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  • 为数据库中的表 生成类的源文件(代码生成器)

      1 using System;
      2 using System.Collections.Generic;
      3 using System.Data;
      4 using System.Data.SqlClient;
      5 using System.IO;
      6 using System.Text;
      8 namespace ModelCodeGeneratorSample
      9 {
     10     class Program
     11     {
     12         static string ConnectionString;
     13         static string NamespaceName;
     15         static Program()
     16         {
     17             //载入配置
     18             ConnectionString = "Data Source=;Initial Catalog=22TopWeb;Integrated Security=False;user=EQCCD_HUNTER;password=zhey1bu2012;";
     19             NamespaceName = "Topuc22Top.Model";
     20         }
     22         static void Main(string[] args)
     23         {
     24             var content = GetTableCodeContent(ConnectionString, NamespaceName, "TB_Enterprise");
     25             if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(content)) 
     26             {
     27                 string descFileFolder = @"D:";
     28                 if (!Directory.Exists(descFileFolder))
     29                     Directory.CreateDirectory(descFileFolder);
     30                 string descFileName = "\TB_Enterprise.cs";
     31                 File.WriteAllText(descFileFolder + descFileName, content, System.Text.Encoding.UTF8);
     32             }
     33         }
     35         static string GetTableCodeContent(string conStr, string namespaceName, string tableName, string className = "")
     36             //为什么不直接用全局的 少传一个参数,曾经一个项目 的 经验
     37         {
     38             if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(tableName))
     39             {
     40                 throw new ArgumentException("参数tableName不能为Empty、null或WhiteSpce");
     41             }
     42             var sb = new StringBuilder();
     43             sb.AppendFormat(@"
     44 namespace {0}
     45 {{
     46     public class {1}
     47     {{", namespaceName, (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(className) ? className : tableName));
     48             var dt = GetTableFields(conStr, tableName);
     49             foreach (DataRow row in dt.Rows)
     50             {
     51                 var columnName = row["列名"];
     52                 var typeString = row["类型"];
     53                 var isNullable = row["是否为空"];
     54                 var description = row["列说明"];
     55                 sb.AppendFormat(@"
     56         /// <summary>
     57         /// {3}
     58         /// </summary>
     59         public {1}{2}  {0} {{ get; set; }}", columnName, typeString, (typeString.ToString() != "string" && isNullable.ToString() == "" ? "?" : ""), description);
     60             }
     62             sb.AppendFormat(@"
     63     }}
     64 }}
     65 ", NamespaceName);
     67             return sb.ToString();
     68         }
     70         static DataTable GetTableFields(string conStr, string tableName = "")
     71         {
     72             var sql = GetSql(tableName);
     73             var dt = ExcuteQuery(conStr, sql);
     74             return dt;
     75         }
     77         static string GetSql(string tableName = "")
     78         {
     79             var sql = @"select  
     80     [表名]=c.Name, 
     81     [表说明]=isnull(f.[value],''),  
     82     [列序号]=a.Column_id,  
     83     [列名]=a.Name,  
     84     [列说明]=isnull(e.[value],''),  
     85     [数据库类型]=b.Name,    
     86     [类型]= case when b.Name = 'image' then 'byte[]'
     87                  when b.Name in('image','uniqueidentifier','ntext','varchar','ntext','nchar','nvarchar','text','char') then 'string'
     88                  when b.Name in('tinyint','smallint','int','bigint') then 'int'
     89                  when b.Name in('date','datetime','smalldatetime') then 'DateTime'
     90                  when b.Name in('float','decimal','numeric','money','real','smallmoney') then 'decimal'
     91                  when b.Name ='bit' then 'bool' else b.name end ,
     92     [标识]= case when is_identity=1 then '是' else '' end,  
     93     [主键]= case when exists(select 1 from sys.objects x join sys.indexes y on x.Type=N'PK' and x.Name=y.Name  
     94                         join sysindexkeys z on z.ID=a.Object_id and z.indid=y.index_id and z.Colid=a.Column_id)  
     95                     then '是' else '' end,      
     96     [字节数]=case when a.[max_length]=-1 and b.Name!='xml' then 'max/2G'  
     97                   when b.Name='xml' then '2^31-1字节/2G' 
     98                   else rtrim(a.[max_length]) end,  
     99     [长度]=case when ColumnProperty(a.object_id,a.Name,'Precision')=-1 then '2^31-1' 
    100                 else rtrim(ColumnProperty(a.object_id,a.Name,'Precision')) end,  
    101     [小数位]=isnull(ColumnProperty(a.object_id,a.Name,'Scale'),0),  
    102     [是否为空]=case when a.is_nullable=1 then '是' else '' end,      
    103     [默认值]=isnull(d.text,'')      
    104 from  
    105     sys.columns a  
    106 left join 
    107     sys.types b on a.user_type_id=b.user_type_id  
    108 inner join 
    109     sys.objects c on a.object_id=c.object_id and c.Type='U' 
    110 left join 
    111     syscomments d on a.default_object_id=d.ID  
    112 left join 
    113     sys.extended_properties e on e.major_id=c.object_id and e.minor_id=a.Column_id and e.class=1   
    114 left join 
    115     sys.extended_properties f on f.major_id=c.object_id and f.minor_id=0 and f.class=1 
    116 where 1 = 1";
    117             if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(tableName))
    118             {
    119                 sql += "and c.name = '" + tableName + "'";
    120             }
    121             sql += " order by c.name, is_identity desc, a.Column_id";
    123             return sql;
    124         }
    126         static DataTable ExcuteQuery(string conStr, string cmdText, List<SqlParameter> pars = null)
    127         {
    128             using (SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection(conStr))
    129             {
    130                 using (SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(cmdText, conn))
    131                 {
    132                     if (pars != null && pars.Count > 0) cmd.Parameters.AddRange(pars.ToArray());
    133                     using (SqlDataAdapter adp = new SqlDataAdapter(cmd))
    134                     {
    135                         DataTable dt = new DataTable();
    136                         adp.Fill(dt);
    137                         return dt;
    138                     }
    139                 }
    140             }
    141         }
    143     }
    144 }


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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/frozenzhang/p/5210146.html
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