ClusterClient可以与某个集群通信,而本身节点不必是集群的一部分。它只需要知道一个或多个节点的位置作为联系节点。它会跟ClusterReceptionist 建立连接,来跟集群中的特定节点发送消息。而且必须把provider改成remote或cluster。receptionist需要在集群所有节点或一组节点内启动,它可以自行启动或通过ClusterReceptionist 扩展来启动。ClusterClient可以进行通信的actor必须是通过ClusterReceptionis扩展注册过的actor。
/** * This actor is intended to be used on an external node that is not member * of the cluster. It acts like a gateway for sending messages to actors * somewhere in the cluster. From the initial contact points it will establish * a connection to a [[ClusterReceptionist]] somewhere in the cluster. It will * monitor the connection to the receptionist and establish a new connection if * the link goes down. When looking for a new receptionist it uses fresh contact * points retrieved from previous establishment, or periodically refreshed * contacts, i.e. not necessarily the initial contact points. * * You can send messages via the `ClusterClient` to any actor in the cluster * that is registered in the [[ClusterReceptionist]]. * Messages are wrapped in [[ClusterClient.Send]], [[ClusterClient.SendToAll]] * or [[ClusterClient.Publish]]. * * Use the factory method [[ClusterClient#props]]) to create the * [[]] for the actor. * * If the receptionist is not currently available, the client will buffer the messages * and then deliver them when the connection to the receptionist has been established. * The size of the buffer is configurable and it can be disabled by using a buffer size * of 0. When the buffer is full old messages will be dropped when new messages are sent * via the client. * * Note that this is a best effort implementation: messages can always be lost due to the distributed * nature of the actors involved. */ final class ClusterClient(settings: ClusterClientSettings) extends Actor with ActorLogging
sendGetContacts() scheduleRefreshContactsTick(establishingGetContactsInterval) self ! RefreshContactsTick
def sendGetContacts(): Unit = { val sendTo = if (contacts.isEmpty) initialContactsSel else if (contacts.size == 1) initialContactsSel union contacts else contacts if (log.isDebugEnabled) log.debug(s"""Sending GetContacts to [${sendTo.mkString(",")}]""") sendTo.foreach { _ ! GetContacts } }
def scheduleRefreshContactsTick(interval: FiniteDuration): Unit = { refreshContactsTask foreach { _.cancel() } refreshContactsTask = Some(context.system.scheduler.schedule( interval, interval, self, RefreshContactsTick)) }
case RefreshContactsTick ⇒ sendGetContacts()
var contactPaths: HashSet[ActorPath] =[HashSet] val initialContactsSel = var contacts = initialContactsSel
case ActorIdentity(_, Some(receptionist)) ⇒"Connected to [{}]", receptionist.path) scheduleRefreshContactsTick(refreshContactsInterval) sendBuffered(receptionist) context.become(active(receptionist) orElse contactPointMessages) connectTimerCancelable.foreach(_.cancel()) failureDetector.heartbeat() self ! HeartbeatTick // will register us as active client of the selected receptionist
收到ActorIdentity之后调用scheduleRefreshContactsTick重新设置定时器,把缓存的消息发送给receptionist ,修改当前行为变成active。至此就可以通过Send、SendToAll、Publish给集群内特定的actor转发消息了。
def active(receptionist: ActorRef): Actor.Receive = { case Send(path, msg, localAffinity) ⇒ receptionist forward DistributedPubSubMediator.Send(path, msg, localAffinity) case SendToAll(path, msg) ⇒ receptionist forward DistributedPubSubMediator.SendToAll(path, msg) case Publish(topic, msg) ⇒ receptionist forward DistributedPubSubMediator.Publish(topic, msg) case HeartbeatTick ⇒ if (!failureDetector.isAvailable) {"Lost contact with [{}], reestablishing connection", receptionist) reestablish() } else receptionist ! Heartbeat case HeartbeatRsp ⇒ failureDetector.heartbeat() case RefreshContactsTick ⇒ receptionist ! GetContacts case Contacts(contactPoints) ⇒ // refresh of contacts if (contactPoints.nonEmpty) { contactPaths =[HashSet] contacts = } publishContactPoints() case _: ActorIdentity ⇒ // ok, from previous establish, already handled case ReceptionistShutdown ⇒ if (receptionist == sender()) {"Receptionist [{}] is shutting down, reestablishing connection", receptionist) reestablish() } }
val heartbeatTask = context.system.scheduler.schedule( heartbeatInterval, heartbeatInterval, self, HeartbeatTick)
object ClusterClientReceptionist extends ExtensionId[ClusterClientReceptionist] with ExtensionIdProvider { override def get(system: ActorSystem): ClusterClientReceptionist = super.get(system) override def lookup() = ClusterClientReceptionist override def createExtension(system: ExtendedActorSystem): ClusterClientReceptionist = new ClusterClientReceptionist(system) }
/** * Extension that starts [[ClusterReceptionist]] and accompanying [[akka.cluster.pubsub.DistributedPubSubMediator]] * with settings defined in config section `akka.cluster.client.receptionist`. * The [[akka.cluster.pubsub.DistributedPubSubMediator]] is started by the [[akka.cluster.pubsub.DistributedPubSub]] extension. */ final class ClusterClientReceptionist(system: ExtendedActorSystem) extends Extension
/** * The [[ClusterReceptionist]] actor */ private val receptionist: ActorRef = { if (isTerminated) system.deadLetters else { val name = config.getString("name") val dispatcher = config.getString("use-dispatcher") match { case "" ⇒ Dispatchers.DefaultDispatcherId case id ⇒ id } // important to use val mediator here to activate it outside of ClusterReceptionist constructor val mediator = pubSubMediator system.systemActorOf(ClusterReceptionist.props(mediator, ClusterReceptionistSettings(config)) .withDispatcher(dispatcher), name) } } /** * Returns the underlying receptionist actor, particularly so that its * events can be observed via subscribe/unsubscribe. */ def underlying: ActorRef = receptionist
/** * Register the actors that should be reachable for the clients in this [[DistributedPubSubMediator]]. */ private def pubSubMediator: ActorRef = DistributedPubSub(system).mediator
/** * [[ClusterClient]] connects to this actor to retrieve. The `ClusterReceptionist` is * supposed to be started on all nodes, or all nodes with specified role, in the cluster. * The receptionist can be started with the [[ClusterClientReceptionist]] or as an * ordinary actor (use the factory method [[ClusterReceptionist#props]]). * * The receptionist forwards messages from the client to the associated [[akka.cluster.pubsub.DistributedPubSubMediator]], * i.e. the client can send messages to any actor in the cluster that is registered in the * `DistributedPubSubMediator`. Messages from the client are wrapped in * [[akka.cluster.pubsub.DistributedPubSubMediator.Send]], [[akka.cluster.pubsub.DistributedPubSubMediator.SendToAll]] * or [[akka.cluster.pubsub.DistributedPubSubMediator.Publish]] with the semantics described in * [[akka.cluster.pubsub.DistributedPubSubMediator]]. * * Response messages from the destination actor are tunneled via the receptionist * to avoid inbound connections from other cluster nodes to the client, i.e. * the `sender()`, as seen by the destination actor, is not the client itself. * The `sender()` of the response messages, as seen by the client, is `deadLetters` * since the client should normally send subsequent messages via the `ClusterClient`. * It is possible to pass the original sender inside the reply messages if * the client is supposed to communicate directly to the actor in the cluster. * */ final class ClusterReceptionist(pubSubMediator: ActorRef, settings: ClusterReceptionistSettings) extends Actor with ActorLogging
case GetContacts ⇒ // Consistent hashing is used to ensure that the reply to GetContacts // is the same from all nodes (most of the time) and it also // load balances the client connections among the nodes in the cluster. if (numberOfContacts >= nodes.size) { val contacts = Contacts( ⇒ self.path.toStringWithAddress(a))(collection.breakOut)) if (log.isDebugEnabled) log.debug("Client [{}] gets contactPoints [{}] (all nodes)", sender().path, contacts.contactPoints.mkString(",")) sender() ! contacts } else { // using toStringWithAddress in case the client is local, normally it is not, and // toStringWithAddress will use the remote address of the client val a = consistentHash.nodeFor(sender().path.toStringWithAddress(cluster.selfAddress)) val slice = { val first = nodes.from(a).tail.take(numberOfContacts) if (first.size == numberOfContacts) first else first union nodes.take(numberOfContacts - first.size) } val contacts = Contacts( ⇒ self.path.toStringWithAddress(a))(collection.breakOut)) if (log.isDebugEnabled) log.debug("Client [{}] gets contactPoints [{}]", sender().path, contacts.contactPoints.mkString(",")) sender() ! contacts }
case msg @ (_: Send | _: SendToAll | _: Publish) ⇒ val tunnel = responseTunnel(sender()) tunnel ! Ping // keep alive pubSubMediator.tell(msg, tunnel)
def responseTunnel(client: ActorRef): ActorRef = { val encName = URLEncoder.encode(client.path.toSerializationFormat, "utf-8") context.child(encName) match { case Some(tunnel) ⇒ tunnel case None ⇒ context.actorOf(Props(classOf[ClientResponseTunnel], client, responseTunnelReceiveTimeout), encName) } }
/** * Replies are tunneled via this actor, child of the receptionist, to avoid * inbound connections from other cluster nodes to the client. */ class ClientResponseTunnel(client: ActorRef, timeout: FiniteDuration) extends Actor with ActorLogging { context.setReceiveTimeout(timeout) private val isAsk = { val pathElements = client.path.elements pathElements.size == 2 && pathElements.head == "temp" && pathElements.tail.head.startsWith("$") } def receive = { case Ping ⇒ // keep alive from client case ReceiveTimeout ⇒ log.debug("ClientResponseTunnel for client [{}] stopped due to inactivity", client.path) context stop self case msg ⇒ client.tell(msg, Actor.noSender) if (isAsk) context stop self } }
case Heartbeat ⇒ if (verboseHeartbeat) log.debug("Heartbeat from client [{}]", sender().path) sender() ! HeartbeatRsp updateClientInteractions(sender())
好了,ClusterClient就分析到这里了。聪明的读者可能会问,我还没有看到消息是如何通过ClusterReceptionist发送给实际的服务actor啊,pubSubMediator.tell(msg, tunnel)这段代码是如何路由消息的呢?嗯,确实,不过别急,这个会在下一章节(DistributedPubSubMediator)讲解。毕竟官方在ClusterClient的文档中,直接推荐用DistributedPubSubMediator来实现类似的功能。我觉得吧,这又是一个坑,既然你都推荐DistributedPubSubMediator了,还提供ClusterClient模块干啥呢?直接废弃掉啊。