2017 ACM-ICPC 亚洲区(西安赛区)网络赛 C题
题目连接 : https://nanti.jisuanke.com/t/A1269
Define the function S(x)S(x) for xx is a positive integer. S(x)S(x) equals to the sum of all digit of the decimal expression of xx. Please find a positive integer kk that S(k*x)\%233=0S(k∗x)%233=0.
Input Format
First line an integer TT, indicates the number of test cases (T le 100T≤100). Then Each line has a single integer x(1 le x le 1000000)x(1≤x≤1000000)indicates i-th test case.
Output Format
For each test case, print an integer in a single line indicates the answer. The length of the answer should not exceed 20002000. If there are more than one answer, output anyone is ok.
1 1
题目大意为 : 给你一个数x,找一个k使得x*k的各个位数上数字之和要求对233取模为0
思路 : 首先想到233个1,发现小于十成立,大于十因为进位的原因不成立了,然后就想如何才能不进位呢,想到17*101=1717