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  • 在Apache Tomcat 7设置redis作为session store

    在Apache Tomcat 7设置redis作为session store


    root@ubuntu:~# cd /usr/tomcat/apache-tomcat-7.0.47
    root@ubuntu:/usr/tomcat/apache-tomcat-7.0.47# tail -f logs/catalina.out


    1catalina.org.apache.juli.FileHandler.level = WARNING 
    1catalina.org.apache.juli.FileHandler.directory = ${catalina.base}/logs 
    1catalina.org.apache.juli.FileHandler.prefix = catalina. 


    SEVERE (highest value) > WARNING > INFO > CONFIG > FINE > FINER > FINEST (lowest value) 

    在Apache Tomcat 7设置redis作为session store



      wget http://download.redis.io/redis-stable.tar.gz

      tar xvzf redis-stable.tar.gz

      cd redis-stable




      cd RedisDirectory/src

      ./redis-server --port 6379




    从https://github.com/jcoleman/tomcat-redis-session-manager/downloads下载tomcat的redis session manager插件,

    从http://commons.apache.org/proper/commons-pool/download_pool.cgi下载apache的common pool包,




    Java代码  收藏代码
    1. <Valve className="com.radiadesign.catalina.session.RedisSessionHandlerValve" />  
    2. <Manager className="com.radiadesign.catalina.session.RedisSessionManager"  
    3. host="localhost" <!-- optional: defaults to "localhost" -->  
    4. port="6379" <!-- optional: defaults to "6379" -->  
    5. database="0" <!-- optional: defaults to "0" -->  
    6. maxInactiveInterval="60" <!-- optional: defaults to "60" (in seconds) --> />  




    Possible Issues

    There is the possibility of a race condition that would cause seeming invisibility of the session immediately after your web application logs in a user: if the response has finished streaming and the client requests a new page before the valve has been able to complete saving the session into Redis, then the new request will not see the session.

    This condition will be detected by the session manager and a java.lang.IllegalStateException with the message Race condition encountered: attempted to load session[SESSION_ID] which has been created but not yet serialized.will be thrown.

    Normally this should be incredibly unlikely (insert joke about programmers and "this should never happen" statements here) since the connection to save the session into Redis is almost guaranteed to be faster than the latency between a client receiving the response, processing it, and starting a new request.

    If you encounter errors, then you can force save the session early (before sending a response to the client) then you can retrieve the current session, and call currentSession.manager.save(currentSession) to synchronously eliminate the race condition. Note: this will only work directly if your application has the actual session object directly exposed. Many frameworks (and often even Tomcat) will expose the session in their own wrapper HttpSession implementing class. You may be able to dig through these layers to expose the actual underlying RedisSession instance--if so, then using that instance will allow you to implement the workaround.

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/fx2008/p/4136055.html
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