看看Flink cep如何将pattern转换为NFA?
前面的链路,CEP –> PatternStream –> select –> CEPOperatorUtils.createPatternStream
1. 产生NFACompiler.compileFactory,完成pattern到state的转换
final NFACompiler.NFAFactory<T> nfaFactory = NFACompiler.compileFactory(pattern, inputSerializer, false);
final NFAFactoryCompiler<T> nfaFactoryCompiler = new NFAFactoryCompiler<>(pattern); nfaFactoryCompiler.compileFactory(); return new NFAFactoryImpl<>(inputTypeSerializer, nfaFactoryCompiler.getWindowTime(), nfaFactoryCompiler.getStates(), timeoutHandling);
void compileFactory() { // we're traversing the pattern from the end to the beginning --> the first state is the final state State<T> sinkState = createEndingState(); // add all the normal states sinkState = createMiddleStates(sinkState); // add the beginning state createStartState(sinkState); }
因为加pattern的是不断往后加,通过private final Pattern<T, ? extends T> previous来指向前面的pattern,所以在遍历pattern的时候只能回溯
先创建最后的final state
private State<T> createEndingState() { State<T> endState = createState(ENDING_STATE_NAME, State.StateType.Final); windowTime = currentPattern.getWindowTime() != null ? currentPattern.getWindowTime().toMilliseconds() : 0L; return endState; }
private State<T> createState(String name, State.StateType stateType) { String stateName = getUniqueInternalStateName(name); usedNames.add(stateName); State<T> state = new State<>(stateName, stateType); states.add(state); return state; }
private State<T> createMiddleStates(final State<T> sinkState) { State<T> lastSink = sinkState; //记录上一个state while (currentPattern.getPrevious() != null) { checkPatternNameUniqueness(currentPattern.getName()); lastSink = convertPattern(lastSink); //convert pattern到state // we traverse the pattern graph backwards followingPattern = currentPattern; currentPattern = currentPattern.getPrevious(); //往前回溯 final Time currentWindowTime = currentPattern.getWindowTime(); if (currentWindowTime != null && currentWindowTime.toMilliseconds() < windowTime) { // the window time is the global minimum of all window times of each state windowTime = currentWindowTime.toMilliseconds(); } } return lastSink; }
private State<T> convertPattern(final State<T> sinkState) { final State<T> lastSink; lastSink = createSingletonState(sinkState); //只看singleton state addStopStates(lastSink); return lastSink; }
private State<T> createSingletonState(final State<T> sinkState, final IterativeCondition<T> ignoreCondition, final boolean isOptional) { final IterativeCondition<T> currentCondition = (IterativeCondition<T>) currentPattern.getCondition(); //从pattern里面取出condition final IterativeCondition<T> trueFunction = BooleanConditions.trueFunction(); final State<T> singletonState = createState(currentPattern.getName(), State.StateType.Normal); //对currentPattern创建singletonState // if event is accepted then all notPatterns previous to the optional states are no longer valid singletonState.addTake(sink, currentCondition); //设置take StateTransition if (isOptional) { // if no element accepted the previous nots are still valid. singletonState.addProceed(sinkState, trueFunction); //如果有Optional,设置Proceed StateTransition } return singletonState; }
public void addStateTransition( final StateTransitionAction action, final State<T> targetState, final IterativeCondition<T> condition) { stateTransitions.add(new StateTransition<T>(this, action, targetState, condition)); }
private State<T> createStartState(State<T> sinkState) { checkPatternNameUniqueness(currentPattern.getName()); final State<T> beginningState = convertPattern(sinkState); beginningState.makeStart(); return beginningState; }
2. 当event coming,如何处理?
NFA<IN> nfa = getNFA();
processEvent(nfa, element.getValue(), getProcessingTimeService().getCurrentProcessingTime());
private NFA<IN> getNFA() throws IOException { NFA<IN> nfa = nfaOperatorState.value(); return nfa != null ? nfa : nfaFactory.createNFA(); }
NFA<T> result = new NFA<>(inputTypeSerializer.duplicate(), windowTime, timeoutHandling); result.addStates(states);
public void addStates(final Collection<State<T>> newStates) { for (State<T> state: newStates) { addState(state); } } public void addState(final State<T> state) { states.add(state); if (state.isStart()) { computationStates.add(ComputationState.createStartState(this, state)); } }
start state会加入computationStates,因为pattern的识别总是从start开始
KeyedCEPPatternOperator – > processEvent
protected void processEvent(NFA<IN> nfa, IN event, long timestamp) { Tuple2<Collection<Map<String, List<IN>>>, Collection<Tuple2<Map<String, List<IN>>, Long>>> patterns = nfa.process(event, timestamp); emitMatchedSequences(patterns.f0, timestamp); }
NFA –> process
public Tuple2<Collection<Map<String, List<T>>>, Collection<Tuple2<Map<String, List<T>>, Long>>> process(final T event, final long timestamp) { final int numberComputationStates = computationStates.size(); final Collection<Map<String, List<T>>> result = new ArrayList<>(); final Collection<Tuple2<Map<String, List<T>>, Long>> timeoutResult = new ArrayList<>(); // iterate over all current computations for (int i = 0; i < numberComputationStates; i++) { //遍历所有的当前state ComputationState<T> computationState = computationStates.poll(); //poll一个state final Collection<ComputationState<T>> newComputationStates; newComputationStates = computeNextStates(computationState, event, timestamp); //通过NFA计算下一批的state //delay adding new computation states in case a stop state is reached and we discard the path. final Collection<ComputationState<T>> statesToRetain = new ArrayList<>(); //newComputationStates中有可能是stop state,所以不一定会放到statesToRetain //if stop state reached in this path boolean shouldDiscardPath = false; for (final ComputationState<T> newComputationState: newComputationStates) { if (newComputationState.isFinalState()) { //如果是final state,说明完成匹配 // we've reached a final state and can thus retrieve the matching event sequence Map<String, List<T>> matchedPattern = extractCurrentMatches(newComputationState); result.add(matchedPattern); // remove found patterns because they are no longer needed eventSharedBuffer.release( newComputationState.getPreviousState().getName(), newComputationState.getEvent(), newComputationState.getTimestamp(), computationState.getCounter()); } else if (newComputationState.isStopState()) { //如果是stop state,那么删除该path //reached stop state. release entry for the stop state shouldDiscardPath = true; eventSharedBuffer.release( newComputationState.getPreviousState().getName(), newComputationState.getEvent(), newComputationState.getTimestamp(), computationState.getCounter()); } else { //中间状态,放入statesToRetain // add new computation state; it will be processed once the next event arrives statesToRetain.add(newComputationState); } } if (shouldDiscardPath) { //释放discardPath // a stop state was reached in this branch. release branch which results in removing previous event from // the buffer for (final ComputationState<T> state : statesToRetain) { eventSharedBuffer.release( state.getPreviousState().getName(), state.getEvent(), state.getTimestamp(), state.getCounter()); } } else { //将中间state加入computationStates computationStates.addAll(statesToRetain); } } // prune shared buffer based on window length if (windowTime > 0L) { //prune超时过期的pattern long pruningTimestamp = timestamp - windowTime; if (pruningTimestamp < timestamp) { // the check is to guard against underflows // remove all elements which are expired // with respect to the window length eventSharedBuffer.prune(pruningTimestamp); } } return Tuple2.of(result, timeoutResult); }
private Collection<ComputationState<T>> computeNextStates( final ComputationState<T> computationState, final T event, final long timestamp) { final OutgoingEdges<T> outgoingEdges = createDecisionGraph(computationState, event); //找出state的所有出边 final List<StateTransition<T>> edges = outgoingEdges.getEdges(); final List<ComputationState<T>> resultingComputationStates = new ArrayList<>(); for (StateTransition<T> edge : edges) { switch (edge.getAction()) { case IGNORE: { if (!computationState.isStartState()) { final DeweyNumber version; if (isEquivalentState(edge.getTargetState(), computationState.getState())) { //Stay in the same state (it can be either looping one or singleton) final int toIncrease = calculateIncreasingSelfState( outgoingEdges.getTotalIgnoreBranches(), outgoingEdges.getTotalTakeBranches()); version = computationState.getVersion().increase(toIncrease); } else { //IGNORE after PROCEED version = computationState.getVersion() .increase(totalTakeToSkip + ignoreBranchesToVisit) .addStage(); ignoreBranchesToVisit--; } addComputationState( //对于ignore state,本身不用take,把target state加到computation state中 resultingComputationStates, edge.getTargetState(), computationState.getPreviousState(), computationState.getEvent(), computationState.getCounter(), computationState.getTimestamp(), version, computationState.getStartTimestamp() ); } } break; case TAKE: final State<T> nextState = edge.getTargetState(); final State<T> currentState = edge.getSourceState(); final State<T> previousState = computationState.getPreviousState(); final T previousEvent = computationState.getEvent(); final int counter; final long startTimestamp; //对于take,需要把当前state记录到path里面,即放到eventSharedBuffer if (computationState.isStartState()) { startTimestamp = timestamp; counter = eventSharedBuffer.put( currentState.getName(), event, timestamp, currentVersion); } else { startTimestamp = computationState.getStartTimestamp(); counter = eventSharedBuffer.put( currentState.getName(), event, timestamp, previousState.getName(), previousEvent, computationState.getTimestamp(), computationState.getCounter(), currentVersion); } addComputationState( resultingComputationStates, nextState, currentState, event, counter, timestamp, nextVersion, startTimestamp); //check if newly created state is optional (have a PROCEED path to Final state) final State<T> finalState = findFinalStateAfterProceed(nextState, event, computationState); if (finalState != null) { addComputationState( resultingComputationStates, finalState, currentState, event, counter, timestamp, nextVersion, startTimestamp); } break; } } return resultingComputationStates; }
private OutgoingEdges<T> createDecisionGraph(ComputationState<T> computationState, T event) { final OutgoingEdges<T> outgoingEdges = new OutgoingEdges<>(computationState.getState()); final Stack<State<T>> states = new Stack<>(); states.push(computationState.getState()); //First create all outgoing edges, so to be able to reason about the Dewey version while (!states.isEmpty()) { State<T> currentState = states.pop(); Collection<StateTransition<T>> stateTransitions = currentState.getStateTransitions(); //取出state所有的stateTransitions // check all state transitions for each state for (StateTransition<T> stateTransition : stateTransitions) { try { if (checkFilterCondition(computationState, stateTransition.getCondition(), event)) { // filter condition is true switch (stateTransition.getAction()) { case PROCEED: //如果是proceed,直接跳到下个state // simply advance the computation state, but apply the current event to it // PROCEED is equivalent to an epsilon transition states.push(stateTransition.getTargetState()); break; case IGNORE: case TAKE: //default,把stateTransition加入边 outgoingEdges.add(stateTransition); break; } } } catch (Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException("Failure happened in filter function.", e); } } } return outgoingEdges; }