参考: cocos文档-脚本创建
一 复制引擎路径下的ts模板文件
C:CocosDashboard_1.0.12 esources.editorsCreator3.3.1 esources esources3dengineeditorassetsdefault_file_content s
import { _decorator, Component, Node } from 'cc'; const { ccclass, property } = _decorator; /** * Predefined variables * Name = <%Name%> * DateTime = <%DateTime%> * Author = <%Author%> * FileBasename = <%FileBasename%> * FileBasenameNoExtension = <%FileBasenameNoExtension%> * URL = <%URL%> * ManualUrl = <%ManualUrl%> * */ @ccclass('<%Name%>') export class <%Name%> extends Component { // [1] // dummy = ''; // [2] // @property // serializableDummy = 0; start () { // [3] } // update (deltaTime: number) { // // [4] // } } /** * [1] Class member could be defined like this. * [2] Use `property` decorator if your want the member to be serializable. * [3] Your initialization goes here. * [4] Your update function goes here. * * Learn more about scripting: <%ManualUrl%>scripting/ * Learn more about CCClass: <%ManualUrl%>scripting/ccclass.html * Learn more about life-cycle callbacks: <%ManualUrl%>scripting/life-cycle-callbacks.html */
二 粘贴修改ts文件
粘贴ts到.creatorasset-template ypescript (没有则新建文件夹)
import { _decorator, Component, Node } from 'cc'; const { ccclass, property } = _decorator; /** * @author chenkai <%DateTime%> */ @ccclass('<%Name%>') export class <%Name%> extends Component { onLoad () { } start(){ } onDestroy(){ } }
三 使用新建的模板