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  • Calcite分析

    RelTrait 表示RelNode的物理属性


     * RelTrait represents the manifestation of a relational expression trait within
     * a trait definition. For example, a {@code CallingConvention.JAVA} is a trait
     * of the {@link ConventionTraitDef} trait definition.
     * <h3><a id="EqualsHashCodeNote">Note about equals() and hashCode()</a></h3>
     * <p>If all instances of RelTrait for a particular RelTraitDef are defined in
     * an {@code enum} and no new RelTraits can be introduced at runtime, you need
     * not override {@link #hashCode()} and {@link #equals(Object)}. If, however,
     * new RelTrait instances are generated at runtime (e.g. based on state external
     * to the planner), you must implement {@link #hashCode()} and
     * {@link #equals(Object)} for proper {@link RelTraitDef#canonize canonization}
     * of your RelTrait objects.</p>
    public interface RelTrait {
      //~ Methods ----------------------------------------------------------------
       * Returns the RelTraitDef that defines this RelTrait.
       * @return the RelTraitDef that defines this RelTrait
      RelTraitDef getTraitDef();



     * Definition of the ordering trait.
     * <p>Ordering is a physical property (i.e. a trait) because it can be changed
     * without loss of information. The converter to do this is the
     * {@link org.apache.calcite.rel.core.Sort} operator.
     * <p>Unlike other current traits, a {@link RelNode} can have more than one
     * value of this trait simultaneously. For example,
     * <code>LogicalTableScan(table=TIME_BY_DAY)</code> might be sorted by
     * <code>{the_year, the_month, the_date}</code> and also by
     * <code>{time_id}</code>. We have to allow a RelNode to belong to more than
     * one RelSubset (these RelSubsets are always in the same set).</p>
    public class RelCollationTraitDef extends RelTraitDef<RelCollation> 


     * Definition of the distribution trait.
     * <p>Distribution is a physical property (i.e. a trait) because it can be
     * changed without loss of information. The converter to do this is the
     * {@link Exchange} operator.
    public class RelDistributionTraitDef extends RelTraitDef<RelDistribution> 


     * Definition of the the convention trait.
     * A new set of conversion information is created for
     * each planner that registers at least one {@link ConverterRule} instance.
     * <p>Conversion data is held in a {@link LoadingCache}
     * with weak keys so that the JVM's garbage
     * collector may reclaim the conversion data after the planner itself has been
     * garbage collected. The conversion information consists of a graph of
     * conversions (from one calling convention to another) and a map of graph arcs
     * to {@link ConverterRule}s.
    public class ConventionTraitDef extends RelTraitDef<Convention>


       * Converts the given RelNode to the given RelTrait.
       * @param planner                     the planner requesting the conversion
       * @param rel                         RelNode to convert
       * @param toTrait                     RelTrait to convert to
       * @param allowInfiniteCostConverters flag indicating whether infinite cost
       *                                    converters are allowed
       * @return a converted RelNode or null if conversion is not possible
      public abstract RelNode convert(
          RelOptPlanner planner,
          RelNode rel,
          T toTrait,
          boolean allowInfiniteCostConverters);
       * Tests whether the given RelTrait can be converted to another RelTrait.
       * @param planner   the planner requesting the conversion test
       * @param fromTrait the RelTrait to convert from
       * @param toTrait   the RelTrait to convert to
       * @return true if fromTrait can be converted to toTrait
      public abstract boolean canConvert(
          RelOptPlanner planner,
          T fromTrait,
          T toTrait);





      void checkForSatisfiedConverters(
          RelSet set,
          RelNode rel) {
        int i = 0;
        while (i < set.abstractConverters.size()) { //遍历RelSet所有的abstractConverters
          AbstractConverter converter = set.abstractConverters.get(i);
          RelNode converted =
                  converter.getTraitSet()); //试图对RelNode进行转换
          if (converted == null) {
            i++; // couldn't convert this; move on to the next
          } else { //如果转换成功
            if (!isRegistered(converted)) {
              registerImpl(converted, set); //注册新产生的RelNode
            set.abstractConverters.remove(converter); // 删除已经完成转换的abstractConverters


      private RelNode changeTraitsUsingConverters(
          RelNode rel,
          RelTraitSet toTraits,
          boolean allowAbstractConverters) {
        final RelTraitSet fromTraits = rel.getTraitSet(); //RelNode本身的Traits就是from,toTraits是传入的,代表需要变成啥样
        assert fromTraits.size() >= toTraits.size(); //toTraits的个数需要小于等于fromTraits
        // Traits may build on top of another...for example a collation trait
        // would typically come after a distribution trait since distribution
        // destroys collation; so when doing the conversion below we use
        // fromTraits as the trait of the just previously converted RelNode.
        // Also, toTraits may have fewer traits than fromTraits, excess traits
        // will be left as is.  Finally, any null entries in toTraits are
        // ignored.
        RelNode converted = rel;
        for (int i = 0; (converted != null) && (i < toTraits.size()); i++) {
          RelTrait fromTrait = converted.getTraitSet().getTrait(i);
          final RelTraitDef traitDef = fromTrait.getTraitDef();
          RelTrait toTrait = toTraits.getTrait(i);
          if (toTrait == null) {
          if (fromTrait.equals(toTrait)) { //from等于to,不需转换
            // No need to convert; it's already correct.
          rel =
              traitDef.convert( //真正的convert
          if (rel != null) {
            assert rel.getTraitSet().getTrait(traitDef).satisfies(toTrait); //判断一下是否真的转换成功if (rel != null) {
              register(rel, converted);
          if ((rel == null) && allowAbstractConverters) {
            RelTraitSet stepTraits =
            rel = getSubset(converted, stepTraits);
          converted = rel;
        // make sure final converted traitset subsumes what was required
        if (converted != null) {
          assert converted.getTraitSet().satisfies(toTraits);
        return converted;




     * Definition of the ordering trait.
     * <p>Ordering is a physical property (i.e. a trait) because it can be changed
     * without loss of information. The converter to do this is the
     * {@link org.apache.calcite.rel.core.Sort} operator.
     * <p>Unlike other current traits, a {@link RelNode} can have more than one
     * value of this trait simultaneously. For example,
     * <code>LogicalTableScan(table=TIME_BY_DAY)</code> might be sorted by
     * <code>{the_year, the_month, the_date}</code> and also by
     * <code>{time_id}</code>. We have to allow a RelNode to belong to more than
     * one RelSubset (these RelSubsets are always in the same set).</p>
    public class RelCollationTraitDef extends RelTraitDef<RelCollation> {
      public static final RelCollationTraitDef INSTANCE =
          new RelCollationTraitDef();
      public RelNode convert(
          RelOptPlanner planner,
          RelNode rel,
          RelCollation toCollation,
          boolean allowInfiniteCostConverters) {
        if (toCollation.getFieldCollations().isEmpty()) {
          // An empty sort doesn't make sense.
          return null;
        // Create a logical sort, then ask the planner to convert its remaining
        // traits (e.g. convert it to an EnumerableSortRel if rel is enumerable
        // convention)
        final Sort sort = LogicalSort.create(rel, toCollation, null, null); //LogicalSort是SingleRel,单输入的RelNode
        RelNode newRel = planner.register(sort, rel); //因为新产生了RelNode,需要register,加入SubSet,更新cost,importance
        final RelTraitSet newTraitSet = rel.getTraitSet().replace(toCollation); //完成convention,所以替换成新的trait
        return newRel;
      @Override public boolean canConvert(RelOptPlanner planner,
          RelCollation fromTrait, RelCollation toTrait, RelNode fromRel) {
        // Returns true only if we can convert.  In this case, we can only convert
        // if the fromTrait (the input) has fields that the toTrait wants to sort.
        for (RelFieldCollation field : toTrait.getFieldCollations()) {
          int index = field.getFieldIndex();
          if (index >= fromRel.getRowType().getFieldCount()) {
            return false;
        return true;


       * Returns a trait set consisting of the current set plus a new trait.
       * <p>If the set does not contain a trait of the same {@link RelTraitDef},
       * the trait is ignored, and this trait set is returned.
       * @param trait the new trait
       * @return New set
       * @see #plus(RelTrait)
      public RelTraitSet replace(
          RelTrait trait) {
        // Quick check for common case
        if (containsShallow(traits, trait)) {
          return this;
        final RelTraitDef traitDef = trait.getTraitDef();
        int index = findIndex(traitDef); 
        if (index < 0) {
          // Trait is not present. Ignore it.
          return this;
        return replace(index, trait);


      public RelNode convert(RelOptPlanner planner, RelNode rel,
          RelDistribution toDistribution, boolean allowInfiniteCostConverters) {
        if (toDistribution == RelDistributions.ANY) {
          return rel;
        final Exchange exchange = LogicalExchange.create(rel, toDistribution);
        RelNode newRel = planner.register(exchange, rel);
        final RelTraitSet newTraitSet = rel.getTraitSet().replace(toDistribution);
        if (!newRel.getTraitSet().equals(newTraitSet)) {
          newRel = planner.changeTraits(newRel, newTraitSet);
        return newRel;





     * Calling convention trait.
    public interface Convention extends RelTrait {
       * Convention that for a relational expression that does not support any
       * convention. It is not implementable, and has to be transformed to
       * something else in order to be implemented.
       * <p>Relational expressions generally start off in this form.</p>
       * <p>Such expressions always have infinite cost.</p>
      Convention NONE = new Impl("NONE", RelNode.class);
      Class getInterface();
      String getName();
       * Returns whether we should convert from this convention to
       * {@code toConvention}. Used by {@link ConventionTraitDef}.
       * @param toConvention Desired convention to convert to
       * @return Whether we should convert from this convention to toConvention
      boolean canConvertConvention(Convention toConvention);
       * Returns whether we should convert from this trait set to the other trait
       * set.
       * <p>The convention decides whether it wants to handle other trait
       * conversions, e.g. collation, distribution, etc.  For a given convention, we
       * will only add abstract converters to handle the trait (convention,
       * collation, distribution, etc.) conversions if this function returns true.
       * @param fromTraits Traits of the RelNode that we are converting from
       * @param toTraits Target traits
       * @return Whether we should add converters
      boolean useAbstractConvertersForConversion(RelTraitSet fromTraits,
          RelTraitSet toTraits);





      /** Workspace for converting from one convention to another. */
      private static final class ConversionData {
        final DirectedGraph<Convention, DefaultEdge> conversionGraph = //记录Convention之间的关系
         * For a given source/target convention, there may be several possible
         * conversion rules. Maps {@link DefaultEdge} to a
         * collection of {@link ConverterRule} objects.
        final Multimap<Pair<Convention, Convention>, ConverterRule> mapArcToConverterRule = //记录某一Edge上对应的rules
        private Graphs.FrozenGraph<Convention, DefaultEdge> pathMap;
        public List<List<Convention>> getPaths(
            Convention fromConvention,
            Convention toConvention) {
          return getPathMap().getPaths(fromConvention, toConvention);
        private Graphs.FrozenGraph<Convention, DefaultEdge> getPathMap() { //获取Graph的静态Snapshot
          if (pathMap == null) {
            pathMap = Graphs.makeImmutable(conversionGraph);
          return pathMap;
        public List<Convention> getShortestPath( //获取Convention之间的最短路径
            Convention fromConvention,
            Convention toConvention) {
          return getPathMap().getShortestPath(fromConvention, toConvention);




       * Returns true if this rule can convert <em>any</em> relational expression
       * of the input convention.
       * <p>The union-to-java converter, for example, is not guaranteed, because
       * it only works on unions.</p>
       * @return {@code true} if this rule can convert <em>any</em> relational
       *   expression
      public boolean isGuaranteed() {
        return false;
      public void onMatch(RelOptRuleCall call) {
        RelNode rel = call.rel(0);
        if (rel.getTraitSet().contains(inTrait)) {
          final RelNode converted = convert(rel);
          if (converted != null) {


    class EnumerableSortRule extends ConverterRule {
      EnumerableSortRule() {
        super(Sort.class, Convention.NONE, EnumerableConvention.INSTANCE,
      public RelNode convert(RelNode rel) {
        final Sort sort = (Sort) rel;
        if (sort.offset != null || sort.fetch != null) {
          return null;
        final RelNode input = sort.getInput();
        return EnumerableSort.create(



      // implement RelTraitDef
      public RelNode convert(
          RelOptPlanner planner,
          RelNode rel,
          Convention toConvention,
          boolean allowInfiniteCostConverters) {
        final RelMetadataQuery mq = rel.getCluster().getMetadataQuery();
        final ConversionData conversionData = getConversionData(planner);
        final Convention fromConvention = rel.getConvention();
        List<List<Convention>> conversionPaths = //根据from和to,取出Paths
            conversionData.getPaths(fromConvention, toConvention);
        for (List<Convention> conversionPath : conversionPaths) {
          RelNode converted = rel;
          Convention previous = null;
          for (Convention arc : conversionPath) {
            if (planner.getCost(converted, mq).isInfinite() //如果cost infinite,忽略
                && !allowInfiniteCostConverters) {
              continue loop;
            if (previous != null) {
              converted =
                  changeConvention( //变换Convention
                      converted, previous, arc,
              if (converted == null) {
                throw new AssertionError("Converter from " + previous + " to " + arc
                    + " guaranteed that it could convert any relexp");
            previous = arc;
          return converted;
        return null;
       * Tries to convert a relational expression to the target convention of an
       * arc.
      private RelNode changeConvention(
          RelNode rel,
          Convention source,
          Convention target,
          final Multimap<Pair<Convention, Convention>, ConverterRule>
              mapArcToConverterRule) {
        // Try to apply each converter rule for this arc's source/target calling
        // conventions.
        final Pair<Convention, Convention> key = Pair.of(source, target);
        for (ConverterRule rule : mapArcToConverterRule.get(key)) { //取出Path或edge对应的Rules
          assert rule.getInTrait() == source;
          assert rule.getOutTrait() == target;
          RelNode converted = rule.convert(rel); //逐个Rule Convert
          if (converted != null) {
            return converted;
        return null;
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/fxjwind/p/11340491.html
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