这部分的内容主要包括Epoll/select的封装,在封装好相应函数后,再使用一个类来管理相应事件,实现的文件为pollmgr.{h, cc}。

1 class aio_mgr { 2 public: 3 virtual void watch_fd(int fd, poll_flag flag) = 0; 4 virtual bool unwatch_fd(int fd, poll_flag flag) = 0; 5 virtual bool is_watched(int fd, poll_flag flag) = 0; 6 virtual void wait_ready(std::vector<int> *readable, std::vector<int> *writable) = 0; 7 virtual ~aio_mgr() {} 8 };

1 class SelectAIO : public aio_mgr { 2 public : 3 4 SelectAIO(); 5 ~SelectAIO(); 6 void watch_fd(int fd, poll_flag flag); 7 bool unwatch_fd(int fd, poll_flag flag); 8 bool is_watched(int fd, poll_flag flag); 9 void wait_ready(std::vector<int> *readable, std::vector<int> *writable); 10 11 private: 12 13 fd_set rfds_; 14 fd_set wfds_; 15 int highfds_; 16 int pipefd_[2]; 17 18 pthread_mutex_t m_; 19 20 }; 21 22 #ifdef __linux__ 23 class EPollAIO : public aio_mgr { 24 public: 25 EPollAIO(); 26 ~EPollAIO(); 27 void watch_fd(int fd, poll_flag flag); 28 bool unwatch_fd(int fd, poll_flag flag); 29 bool is_watched(int fd, poll_flag flag); 30 void wait_ready(std::vector<int> *readable, std::vector<int> *writable); 31 32 private: 33 int pollfd_; 34 struct epoll_event ready_[MAX_POLL_FDS]; 35 int fdstatus_[MAX_POLL_FDS]; 36 37 }; 38 #endif /* __linux */

1 EPollAIO::EPollAIO() 2 { 3 pollfd_ = epoll_create(MAX_POLL_FDS); 4 VERIFY(pollfd_ >= 0); 5 bzero(fdstatus_, sizeof(int)*MAX_POLL_FDS); 6 } 7 8 EPollAIO::~EPollAIO() 9 { 10 close(pollfd_); 11 } 12 13 //状态转换 14 static inline 15 int poll_flag_to_event(poll_flag flag) 16 { 17 int f; 18 if (flag == CB_RDONLY) { 19 f = EPOLLIN; 20 }else if (flag == CB_WRONLY) { 21 f = EPOLLOUT; 22 }else { //flag == CB_RDWR 23 f = EPOLLIN | EPOLLOUT; 24 } 25 return f; 26 } 27 /* 28 * 这个函数就相当于:准备下一个监听事件的类型 29 */ 30 void 31 EPollAIO::watch_fd(int fd, poll_flag flag) 32 { 33 VERIFY(fd < MAX_POLL_FDS); 34 35 struct epoll_event ev; 36 int op = fdstatus_[fd]? EPOLL_CTL_MOD : EPOLL_CTL_ADD; 37 fdstatus_[fd] |= (int)flag; 38 39 //边缘触发模式 40 ev.events = EPOLLET; 41 ev.data.fd = fd; 42 //注册读事件 43 if (fdstatus_[fd] & CB_RDONLY) { 44 ev.events |= EPOLLIN; 45 }//注册写事件 46 if (fdstatus_[fd] & CB_WRONLY) { 47 ev.events |= EPOLLOUT; 48 } 49 50 if (flag == CB_RDWR) { 51 VERIFY(ev.events == (uint32_t)(EPOLLET | EPOLLIN | EPOLLOUT)); 52 } 53 //更改 54 VERIFY(epoll_ctl(pollfd_, op, fd, &ev) == 0); 55 } 56 57 bool 58 EPollAIO::unwatch_fd(int fd, poll_flag flag) 59 { 60 VERIFY(fd < MAX_POLL_FDS); 61 fdstatus_[fd] &= ~(int)flag; 62 63 struct epoll_event ev; 64 int op = fdstatus_[fd]? EPOLL_CTL_MOD : EPOLL_CTL_DEL; 65 66 ev.events = EPOLLET; 67 ev.data.fd = fd; 68 69 if (fdstatus_[fd] & CB_RDONLY) { 70 ev.events |= EPOLLIN; 71 } 72 if (fdstatus_[fd] & CB_WRONLY) { 73 ev.events |= EPOLLOUT; 74 } 75 76 if (flag == CB_RDWR) { 77 VERIFY(op == EPOLL_CTL_DEL); 78 } 79 VERIFY(epoll_ctl(pollfd_, op, fd, &ev) == 0); 80 return (op == EPOLL_CTL_DEL); 81 } 82 83 bool 84 EPollAIO::is_watched(int fd, poll_flag flag) 85 { 86 VERIFY(fd < MAX_POLL_FDS); 87 return ((fdstatus_[fd] & CB_MASK) == flag); 88 } 89 /** 90 * 事件循环,查看有哪些事件已经准备好,准备好的事件则插入相应列表中 91 */ 92 void 93 EPollAIO::wait_ready(std::vector<int> *readable, std::vector<int> *writable) 94 { 95 //得到已准备好的事件数目 96 int nfds = epoll_wait(pollfd_, ready_, MAX_POLL_FDS, -1); 97 //遍历套接字数组,将可读/可写套接字添加到readable/writable数组中,便于后面处理 98 for (int i = 0; i < nfds; i++) { 99 if (ready_[i].events & EPOLLIN) { 100 readable->push_back(ready_[i].data.fd); 101 } 102 if (ready_[i].events & EPOLLOUT) { 103 writable->push_back(ready_[i].data.fd); 104 } 105 } 106 }

class aio_callback { public: virtual void read_cb(int fd) = 0; virtual void write_cb(int fd) = 0; virtual ~aio_callback() {} };

1 class PollMgr { 2 public: 3 PollMgr(); 4 ~PollMgr(); 5 6 static PollMgr *Instance(); 7 static PollMgr *CreateInst(); 8 //在对应的套接字上添加事件 9 void add_callback(int fd, poll_flag flag, aio_callback *ch); 10 //删除套接字上的所有事件 11 void del_callback(int fd, poll_flag flag); 12 bool has_callback(int fd, poll_flag flag, aio_callback *ch); 13 //阻塞删除套接字,为何阻塞呢?因为删除时,其它线程正在使用该套接字 14 void block_remove_fd(int fd); 15 //主要事件循环方法 16 void wait_loop(); 17 18 static PollMgr *instance; 19 static int useful; 20 static int useless; 21 22 private: 23 pthread_mutex_t m_; 24 pthread_cond_t changedone_c_; 25 pthread_t th_; 26 27 aio_callback *callbacks_[MAX_POLL_FDS]; //事件数组,即数组下标为相应的套接字 28 aio_mgr *aio_; //具体的事件函数类,可实现为epoll/select 29 bool pending_change_; 30 };

1 PollMgr *PollMgr::instance = NULL; 2 static pthread_once_t pollmgr_is_initialized = PTHREAD_ONCE_INIT; 3 4 void 5 PollMgrInit() 6 { 7 PollMgr::instance = new PollMgr(); 8 } 9 10 PollMgr * 11 PollMgr::Instance() 12 { 13 //保证PollMgrInit在本线程内只初始化一次 14 pthread_once(&pollmgr_is_initialized, PollMgrInit); 15 return instance; 16 }

PollMgr::PollMgr() : pending_change_(false) { bzero(callbacks_, MAX_POLL_FDS*sizeof(void *)); //aio_ = new SelectAIO(); aio_ = new EPollAIO(); VERIFY(pthread_mutex_init(&m_, NULL) == 0); VERIFY(pthread_cond_init(&changedone_c_, NULL) == 0); //this表示本类,wait_loop是本类中的一个方法,false表示不分离(detach) VERIFY((th_ = method_thread(this, false, &PollMgr::wait_loop)) != 0); } PollMgr::~PollMgr() { //never kill me!!! VERIFY(0); }
构造函数中初始化了事件类,使用了EpollAIO类,初始化了互斥量和条件变量,然后创建了一个线程调用wait_loop。有意思的是析构函数(never kill me)

1 void 2 PollMgr::add_callback(int fd, poll_flag flag, aio_callback *ch) 3 { 4 VERIFY(fd < MAX_POLL_FDS); 5 6 ScopedLock ml(&m_); 7 aio_->watch_fd(fd, flag); 8 9 VERIFY(!callbacks_[fd] || callbacks_[fd]==ch); 10 callbacks_[fd] = ch; 11 } 12 13 //remove all callbacks related to fd 14 //the return guarantees that callbacks related to fd 15 //will never be called again 16 void 17 PollMgr::block_remove_fd(int fd) 18 { 19 ScopedLock ml(&m_); 20 aio_->unwatch_fd(fd, CB_RDWR); 21 pending_change_ = true; 22 VERIFY(pthread_cond_wait(&changedone_c_, &m_)==0); 23 callbacks_[fd] = NULL; 24 } 25 26 //删除相应的回调函数 27 void 28 PollMgr::del_callback(int fd, poll_flag flag) 29 { 30 ScopedLock ml(&m_); 31 if (aio_->unwatch_fd(fd, flag)) { 32 callbacks_[fd] = NULL; 33 } 34 } 35 36 // 37 bool 38 PollMgr::has_callback(int fd, poll_flag flag, aio_callback *c) 39 { 40 ScopedLock ml(&m_); 41 if (!callbacks_[fd] || callbacks_[fd]!=c) 42 return false; 43 44 return aio_->is_watched(fd, flag); 45 }

//循环的主方法 void PollMgr::wait_loop() { std::vector<int> readable; //可读套接字的vector std::vector<int> writable; //可写套接字的vector // while (1) { { ScopedLock ml(&m_); if (pending_change_) { pending_change_ = false; VERIFY(pthread_cond_broadcast(&changedone_c_)==0); } } //首先清空两个vector readable.clear(); writable.clear(); //这里便监听了事件,读或写事件,有时间发生便将事件的fd插入相应的vector aio_->wait_ready(&readable,&writable); //如果这次没有可读和可写事件,则继续下一次循环 if (!readable.size() && !writable.size()) { continue; } //no locking of m_ //because no add_callback() and del_callback should //modify callbacks_[fd] while the fd is not dead for (unsigned int i = 0; i < readable.size(); i++) { int fd = readable[i]; if (callbacks_[fd]) //相应的回调函数读取套接字上的数据 callbacks_[fd]->read_cb(fd); } for (unsigned int i = 0; i < writable.size(); i++) { int fd = writable[i]; if (callbacks_[fd]) callbacks_[fd]->write_cb(fd); } } }