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  • Akka源码分析-Remote-Actor创建


    def actorOf(system: ActorSystemImpl, props: Props, supervisor: InternalActorRef, path: ActorPath,
                  systemService: Boolean, deploy: Option[Deploy], lookupDeploy: Boolean, async: Boolean): InternalActorRef =
        if (systemService) local.actorOf(system, props, supervisor, path, systemService, deploy, lookupDeploy, async)
        else {
          if (!system.dispatchers.hasDispatcher(props.dispatcher))
            throw new ConfigurationException(s"Dispatcher [${props.dispatcher}] not configured for path $path")
           * This needs to deal with “mangled” paths, which are created by remote
           * deployment, also in this method. The scheme is the following:
           * Whenever a remote deployment is found, create a path on that remote
           * address below “remote”, including the current system’s identification
           * as “sys@host:port” (typically; it will use whatever the remote
           * transport uses). This means that on a path up an actor tree each node
           * change introduces one layer or “remote/scheme/sys@host:port/” within the URI.
           * Example:
           * akka.tcp://sys@home:1234/remote/akka/sys@remote:6667/remote/akka/sys@other:3333/user/a/b/c
           * means that the logical parent originates from “akka.tcp://sys@other:3333” with
           * one child (may be “a” or “b”) being deployed on “akka.tcp://sys@remote:6667” and
           * finally either “b” or “c” being created on “akka.tcp://sys@home:1234”, where
           * this whole thing actually resides. Thus, the logical path is
           * “/user/a/b/c” and the physical path contains all remote placement
           * information.
           * Deployments are always looked up using the logical path, which is the
           * purpose of the lookupRemotes internal method.
          def lookupRemotes(p: Iterable[String]): Option[Deploy] = {
            p.headOption match {
              case None           ⇒ None
              case Some("remote") ⇒ lookupRemotes(p.drop(3))
              case Some("user")   ⇒ deployer.lookup(p.drop(1))
              case Some(_)        ⇒ None
          val elems = path.elements
          val lookup =
            if (lookupDeploy)
              elems.head match {
                case "user" | "system" ⇒ deployer.lookup(elems.drop(1))
                case "remote"          ⇒ lookupRemotes(elems)
                case _                 ⇒ None
            else None
          val deployment = {
            deploy.toList ::: lookup.toList match {
              case Nil ⇒ Nil
              case l   ⇒ List(l reduce ((a, b) ⇒ b withFallback a))
          Iterator(props.deploy) ++ deployment.iterator reduce ((a, b) ⇒ b withFallback a) match {
            case d @ Deploy(_, _, _, RemoteScope(address), _, _) ⇒
              if (hasAddress(address)) {
                local.actorOf(system, props, supervisor, path, false, deployment.headOption, false, async)
              } else if (props.deploy.scope == LocalScope) {
                throw new ConfigurationException(s"configuration requested remote deployment for local-only Props at [$path]")
              } else try {
                try {
                  // for consistency we check configuration of dispatcher and mailbox locally
                  val dispatcher = system.dispatchers.lookup(props.dispatcher)
                  system.mailboxes.getMailboxType(props, dispatcher.configurator.config)
                } catch {
                  case NonFatal(e) ⇒ throw new ConfigurationException(
                    s"configuration problem while creating [$path] with dispatcher [${props.dispatcher}] and mailbox [${props.mailbox}]", e)
                val localAddress = transport.localAddressForRemote(address)
                val rpath = (RootActorPath(address) / "remote" / localAddress.protocol / localAddress.hostPort / path.elements).
                new RemoteActorRef(transport, localAddress, rpath, supervisor, Some(props), Some(d))
              } catch {
                case NonFatal(e) ⇒ throw new IllegalArgumentException(s"remote deployment failed for [$path]", e)
            case _ ⇒
              local.actorOf(system, props, supervisor, path, systemService, deployment.headOption, false, async)


    If you want to use the creation functionality in Akka remoting you have to further amend the application.conf file in the following way (only showing deployment section):

    akka {
      actor {
        deployment {
          /sampleActor {
            remote = "akka.tcp://sampleActorSystem@"

    The configuration above instructs Akka to react when an actor with path /sampleActor is created, i.e. using system.actorOf(Props(...), "sampleActor"). This specific actor will not be directly instantiated, but instead the remote daemon of the remote system will be asked to create the actor, which in this sample corresponds to sampleActorSystem@

    Once you have configured the properties above you would do the following in code:

    val actor = system.actorOf(Props[SampleActor], "sampleActor") actor ! "Pretty slick"

    The actor class SampleActor has to be available to the runtimes using it, i.e. the classloader of the actor systems has to have a JAR containing the class.




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