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  • Lucene in action 笔记 term vector

    Leveraging term vectors
    所谓term vector, 就是对于documents的某一field,如title,body这种文本类型的, 建立词频的多维向量空间.每一个词就是一维, 这维的值就是这个词在这个field中的频率.

    如果你要使用term vectors, 就要在indexing的时候对该field打开term vectors的选项:

    Field options for term vectors
    TermVector.YES – record the unique terms that occurred, and their counts, in each document, but do not store any positions or offsets information.
    TermVector.WITH_POSITIONS – record the unique terms and their counts, and also the positions of each occurrence of every term, but no offsets.
    TermVector.WITH_OFFSETS – record the unique terms and their counts, with the offsets (start & end character position) of each occurrence of every term, but no positions.
    TermVector.WITH_POSITIONS_OFFSETS – store unique terms and their counts, along with positions and offsets.
    TermVector.NO – do not store any term vector information.
    If Index.NO is specified for a field, then you must also specify TermVector.NO.

    这样在index完后, 给定这个document id和field名称, 我们就可以从IndexReader读出这个term vector(前提是你在indexing时创建了terms vector):
    TermFreqVector termFreqVector = reader.getTermFreqVector(id, "subject");
    你可以遍历这个TermFreqVector去取出每个词和词频, 如果你在index时选择存下offsets和positions信息的话, 你在这边也可以取到.

    有了这个term vector我们可以做一些有趣的应用:
    1) Books like this
    比较两本书是否相似,把书抽象成一个document文件, 具有author, subject fields. 那么现在就通过这两个field来比较两本书的相似度.
    author这个field是multiple fields, 就是说可以有多个author, 那么第一步就是比author是否相同,
    String[] authors = doc.getValues("author");
    BooleanQuery authorQuery = new BooleanQuery(); // #3
    for (int i = 0; i < authors.length; i++) { // #3
        String author = authors[i]; // #3
        authorQuery.add(new TermQuery(new Term("author", author)), BooleanClause.Occur.SHOULD); // #3
    最后还可以把这个查询的boost值设高, 表示这个条件很重要, 权重较高, 如果作者相同, 那么就很相似了.
    第二步就用到term vector了, 这里用的很简单, 单纯的看subject field的term vector中的term是否相同,
    TermFreqVector vector = // #4
    reader.getTermFreqVector(id, "subject"); // #4
    BooleanQuery subjectQuery = new BooleanQuery(); // #4
    for (int j = 0; j < vector.size(); j++) { // #4
        TermQuery tq = new TermQuery(new Term("subject", vector.getTerms()[j]));
        subjectQuery.add(tq, BooleanClause.Occur.SHOULD); // #4

    2) What category?
    这个比上个例子高级一点, 怎么分类了,还是对于document的subject, 我们有了term vector.
    所以对于两个document, 我们可以比较这两个文章的term vector在向量空间中的夹角, 夹角越小说明这个两个document越相似.
    那么既然是分类就有个训练的过程, 我们必须建立每个类的term vector作为个标准, 来给其它document比较.
    这里用map来实现这个term vector, (term, frequency), 用n个这样的map来表示n维. 我们就要为每个category来生成一个term vector, category和term vector也可以用一个map来连接.创建这个category的term vector, 这样做:
    遍历这个类中的每个document, 取document的term vector, 把它加到category的term vector上.
    private void addTermFreqToMap(Map vectorMap, TermFreqVector termFreqVector) {
        String[] terms = termFreqVector.getTerms();
        int[] freqs = termFreqVector.getTermFrequencies();
        for (int i = 0; i < terms.length; i++) {
            String term = terms[i];
            if (vectorMap.containsKey(term)) {
                Integer value = (Integer) vectorMap.get(term);
                vectorMap.put(term, new Integer(value.intValue() + freqs[i]));
            } else {
                vectorMap.put(term, new Integer(freqs[i]));
    首先从document的term vector中取出term和frequency的list, 然后从category的term vector中取每一个term, 把document的term frequency加上去.OK了

    有了这个每个类的category, 我们就要开始计算document和这个类的向量夹角了
    cos = A*B/|A||B|
    A*B就是点积, 就是两个向量每一维相乘, 然后全加起来.
    这里为了简便计算, 假设document中term frequency只有两种情况, 0或1.就表示出现或不出现
    private double computeAngle(String[] words, String category) {
        // assume words are unique and only occur once
        Map vectorMap = (Map) categoryMap.get(category);
        int dotProduct = 0;
        int sumOfSquares = 0;
        for (int i = 0; i < words.length; i++) {
            String word = words[i];
            int categoryWordFreq = 0;
            if (vectorMap.containsKey(word)) {
                categoryWordFreq = ((Integer) vectorMap.get(word)).intValue();
            dotProduct += categoryWordFreq; // optimized because we assume frequency in words is 1
            sumOfSquares += categoryWordFreq * categoryWordFreq;
        double denominator;
        if (sumOfSquares == words.length) {
            // avoid precision issues for special case
            denominator = sumOfSquares; // sqrt x * sqrt x = x
        } else {
            denominator = Math.sqrt(sumOfSquares) *
        double ratio = dotProduct / denominator;
        return Math.acos(ratio);

    3) MoreLikeThis





    MoreLikeThis mlt = new MoreLikeThis(ir);

    Reader target = ...

    // orig source of doc you want to find similarities to

    Query query = mlt.like( target);

    Hits hits = is.search(query);


    retrieveInterestingTerms(Reader r)


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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/fxjwind/p/2097712.html
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