (g)(3)
    (JUN 1987), FAR Section 52.227-19 (JUN 1987), and/or FAR Section
    12.211/12.212 [Commercial Technical Data/Computer Software] and DFARS
    Section 252.227-7015 (NOV 1995) [Technical Data] and/or DFARS Section
    227.7202 [Computer Software], as applicable. Contractor/Manufacturer is
    Environmental Systems Research Institute, Inc., 380 New York Street,
    Redlands, CA 92373-8100, USA.

    Arc: help                                                            打开help,不关闭,放着备用

    Copyright (C) 1982-2006 Environmental Systems Research Institute, Inc.
    All Rights Reserved
    ArcDoc Version 9.2  (Sun Sep 17 16:05:34 PDT 2006)
    Arc: w                                                               这是我的workspace
     Current location: f:\cao
    Arc: lg                                                              list of grid,查看栅格文件
     Workspace F:\CAO does not exist                                     lc:查看矢量文件
    Arc: imagegrid                                                       看imagegrid命令的参数
    Usage: IMAGEGRID <in_image> <out_grid | out_stack> {out_colormap_file} {in_band}

                     {NEAREST | BILINEAR | CUBIC} {DEFAULT | SQUARE}     <必填>{可选}

    Arc: imagegrid oddem.tif oddem                                       将实习数据oddem.tif图像,转成
    Converting Image to Grid ...                                             <ArcGIS GRID>格式
    Arc: lg                                                              有了,这是grid文件
     Workspace:        F:\CAO

     Available GRIDs

    info 存放栅格数据的属性数据








    Arc: describe                                                        看参数
    Usage: DESCRIBE <geo_dataset>
    Arc: describe oddem                                                  DEM文件oddem的信息
                               Description of Grid oddem

    Cell Size =              15.000         Data Type:                   Integer
    Number of Rows    =        1025           Number of Values =            1390
    Number of Columns =        1025           Attribute Data (bytes) =         8

               BOUNDARY                                STATISTICS

    Xmin =               732142.861         Minimum Value =              334.000
    Xmax =               747517.861         Maximum Value =             1723.000
    Ymin =              2203497.018         Mean          =              749.163
    Ymax =              2218872.018         Standard Deviation =         299.164

                              NO COORDINATE SYSTEM DEFINED               现在没有投影坐标系
    Arc: projectdefine
    Usage: PROJECTDEFINE <COVER | GRID | FILE | TIN> <target>
    Arc: projectdefine oddem oddem.tfw                                   加投影坐标,噢,这是自己乱搞

    oddem.tfw文件,投影用的world文件                                     这个文件自己写就行了






    Keyword token expected.
    Usage: PROJECTDEFINE <COVER | GRID | FILE | TIN> <target>
    Arc: projectdefine oddem.grid oddem.tfw
    Keyword token expected.
    Usage: PROJECTDEFINE <COVER | GRID | FILE | TIN> <target>
    Arc: projectdefine grid countries_ald
    GRID countries_ald does not exist
    Arc: projectdefine grid oddem                                        这还是在乱搞

    Define Projection
    Project: projection albers
    Project: units meters
    Project: datum wgs84
    Project: parameters
    1st standard parallel                             [   0  0  0.000 ]:
    2nd standard parallel                             [   0  0  0.000 ]:
    central meridian                                  [   0  0  0.000 ]: -100  0 0
    latitude of projection's origin                   [   0  0  0.000 ]: 20 0 0
    false easting (meters)                            [       0.00000 ]: 0.0
    false northing (meters)                           [       0.00000 ]: 0.0
    Arc: describe oddem
                               Description of Grid oddem

    Cell Size =              15.000         Data Type:                   Integer
    Number of Rows    =        1025           Number of Values =            1390
    Number of Columns =        1025           Attribute Data (bytes) =         8

               BOUNDARY                                STATISTICS

    Xmin =               732142.861         Minimum Value =              334.000
    Xmax =               747517.861         Maximum Value =             1723.000
    Ymin =              2203497.018         Mean          =              749.163
    Ymax =              2218872.018         Standard Deviation =         299.164

                              COORDINATE SYSTEM DESCRIPTION

    Projection               ALBERS
    Datum                     WGS84
    Units                    METERS             Spheroid                  WGS84
    1st standard parallel                                    0  0  0.000
    2nd standard parallel                                    0  0  0.000
    central meridian                                       -100  0  0.00
    latitude of projection's origin                         20  0  0.000
    false easting (meters)                                       0.00000
    false northing (meters)                                      0.00000
    Arc: projectdefine grid oddem
     Warning: Coordinate system definition exists.
     Only those characteristics specified will be changed.
    Define Projection
    Project: projection albers
    Project: units meters
    Project: datum wgs84
    Project: parameters
    1st standard parallel                             [   0  0  0.000 ]: 32 30 0
    2nd standard parallel                             [   0  0  0.000 ]: 42 30 0
    central meridian                                  [   0  0  0.000 ]: -100 0 0
    latitude of projection's origin                   [   0  0 0; 0.000 ]: 20 0 0
    false easting (meters)                            [       0.00000 ]: 0.0
    false northing (meters)                           [       0.00000 ]: 0.0
    Arc: describe oddem
                               Description of Grid oddem

    Cell Size =              15.000         Data Type:                   Integer
    Number of Rows    =        1025           Number of Values =            1390
    Number of Columns =        1025           Attribute Data (bytes) =         8

               BOUNDARY                                STATISTICS

    Xmin =               732142.861         Minimum Value =              334.000
    Xmax =               747517.861         Maximum Value =             1723.000
    Ymin =              2203497.018         Mean          =              749.163
    Ymax =              2218872.018         Standard Deviation =         299.164

                              COORDINATE SYSTEM DESCRIPTION

    Projection               ALBERS
    Datum                     WGS84
    Units                    METERS             Spheroid                  WGS84
    1st standard parallel                                   32 30  0.000
    2nd standard parallel                                   42 30  0.000
    central meridian                                       -100  0  0.00
    latitude of projection's origin                         20  0  0.000
    false easting (meters)                                       0.00000
    false northing (meters)                                      0.00000

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/frostbelt/p/1763208.html
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