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  • [翻译]将智能指针用于C++的类成员



    I'm havingtrouble understanding the usage of smart pointers as class members in C++11. Ihave read a lot about smart pointers and I think I do understand howunique_ptrandshared_ptr/weak_ptrwork in general. What I don't understand is the real usage. It seems likeeverybody recommends usingunique_ptr as the way to go almostall the time. But how would I implement something like this:


    class Device {
    class Settings {
        Device *device;
        Settings(Device *device) {
            this->device = device;
        Device *getDevice() {
            return device;
    int main() {
        Device *device = new Device();
        Settings settings(device);
        // ...
        Device *myDevice = settings.getDevice();
        // do something with myDevice...

    Let's say Iwould like to replace the pointers with smart pointers. A unique_ptr would not workbecause of getDevice(), right? So that's the time when I useshared_ptrandweak_ptr?No way of usingunique_ptr? Seems to me like for most casesshared_ptrmakes more sense unless I'm using a pointer in a really small scope?


    class Device {
    class Settings {
        Settings(std::shared_ptr<Device> device) {
            this->device = device;
        std::weak_ptr<Device>getDevice() {
            return device;
    int main() {
        std::shared_ptr<Device>device(new Device());
        Settings settings(device);
        // ...
        std::weak_ptr<Device>myDevice = settings.getDevice();
        // do something with myDevice...

    Is that the wayto go? Thanks very much!


    A unique_ptr would not workbecause of getDevice(), right?

    No, notnecessarily. What is important here is to determine the appropriate ownershippolicy for your Device object, i.e. who is going to be the owner of the objectpointed to by your (smart) pointer.



    Is it going tobe the instance of the Settings object alone? Will the Device object have to bedestroyed automatically when the Settings object gets destroyed, or should itoutlive that object?


    In the firstcase, std::unique_ptr is what you need, since it makes Settings the only(unique) owner of the pointed object, and the only object which is responsiblefor its destruction.


    Under thisassumption, getDevice() should return a simple observing pointer (observingpointers are pointers which do not keep the pointed object alive). The simplestkind of observing pointer is a raw pointer:


    class Device {
    class Settings {
        Settings(std::unique_ptr<Device> d) {
            device = std::move(d);
        Device* getDevice() {
            return device.get();
    int main() {
        std::unique_ptr<Device>device(new Device());
        Settings settings(std::move(device));
        // ...
        Device *myDevice = settings.getDevice();
        // do something with myDevice...

    [NOTE 1: You may be wondering why I amusing raw pointers here, when everybody keeps telling that raw pointers arebad, unsafe, and dangerous. Actually, that is a precious warning, but it isimportant to put it in the correct context: raw pointers are bad when used for performing manual memorymanagement, i.e. allocating and deallocating objects through new anddelete. When used purely as a means to achieve reference semantics and passaround non-owning, observing pointers, there is nothing intrinsically dangerousin raw pointers, except maybe for the fact that one should take care not todereference a dangling pointer. -ENDNOTE 1]


    [NOTE 2: As it emerged in the comments,in this particular case where the ownership is uniqueand the owned object is always guaranteed to be present (i.e. theinternal data member device is never going to be nullptr), function getDevice()could (and maybe should) return a reference rather than a pointer. While thisis true, I decided to return a raw pointer here because I meant this to be ashort answer that one could generalize to the case where device could benullptr, and to show that raw pointers are OK as long as one does not use themfor manual memory management. -END NOTE2]


    The situation isradically different, of course, if your Settings object shouldnot have the exclusive ownership of thedevice. This could be the case, for instance, if the destruction of theSettings object should not imply the destruction of the pointed Device objectas well.


    This issomething that only you as a designer of your program can tell; from theexample you provide, it is hard for me to tell whether this is the case or not.


    To help youfigure it out, you may ask yourself whether there are any other objects apartfrom Settings that are entitled to keep the Device object alive as long as theyhold a pointer to it, instead of being just passive observers. If that isindeed the case, then you need a sharedownership policy, which is what std::shared_ptr offers:


    class Device {
    class Settings {
        Settings(std::shared_ptr<Device> const& d) {
            device = d;
        std::shared_ptr<Device>getDevice() {
            return device;
    int main() {
        std::shared_ptr<Device>device = std::make_shared<Device>();
        Settings settings(device);
        // ...
        std::shared_ptr<Device>myDevice = settings.getDevice();
        // do something with myDevice...

    Notice, that weak_ptris an observing pointer, not an owning pointer - in other words, it does notkeep the pointed object alive if all other owning pointers to the pointedobject go out of scope.


    The advantage ofweak_ptrover a regular raw pointer is that you can safely tell whetherweak_ptris dangling or not (i.e. whether it is pointing to a valid object, or if theobject originally pointed to has been destroyed). This can be done by callingthe expired() member function on theweak_ptr object.


    @LKK: Yes,correct. A weak_ptr is always an alternative to raw observing pointers. Itis safer in a sense, because you could check if it is dangling beforedereferencing it, but it also comes with some overhead. If you can easilyguarantee that you are not going to dereference a dangling pointer, then youshould be fine with observing raw pointers


    @vobject: Also,returning a reference would make it possible for the user to erroneously writesomething like: Device myDevice = settings.getDevice(); when they actuallymeant Device& myDevice = settings.getDevice(); (forgetting the &),which won't happen when returning a pointer. I also feel like checking againstnullptr is not needed here, because the function is always guaranteed to returna valid pointer.


    Device myDevice =settings.getDevice();


    Device&myDevice = settings.getDevice(); //忘了写&


    @vobject: Inthis case it could return a reference, yes, or a reference wrapper. However,this can't be generalized to the case where a returned pointer could be null,so I thought I'd just put a pointer in there (my main goal in this answer wasto explain the meaning of observing pointers vs owning pointers in ageneralized context, and to point out that raw pointers are not that bad whenobserving pointers are needed).


    @chico: Not surewhat you mean. auto myDevice = settings.getDevice() will create a new instanceof type Device called myDevice and copy-construct it from the one referenced bythe reference that getDevice() returns. If you want myDevice to be a reference,you need to do auto& myDevice = settings.getDevice(). So unless I ammissing something, we're back in the same situation we had without using auto.

    @chico:不清楚你想说什么。auto myDevice =settings.getDevice()会创建一个名叫myDevice的Device类型新对象,并且会通过getDevice()返回的引用来进行复制构造。如果你想要让myDevice是一个引用,你应该写auto& myDevice =settings.getDevice()。所以如果我没有错过什么的话,我们还是回到没有用auto的情况吧。

    @BretKuhns: As Imentioned in a previous comment, it is true that in this case we could return areference, but my goal in the answer was just to provide a simple solution that1) could be generalized (applies also when the allowed pointer could be null),and 2) showed that raw pointers are bad only when used for manual memorymanagement. But I agree that in this particular case we could/should return areference.


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