ANSYS中单机多核运行lsdyna或者autodyn并不需要单独安装Intel或MS的并行平台。自2020版本起,autodyn并行不在支持IBM。网上搜索发现还没有人成功使用Intel MPI并行计算。
before continuing check MPI is installed or not
Method 1:
keep ready with your model, allocation the subdomin to particular cores, save and close the AutoDyn
open cmd
enter cd C:Program FilesANSYS Incv193aisolAUTODYNwinx64 ( go to this directory, version and installation disk may varies )
enter AUTODYNWRAPPER.exe -noinput -machines "xxxxx:16" (xxxxx = your system name, you can find it in 'My computer> system properties' or Control PanelSystem and SecuritySystem, 16= n.o of cores - give same as n.o of task you allocated in the model)
above commands will launch AutoDyn go to file>open the file now click run
if you edit some thing after launching AutoDyn from cmd or stopped in between you have to repeat the same steps from beginning
you can check the performance of each core in View>Performance Profile, before that you have to create a empty text file in working directory where file is available, name it as profile.cfg, before executing RUN open the Performance profile where you can find the performance of slave processor with respect to 1, make the all slave processor close to 1 for optimum utilization of hardware.
Method 2 - you can find more about in help section 3.1.2. Running Autodyn with Intel MPI
create applfile and autodyn_mpi.bat as per 3.1.2
save those file in winx64 same path as above
enter cd C:Program FilesANSYS Incv193aisolAUTODYNwinx64
enter autodyn_mpi.bat
above commands will launch AutoDyn
remaining and all same as above method
Create a file called applfile, and in this file enter the following text, making the relevant changes for your parallel model, machine names, and installation path, should the installation not be in the default location:
-localroot -env ANSYS_EXD_MPI_TYPE intelmpi -host [machinenameA] -np 1 –wdir "C:Program FilesANSYS Incv170aisolAUTODYNwinx64” autodyn.exe
-host [machinenameB] -env ANSYS_EXD_MPI_TYPE intelmpi -np [number of slaves] "C:Program FilesANSYS Incv170aisolAUTODYNwinx64adslave.exe"
create a blank file called autodyn_mpi.bat. In this file enter:
set I_MPI_ROOT=%AWP_ROOT170%commonfilesMPIIntel4.1.3winx64
"%I_MPI_ROOT%inmpiexec.exe" -configfile applfile
Once the batch file is executed, Autodyn starts, along with the number of slaves specified in applfile. You can now create your model or load an existing one and proceed with your analysis.