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  • Akka源码分析-FSM




       * This captures all of the managed state of the [[akka.actor.FSM]]: the state
       * name, the state data, possibly custom timeout, stop reason and replies
       * accumulated while processing the last message.
      case class State[S, D](stateName: S, stateData: D, timeout: Option[FiniteDuration] = None, stopReason: Option[Reason] = None, replies: List[Any] = Nil)


       * All messages sent to the [[akka.actor.FSM]] will be wrapped inside an
       * `Event`, which allows pattern matching to extract both state and data.
      final case class Event[D](event: Any, stateData: D) extends NoSerializationVerificationNeeded


    type StateFunction = scala.PartialFunction[Event, State]


    * A fsm hakker is an awesome dude or dudette who either thinks about hacking or has to eat ;-)
    class FSMHakker(name: String, left: ActorRef, right: ActorRef) extends Actor with FSM[FSMHakkerState, TakenChopsticks] {
      //All hakkers start waiting
      startWith(Waiting, TakenChopsticks(None, None))
      when(Waiting) {
        case Event(Think, _) =>
          println("%s starts to think".format(name))
      //When a hakker is thinking it can become hungry
      //and try to pick up its chopsticks and eat
      when(Thinking) {
        case Event(StateTimeout, _) =>
          left ! Take
          right ! Take
      // When a hakker is hungry it tries to pick up its chopsticks and eat
      // When it picks one up, it goes into wait for the other
      // If the hakkers first attempt at grabbing a chopstick fails,
      // it starts to wait for the response of the other grab
      when(Hungry) {
        case Event(Taken(`left`), _) =>
          goto(WaitForOtherChopstick) using TakenChopsticks(Some(left), None)
        case Event(Taken(`right`), _) =>
          goto(WaitForOtherChopstick) using TakenChopsticks(None, Some(right))
        case Event(Busy(_), _) =>
      // When a hakker is waiting for the last chopstick it can either obtain it
      // and start eating, or the other chopstick was busy, and the hakker goes
      // back to think about how he should obtain his chopsticks :-)
      when(WaitForOtherChopstick) {
        case Event(Taken(`left`), TakenChopsticks(None, Some(right))) => startEating(left, right)
        case Event(Taken(`right`), TakenChopsticks(Some(left), None)) => startEating(left, right)
        case Event(Busy(chopstick), TakenChopsticks(leftOption, rightOption)) =>
          leftOption.foreach(_ ! Put)
          rightOption.foreach(_ ! Put)
      private def startEating(left: ActorRef, right: ActorRef): State = {
        println("%s has picked up %s and %s and starts to eat".format(name, left.path.name, right.path.name))
        goto(Eating) using TakenChopsticks(Some(left), Some(right)) forMax (5.seconds)
      // When the results of the other grab comes back,
      // he needs to put it back if he got the other one.
      // Then go back and think and try to grab the chopsticks again
      when(FirstChopstickDenied) {
        case Event(Taken(secondChopstick), _) =>
          secondChopstick ! Put
        case Event(Busy(chopstick), _) =>
      // When a hakker is eating, he can decide to start to think,
      // then he puts down his chopsticks and starts to think
      when(Eating) {
        case Event(StateTimeout, _) =>
          println("%s puts down his chopsticks and starts to think".format(name))
          left ! Put
          right ! Put
      // Initialize the hakker
      private def startThinking(duration: FiniteDuration): State = {
        goto(Thinking) using TakenChopsticks(None, None) forMax duration


       * Set initial state. Call this method from the constructor before the [[#initialize]] method.
       * If different state is needed after a restart this method, followed by [[#initialize]], can
       * be used in the actor life cycle hooks [[akka.actor.Actor#preStart]] and [[akka.actor.Actor#postRestart]].
       * @param stateName initial state designator
       * @param stateData initial state data
       * @param timeout state timeout for the initial state, overriding the default timeout for that state
      final def startWith(stateName: S, stateData: D, timeout: Timeout = None): Unit =
        currentState = FSM.State(stateName, stateData, timeout)
    private var currentState: State = _


       * Insert a new StateFunction at the end of the processing chain for the
       * given state. If the stateTimeout parameter is set, entering this state
       * without a differing explicit timeout setting will trigger a StateTimeout
       * event; the same is true when using #stay.
       * @param stateName designator for the state
       * @param stateTimeout default state timeout for this state
       * @param stateFunction partial function describing response to input
      final def when(stateName: S, stateTimeout: FiniteDuration = null)(stateFunction: StateFunction): Unit =
        register(stateName, stateFunction, Option(stateTimeout))
    private def register(name: S, function: StateFunction, timeout: Timeout): Unit = {
        if (stateFunctions contains name) {
          stateFunctions(name) = stateFunctions(name) orElse function
          stateTimeouts(name) = timeout orElse stateTimeouts(name)
        } else {
          stateFunctions(name) = function
          stateTimeouts(name) = timeout
       * State definitions
      private val stateFunctions = mutable.Map[S, StateFunction]()
      private val stateTimeouts = mutable.Map[S, Timeout]()


       * Produce transition to other state.
       * Return this from a state function in order to effect the transition.
       * This method always triggers transition events, even for `A -> A` transitions.
       * If you want to stay in the same state without triggering an state transition event use [[#stay]] instead.
       * @param nextStateName state designator for the next state
       * @return state transition descriptor
      final def goto(nextStateName: S): State = FSM.State(nextStateName, currentState.stateData)


       * Produce "empty" transition descriptor.
       * Return this from a state function when no state change is to be effected.
       * No transition event will be triggered by [[#stay]].
       * If you want to trigger an event like `S -> S` for `onTransition` to handle use `goto` instead.
       * @return descriptor for staying in current state
      final def stay(): State = goto(currentState.stateName).withNotification(false) 


     private[akka] def withNotification(notifies: Boolean): State[S, D] = {
          if (notifies)
            State(stateName, stateData, timeout, stopReason, replies)
            new SilentState(stateName, stateData, timeout, stopReason, replies)


    private[akka] class SilentState[S, D](_stateName: S, _stateData: D, _timeout: Option[FiniteDuration], _stopReason: Option[Reason], _replies: List[Any])
        extends State[S, D](_stateName, _stateData, _timeout, _stopReason, _replies) {
         * INTERNAL API
        private[akka] override def notifies: Boolean = false
        override def copy(stateName: S = stateName, stateData: D = stateData, timeout: Option[FiniteDuration] = timeout, stopReason: Option[Reason] = stopReason, replies: List[Any] = replies): State[S, D] = {
          new SilentState(stateName, stateData, timeout, stopReason, replies)



    override def receive: Receive = {
        case TimeoutMarker(gen) ⇒
          if (generation == gen) {
            processMsg(StateTimeout, "state timeout")
        case t @ Timer(name, msg, repeat, gen, owner) ⇒
          if ((owner eq this) && (timers contains name) && (timers(name).generation == gen)) {
            if (timeoutFuture.isDefined) {
              timeoutFuture = None
            generation += 1
            if (!repeat) {
              timers -= name
            processMsg(msg, t)
        case SubscribeTransitionCallBack(actorRef) ⇒
          // TODO Use context.watch(actor) and receive Terminated(actor) to clean up list
          // send current state back as reference point
          actorRef ! CurrentState(self, currentState.stateName)
        case Listen(actorRef) ⇒
          // TODO Use context.watch(actor) and receive Terminated(actor) to clean up list
          // send current state back as reference point
          actorRef ! CurrentState(self, currentState.stateName)
        case UnsubscribeTransitionCallBack(actorRef) ⇒
        case Deafen(actorRef) ⇒
        case value ⇒ {
          if (timeoutFuture.isDefined) {
            timeoutFuture = None
          generation += 1
          processMsg(value, sender())

       我们只关注最后一段代码processMsg(value, sender())。

    private def processMsg(value: Any, source: AnyRef): Unit = {
        val event = Event(value, currentState.stateData)
        processEvent(event, source)
      private[akka] def processEvent(event: Event, source: AnyRef): Unit = {
        val stateFunc = stateFunctions(currentState.stateName)
        val nextState = if (stateFunc isDefinedAt event) {
        } else {
          // handleEventDefault ensures that this is always defined
      private[akka] def applyState(nextState: State): Unit = {
        nextState.stopReason match {
          case None ⇒ makeTransition(nextState)
          case _ ⇒
            nextState.replies.reverse foreach { r ⇒ sender() ! r }
      private[akka] def makeTransition(nextState: State): Unit = {
        if (!stateFunctions.contains(nextState.stateName)) {
          terminate(stay withStopReason Failure("Next state %s does not exist".format(nextState.stateName)))
        } else {
          nextState.replies.reverse foreach { r ⇒ sender() ! r }
          if (currentState.stateName != nextState.stateName || nextState.notifies) {
            this.nextState = nextState
            handleTransition(currentState.stateName, nextState.stateName)
            gossip(Transition(self, currentState.stateName, nextState.stateName))
            this.nextState = null
          currentState = nextState
          def scheduleTimeout(d: FiniteDuration): Some[Cancellable] = {
            import context.dispatcher
            Some(context.system.scheduler.scheduleOnce(d, self, TimeoutMarker(generation)))
          currentState.timeout match {
            case SomeMaxFiniteDuration                    ⇒ // effectively disable stateTimeout
            case Some(d: FiniteDuration) if d.length >= 0 ⇒ timeoutFuture = scheduleTimeout(d)
            case _ ⇒
              val timeout = stateTimeouts(currentState.stateName)
              if (timeout.isDefined) timeoutFuture = scheduleTimeout(timeout.get)



      其实分析道这里,FSM就没必要再深入研究了,非常简单。就是定义了一些DSL,用trait Actor的receive函数进行行为函数的调用和状态转移,如果你的状态不多,转移条件简单,完全没必要用FSM,自己用beconme/unbecome实现就行了。而且官方的FSM是用一个函数调用列表(或者说是一个函数指针,C++里面经常这样实现)实现的,并没有用beconme/unbecome,这一点倒让我挺意外的。当然了,如果你的场景确实是FSM,那最好还是用官方的实现,毕竟它已经把FSM可能遇到的问题都帮你处理好了。


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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/gabry/p/9430965.html
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