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  • Akka源码分析-Akka-Streams-GraphStage



    @deprecated("Use `akka.stream.stage.GraphStage` instead, it allows for all operations an Actor would and is more type-safe as well as guaranteed to be ReactiveStreams compliant.", since = "2.5.0")
    trait ActorSubscriber extends Actor
    @deprecated("Use `akka.stream.stage.GraphStage` instead, it allows for all operations an Actor would and is more type-safe as well as guaranteed to be ReactiveStreams compliant.", since = "2.5.0")
    trait ActorPublisher[T] extends Actor 


     * A GraphStage represents a reusable graph stream processing operator.
     * A GraphStage consists of a [[Shape]] which describes its input and output ports and a factory function that
     * creates a [[GraphStageLogic]] which implements the processing logic that ties the ports together.
    abstract class GraphStage[S <: Shape] extends GraphStageWithMaterializedValue[S, NotUsed] 



    class NumbersSource extends GraphStage[SourceShape[Int]] {
      val out: Outlet[Int] = Outlet("NumbersSource")
      override val shape: SourceShape[Int] = SourceShape(out)
      override def createLogic(inheritedAttributes: Attributes): GraphStageLogic =
        new GraphStageLogic(shape) {
          // All state MUST be inside the GraphStageLogic,
          // never inside the enclosing GraphStage.
          // This state is safe to access and modify from all the
          // callbacks that are provided by GraphStageLogic and the
          // registered handlers.
          private var counter = 1
          setHandler(out, new OutHandler {
            override def onPull(): Unit = {
              push(out, counter)
              counter += 1




     * Represents the processing logic behind a [[GraphStage]]. Roughly speaking, a subclass of [[GraphStageLogic]] is a
     * collection of the following parts:
     *  * A set of [[InHandler]] and [[OutHandler]] instances and their assignments to the [[Inlet]]s and [[Outlet]]s
     *    of the enclosing [[GraphStage]]
     *  * Possible mutable state, accessible from the [[InHandler]] and [[OutHandler]] callbacks, but not from anywhere
     *    else (as such access would not be thread-safe)
     *  * The lifecycle hooks [[preStart()]] and [[postStop()]]
     *  * Methods for performing stream processing actions, like pulling or pushing elements
     * The operator logic is completed once all its input and output ports have been closed. This can be changed by
     * setting `setKeepGoing` to true.
     * The `postStop` lifecycle hook on the logic itself is called once all ports are closed. This is the only tear down
     * callback that is guaranteed to happen, if the actor system or the materializer is terminated the handlers may never
     * see any callbacks to `onUpstreamFailure`, `onUpstreamFinish` or `onDownstreamFinish`. Therefore operator resource
     * cleanup should always be done in `postStop`.
    abstract class GraphStageLogic private[stream] (val inCount: Int, val outCount: Int) 


    • InHandler和OutHandler实例的集合,以及他们给Inlet和Outlet的赋值。
    • 可变状态(不必须),被InHandler和OutHandler回调函数存取,其他地方不能存取(否则就不是线程安全)。
    • 生命周期hook,对preStart/postStop的hook。
    • 实施流处理动作的方法,比如pull和push元素。


      final protected def setHandler(out: Outlet[_], handler: OutHandler): Unit = {
        handlers(out.id + inCount) = handler
        if (_interpreter != null) _interpreter.setHandler(conn(out), handler)


     * Collection of callbacks for an input port of a [[GraphStage]]
    trait InHandler {
       * Called when the input port has a new element available. The actual element can be retrieved via the
       * [[GraphStageLogic.grab()]] method.
      def onPush(): Unit
       * Called when the input port is finished. After this callback no other callbacks will be called for this port.
      def onUpstreamFinish(): Unit = GraphInterpreter.currentInterpreter.activeStage.completeStage()
       * Called when the input port has failed. After this callback no other callbacks will be called for this port.
      def onUpstreamFailure(ex: Throwable): Unit = GraphInterpreter.currentInterpreter.activeStage.failStage(ex)
     * Collection of callbacks for an output port of a [[GraphStage]]
    trait OutHandler {
       * Called when the output port has received a pull, and therefore ready to emit an element, i.e. [[GraphStageLogic.push()]]
       * is now allowed to be called on this port.
      def onPull(): Unit
       * Called when the output port will no longer accept any new elements. After this callback no other callbacks will
       * be called for this port.
      def onDownstreamFinish(): Unit = {

       上面是InHandler和OutHandler的定义。OutHandler定义了一个onPull回调函数,根据注释,它之后在输出端口收到一个pull请求时才会被调用。还记得Akka Streams的设计哲学么,它是基于Reactive Streams的API来做抽象的,而且实现了背压机制,而且还不需要缓存数据,这个机制怎么实现呢?当然是一拉一推喽?啥意思?简单来说就是,下游消费者,会定期向上游pull一批数据,然后上游把指定数量的消息发送给下游,下游消费完这批数据后,根据自身的压力(或者消息的平均处理时间),计算下一次请求消息的数量。如果自身压力很小,那就一次性多请求一些数据,如果压力很大,那就把请求数据的数值设小一点。这样就可以实现背压机制了,而且无需缓存数据。所以这才有了pull和push。


       * Emits an element through the given output port. Calling this method twice before a [[pull()]] has been arrived
       * will fail. There can be only one outstanding push request at any given time. The method [[isAvailable()]] can be
       * used to check if the port is ready to be pushed or not.
      final protected def push[T](out: Outlet[T], elem: T): Unit = {
        val connection = conn(out)
        val it = interpreter
        val portState = connection.portState
        connection.portState = portState ^ PushStartFlip
        if ((portState & (OutReady | OutClosed | InClosed)) == OutReady && (elem != null)) {
          connection.slot = elem
        } else {
          // Restore state for the error case
          connection.portState = portState
          // Detailed error information should not add overhead to the hot path
          if (isClosed(out)) throw new IllegalArgumentException(s"Cannot push closed port ($out)")
          if (!isAvailable(out)) throw new IllegalArgumentException(s"Cannot push port ($out) twice, or before it being pulled")
          // No error, just InClosed caused the actual pull to be ignored, but the status flag still needs to be flipped
          connection.portState = portState ^ PushStartFlip


      // Using common array to reduce overhead for small port counts
      private[stream] val portToConn = new Array[Connection](handlers.length)


       * INERNAL API
       * Contains all the necessary information for the GraphInterpreter to be able to implement a connection
       * between an output and input ports.
       * @param id Identifier of the connection.
       * @param inOwner The operator logic that corresponds to the input side of the connection.
       * @param outOwner The operator logic that corresponds to the output side of the connection.
       * @param inHandler The handler that contains the callback for input events.
       * @param outHandler The handler that contains the callback for output events.
      final class Connection(
        var id:         Int,
        var inOwner:    GraphStageLogic,
        var outOwner:   GraphStageLogic,
        var inHandler:  InHandler,
        var outHandler: OutHandler) {
        var portState: Int = InReady
        var slot: Any = Empty
        override def toString =
          if (GraphInterpreter.Debug) s"Connection($id, $inOwner, $outOwner, $inHandler, $outHandler, $portState, $slot)"
          else s"Connection($id, $portState, $slot, $inHandler, $outHandler)"


    class StdoutSink extends GraphStage[SinkShape[Int]] {
      val in: Inlet[Int] = Inlet("StdoutSink")
      override val shape: SinkShape[Int] = SinkShape(in)
      override def createLogic(inheritedAttributes: Attributes): GraphStageLogic =
        new GraphStageLogic(shape) {
          // This requests one element at the Sink startup.
          override def preStart(): Unit = pull(in)
          setHandler(in, new InHandler {
            override def onPush(): Unit = {


       * Once the callback [[InHandler.onPush()]] for an input port has been invoked, the element that has been pushed
       * can be retrieved via this method. After [[grab()]] has been called the port is considered to be empty, and further
       * calls to [[grab()]] will fail until the port is pulled again and a new element is pushed as a response.
       * The method [[isAvailable()]] can be used to query if the port has an element that can be grabbed or not.
      final protected def grab[T](in: Inlet[T]): T = {
        val connection = conn(in)
        val it = interpreter
        val elem = connection.slot
        // Fast path
        if ((connection.portState & (InReady | InFailed)) == InReady && (elem.asInstanceOf[AnyRef] ne Empty)) {
          connection.slot = Empty
        } else {
          // Slow path
          if (!isAvailable(in)) throw new IllegalArgumentException(s"Cannot get element from already empty input port ($in)")
          val failed = connection.slot.asInstanceOf[Failed]
          val elem = failed.previousElem.asInstanceOf[T]
          connection.slot = Failed(failed.ex, Empty)





    • push(out,elem)。推送数据到输出端口,前提是下游端口发送了pull请求。
    • complete(out)。正常关闭输出端口。
    • fail(out,exception)。关闭输出端口,并提供一个失败的异常信息。
    • isAvailable(out)。判断当前端口是否可以推送数据。
    • isClosed(out)。判断当前端口是否已经关闭。关闭状态,端口不能推送数据也不能拉取数据。



    • pull(in)。从熟读端口请求一个数据,前提是上游端口已经推送过一个数据。
    • grab(in)。在onPush回调时,获取一个数。不能重复调用。
    • cancel(in)。关闭输入端口
    • isAvailable(in)。判断当前端口是否可以获取(grab)数据。
    • hasBeenPulled(in)。判断当前端口是否已经拉取过数据。此状态无法调用pull拉取数据。
    • isClosed(in)。判断当前端口是否已经关闭。


    • completeStage()。等同于关闭所有的输出端口,取消所有的输入端口。
    • failStage(exception)。等同于关闭所有的输出端口,取消所有的输入端口,并提供对应的失败异常信息。
    class Map[A, B](f: A ⇒ B) extends GraphStage[FlowShape[A, B]] {
      val in = Inlet[A]("Map.in")
      val out = Outlet[B]("Map.out")
      override val shape = FlowShape.of(in, out)
      override def createLogic(attr: Attributes): GraphStageLogic =
        new GraphStageLogic(shape) {
          setHandler(in, new InHandler {
            override def onPush(): Unit = {
              push(out, f(grab(in)))
          setHandler(out, new OutHandler {
            override def onPull(): Unit = {


      好了,由于时间关系,GraphStage就分析到这里,可以看到GraphStage是最终承担算子定义以及图的链接等功能的,可以说还是非常重要的一个概念,但离我们完全理解akka Stream各个概念的关系还比较远,加油吧,骚年。


     Custom stream processing

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/gabry/p/9553293.html
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