-- curb unwrapper(version 0.1, 6th may 2004)
-- MAX script, tested with 3ds MAX 5.1
-- (c) 2004 Andrei Kletskov (111)
-- homepage: http://andklv.narod.ru
-- e-mail: andklv@mail.ru
-- please do not remove any copyrights from this script
-- Description --
-- this script was designed to ease texturing of complex objects like curbs, sidewalks, roads, etc.
-- in fact this script unwraps texture coordinates to a line
-- generally the script is sucsessful, but it fails if geometry is uneven and sometimes it mixes rows of vertices.
-- unfortunately this script does not count on different poligon sized
-- what you need to do to make this script work:
-- break your curb to parts with equal polygon lenghts
-- select a first row of vertices in an element
-- run script
-- script will unwrap vertices in lines
-- do the same with other elements
-- note: it is very important to start with first row of vertices - this is a way the script works. sorry.
--2100.10.13 这个uv 工具其实很好了但是测试还是有多的问题,
--- 主要还是在顶点排列上, 看来还是要转到3d 中进行
rollout ak_curb_unwraper "Curb unwraper" 162 height:300
button btn1 "Unwrap!" pos:[5,5] 107 height:30
label lbl1 "Width st." pos:[65,40] 50 height:16
label lbl2 "Length st." pos:[5,40] 50 height:16
spinner lenStep "" pos:[5,60] 50 height:16 range:[0,100000,0]
spinner widStep "" pos:[60,60] 50 height:16 range:[0,100000,0]
checkbox vert "Vertical unwrap" pos:[5,80] 100 height:16
checkbox elem "Select element" pos:[5,100] 100 height:16
on btn1 pressed do
btn1.enabled = false
--- length steps
lengthSTEP = lenStep.value
--- width steps
widthSTEP = widStep.value
--- horizontal or vertical
VERTICAL = vert.state
--- select element
elementSELECT = elem.state
--- initial selection
y = $.modifiers[#unwrap_uvw].unwrap.getSelectedVertices() --经过分析这里的点分析还是有误
--- initial selection aligning
-- VERTICAL= false
for i in y do
if VERTICAL then
$.modifiers[#unwrap_uvw].unwrap.setVertexPosition 0 i [j,0,0]
$.modifiers[#unwrap_uvw].unwrap.setVertexPosition 0 i [0,j,0]
while true do
--- expand selection
--- select expanded
h = $.modifiers[#unwrap_uvw].unwrap.getSelectedVertices()
--- added vertices during expand
--print x
if x.isEmpty then exit
$.modifiers[#unwrap_uvw].unwrap.selectVertices x
for i in x do
--$.modifiers[#unwrap_uvw].unwrap.selectVertices #{i}
if VERTICAL then
$.modifiers[#unwrap_uvw].unwrap.setVertexPosition 0 i [j,k,0]
$.modifiers[#unwrap_uvw].unwrap.setVertexPosition 0 i [k,j,0]
--- selecting element
if elementSELECT then
$.modifiers[#unwrap_uvw].unwrap.selectVertices #{}
btn1.enabled = true
rollout ak_about "About" 162 height:300
label lbl3 "(c) 2004" pos:[5,5] 100 height:20
label lbl4 "Andrei Kletskov (111)" pos:[5,20] 110 height:20
label lbl5 "http://andklv.narod.ru" pos:[5,35] 110 height:20
label lbl6 "andklv@mail.ru" pos:[5,50] 100 height:20
rf = newRolloutFloater "CU" 130 172
addRollout ak_curb_unwraper rf
addRollout ak_about rf
ak_about.open = 0
ak_curb_unwraper.widStep.value = 0.1
ak_curb_unwraper.lenStep.value = 0.5