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  • Storm-源码分析-Topology Submit-Task

    mk-task, 比较简单, 因为task只是概念上的结构, 不象其他worker, executor都需要创建进程或线程
    1. 创建TopologyContext对象, 其实就是把之前的topology对象和worker-data混合到一起, 便于task在执行时可以取到需要的topology信息.
    2. 创建task-object, spout-object或bolt-object, 封装相应的逻辑, 如nextTuple, execute
    3. 生成tasks-fn, 名字起的不好,让人误解执行了task的功能, 其实就是做些emit之间的准备工作, 其中最重要的就是调用grouper去产生targets task, 当然还包含些metrics, hooks的调用.

    说白了其实mk-tasks, 没做啥事

    (defn mk-task [executor-data task-id]
      (let [task-data (mk-task-data executor-data task-id)  ;;1 mk-task-data  
            storm-conf (:storm-conf executor-data)]
        (doseq [klass (storm-conf TOPOLOGY-AUTO-TASK-HOOKS)] ;; add预定义的hooks
          (.addTaskHook ^TopologyContext (:user-context task-data) (-> klass Class/forName .newInstance)))
        ;; when this is called, the threads for the executor haven't been started yet,
        ;; so we won't be risking trampling on the single-threaded claim strategy disruptor queue
        (send-unanchored task-data SYSTEM-STREAM-ID ["startup"])  ;;向SYSTEM-STREAM, 发送startup通知,谁会接收SYSTEM-STREAM…?


    1 mk-task-data

    (defn mk-task-data [executor-data task-id]
        :executor-data executor-data
        :task-id task-id
        :system-context (system-topology-context (:worker executor-data) executor-data task-id)
        :user-context (user-topology-context (:worker executor-data) executor-data task-id)
        :builtin-metrics (builtin-metrics/make-data (:type executor-data))
        :tasks-fn (mk-tasks-fn <>)
        :object (get-task-object (.getRawTopology ^TopologyContext (:system-context <>)) (:component-id executor-data))))

    1.1 TopologyContext

    Storm-源码分析-Topology Submit-Task-TopologyContext

    :system-context, :user-context, 只是context中的topology对象不同, system为system-topology!

    1.2 builtin-metrics/make-data


    1.3 mk-tasks-fn

    返回tasks-fn, 这个函数主要用于做emit之前的准备工作, 返回target tasks list
    1. 调用grouper, 产生target tasks
    2. 执行emit hook
    3. 满足sampler条件时, 更新stats和buildin-metrics

    task-fn, 两种不同参数版本

    [^String stream ^List values], 这个版本好理解些, 就是将stream对应的component的target tasks都算上(一个stream可能有多个out component, 一份数据需要发到多个bolt处理)

    [^Integer out-task-id ^String stream ^List values], 指定out-task-id, 即direct grouping
    out-task-id (if grouping out-task-id), 即out-task-id->component->grouper不为nil(为:direct?), 即验证这个stream确实有到该out-task-id对应component
    如果验证失败, 将out-task-id置nil

    (defn mk-tasks-fn [task-data]
      (let [task-id (:task-id task-data)
            executor-data (:executor-data task-data)
            component-id (:component-id executor-data)
            ^WorkerTopologyContext worker-context (:worker-context executor-data)
            storm-conf (:storm-conf executor-data)
            emit-sampler (mk-stats-sampler storm-conf)
            stream->component->grouper (:stream->component->grouper executor-data) ;;Storm-源码分析-Streaming Grouping
            user-context (:user-context task-data)
            executor-stats (:stats executor-data)
            debug? (= true (storm-conf TOPOLOGY-DEBUG))]
        (fn ([^Integer out-task-id ^String stream ^List values]
              (when debug?
                (log-message "Emitting direct: " out-task-id "; " component-id " " stream " " values))
              (let [target-component (.getComponentId worker-context out-task-id)
                    component->grouping (get stream->component->grouper stream)
                    grouping (get component->grouping target-component)
                    out-task-id (if grouping out-task-id)]
                (when (and (not-nil? grouping) (not= :direct grouping))
                  (throw (IllegalArgumentException. "Cannot emitDirect to a task expecting a regular grouping")))                          
                (apply-hooks user-context .emit (EmitInfo. values stream task-id [out-task-id]))
                (when (emit-sampler)
                  (builtin-metrics/emitted-tuple! (:builtin-metrics task-data) executor-stats stream)
                  (stats/emitted-tuple! executor-stats stream)
                  (if out-task-id
                    (stats/transferred-tuples! executor-stats stream 1)
                    (builtin-metrics/transferred-tuple! (:builtin-metrics task-data) executor-stats stream 1)))
                (if out-task-id [out-task-id])
            ([^String stream ^List values]
               (when debug?
                 (log-message "Emitting: " component-id " " stream " " values))
               (let [out-tasks (ArrayList.)]
                 (fast-map-iter [[out-component grouper] (get stream->component->grouper stream)]
                   (when (= :direct grouper)
                      ;;  TODO: this is wrong, need to check how the stream was declared
                      (throw (IllegalArgumentException. "Cannot do regular emit to direct stream")))
                   (let [comp-tasks (grouper task-id values)] ;;执行grouper, 产生target tasks
                     (if (or (sequential? comp-tasks) (instance? Collection comp-tasks))
                       (.addAll out-tasks comp-tasks)
                       (.add out-tasks comp-tasks)
                 (apply-hooks user-context .emit (EmitInfo. values stream task-id out-tasks)) ;;执行事先注册的emit hook
                 (when (emit-sampler)    ;;满足抽样条件时, 更新stats和buildin-metrics中的emitted和transferred metric
                   (stats/emitted-tuple! executor-stats stream)
                   (builtin-metrics/emitted-tuple! (:builtin-metrics task-data) executor-stats stream)              
                   (stats/transferred-tuples! executor-stats stream (count out-tasks))
                   (builtin-metrics/transferred-tuple! (:builtin-metrics task-data) executor-stats stream (count out-tasks)))

    1.4 get-task-object

    比如对于Spout, 取出SpoutSpec中的ComponentObject spout_object, 包含了spout的逻辑, 比如nextTuple()

    (defn- get-task-object [^TopologyContext topology component-id]
      (let [spouts (.get_spouts topology)
            bolts (.get_bolts topology)
            state-spouts (.get_state_spouts topology)
            obj (Utils/getSetComponentObject
                  (contains? spouts component-id) (.get_spout_object ^SpoutSpec (get spouts component-id))
                  (contains? bolts component-id) (.get_bolt_object ^Bolt (get bolts component-id))
                  (contains? state-spouts component-id) (.get_state_spout_object ^StateSpoutSpec (get state-spouts component-id))
                  true (throw-runtime "Could not find " component-id " in " topology)))
            obj (if (instance? ShellComponent obj)
                  (if (contains? spouts component-id)
                    (ShellSpout. obj)
                    (ShellBolt. obj))
                  obj )
            obj (if (instance? JavaObject obj)
                  (thrift/instantiate-java-object obj)
                  obj )]
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/fxjwind/p/3227653.html
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