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  • 蛋疼的时候写三消游戏(六)




        void OnPressReleased()
            if (m_curDir == MoveDir.LeftRight)
            else if (m_curDir == MoveDir.UpDown)
        void OnLRReleased()
            float curX = m_Items[m_CurPressRow,m_CurPressCol].transform.localPosition.x;
            float deltaPos = curX - m_CurPressItemOriPos.x;
            int deltaNum = (int)(deltaPos/m_fItemWidth);
            float leftDis = Mathf.Abs(curX - m_CurPressItemOriPos.x) - Mathf.Abs(m_fItemWidth * deltaNum);
            int count = Mathf.Abs(deltaNum);
            if (leftDis > m_fItemWidth/2)
                count += 1;
            // move left
            if (deltaPos < 0)
                // swap the game items with temp items
                for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
                    GameObject item = m_Items[m_CurPressRow, i];
                    ((GameObject)m_TailTempItemList[i]).name = item.name;
                    ((GameObject)m_TailTempItemList[i]).GetComponent<BoxCollider>().size = item.GetComponent<BoxCollider>().size; 
                    m_Items[m_CurPressRow, i] = (m_TailTempItemList[i] as GameObject);
                    UIEventListener.Get(m_Items[m_CurPressRow, i]).onPress += OnPressItem;
                    UIEventListener.Get(m_Items[m_CurPressRow, i]).onDrag += OnDragItem;
                    m_TailTempItemList[i] = item;
                ResetRowIndex(m_CurPressRow, count, true);
            else if (deltaPos > 0)
                // swap the game items with temp items
                for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
                    GameObject item = m_Items[m_CurPressRow, NumCol-1-i];
                    ((GameObject)m_HeadTempItemList[i]).name = item.name;
                    ((GameObject)m_HeadTempItemList[i]).GetComponent<BoxCollider>().size = item.GetComponent<BoxCollider>().size; 
                    m_Items[m_CurPressRow, NumCol-1-i] = (m_HeadTempItemList[i] as GameObject);
                    UIEventListener.Get(m_Items[m_CurPressRow, NumCol-1-i]).onPress += OnPressItem;
                    UIEventListener.Get(m_Items[m_CurPressRow, NumCol-1-i]).onDrag += OnDragItem;
                    m_HeadTempItemList[i] = item;
                ResetRowIndex(m_CurPressRow, count, false);
        void OnUDReleased()
            float curY = m_Items[m_CurPressRow,m_CurPressCol].transform.localPosition.y;
            float deltaPos = curY - m_CurPressItemOriPos.y;
            int deltaNum = (int)(deltaPos/m_fItemHeight);
            float leftDis = Mathf.Abs(curY - m_CurPressItemOriPos.y) - Mathf.Abs(m_fItemHeight * deltaNum);
            int count = Mathf.Abs(deltaNum);
            if (leftDis > m_fItemHeight/2)
                count += 1;
            // move down
            if (deltaPos < 0)
                // swap the game items with temp items
                for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
                    GameObject item = m_Items[NumRow-1-i,m_CurPressCol];
                    ((GameObject)m_TailTempItemList[i]).name = item.name;
                    ((GameObject)m_TailTempItemList[i]).GetComponent<BoxCollider>().size = item.GetComponent<BoxCollider>().size; 
                    m_Items[NumRow-1-i, m_CurPressCol] = (m_TailTempItemList[i] as GameObject);
                    UIEventListener.Get(m_Items[NumRow-1-i, m_CurPressCol]).onPress += OnPressItem;
                    UIEventListener.Get(m_Items[NumRow-1-i, m_CurPressCol]).onDrag += OnDragItem;
                    m_TailTempItemList[i] = item;    
                ResetColIndex(m_CurPressCol, count, true);
            else if (deltaPos > 0)
                // swap the game items with temp items
                for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
                    GameObject item = m_Items[i, m_CurPressCol];
                    ((GameObject)m_HeadTempItemList[i]).name = item.name;
                    ((GameObject)m_HeadTempItemList[i]).GetComponent<BoxCollider>().size = item.GetComponent<BoxCollider>().size; 
                    m_Items[i, m_CurPressCol] = (m_HeadTempItemList[i] as GameObject);
                    UIEventListener.Get(m_Items[i, m_CurPressCol]).onPress += OnPressItem;
                    UIEventListener.Get(m_Items[i, m_CurPressCol]).onDrag += OnDragItem;
                    m_HeadTempItemList[i] = item;
                ResetColIndex(m_CurPressCol, count, false);
        void ResetRowIndex(int row, int count, bool left)
            string nameIndex;
            ItemData.DataType type;
            GameObject go;
            int resetCount = 0;
            int resetNameCount = 0;
            if (left)
                resetCount = NumCol - count;
                resetNameCount = count;
                resetCount = count;
                resetNameCount = NumCol - count;
            // correct the items reference
            for (int i = 0; i < resetCount; i++)
                go = m_Items[row, NumCol-1];
                type = m_GameData.Data[row, NumCol-1].Type;
                for (int k = NumCol-1; k > 0; k--)
                    m_Items[row, k] = m_Items[row, k-1];
                    m_GameData.Data[row, k].Type = m_GameData.Data[row, k-1].Type;
                m_Items[row, 0] = go;
                m_GameData.Data[row, 0].Type = type;
            //correct the gameobject name index
            for (int i = 0; i < resetNameCount; i++)
                nameIndex = m_Items[row,NumCol-1].name;
                for (int k = NumCol-1; k > 0; k--)
                    m_Items[row, k].name = m_Items[row, k-1].name;        
                m_Items[row, 0].name = nameIndex;        
        void ResetColIndex(int col, int count, bool up)
            string nameIndex;
            ItemData.DataType type;
            GameObject go;
            int resetCount = 0;
            int resetNameCount = 0;
            if (up)
                resetCount = count;
                resetNameCount = NumRow - count;        
                resetCount = NumRow - count;
                resetNameCount = count;
            // correct the items reference
            for (int i = 0; i < resetCount; i++)
                go = m_Items[NumRow - 1, col];
                type = m_GameData.Data[NumRow-1,col].Type;
                for (int k = NumRow - 1; k > 0; k--)
                    m_Items[k,col] = m_Items[k-1,col];
                    m_GameData.Data[k, col].Type = m_GameData.Data[k-1, col].Type;
                m_Items[0,col] = go;
                m_GameData.Data[0,col].Type = type;
            //correct the gameobject name index
            for (int i = 0; i < resetNameCount; i++)
                nameIndex = m_Items[NumRow-1, col].name;        
                for (int k = NumRow-1; k > 0; k--)
                    m_Items[k, col].name = m_Items[k-1, col].name;        
                m_Items[0,col].name = nameIndex;    
        void ResetPositionOfRow(int row)
            for (int k = 0; k < NumCol; k++)
                m_Items[row,k].transform.localPosition = new Vector3(k * m_fItemWidth + m_fItemWidth/2,
                            -row * m_fItemHeight - m_fItemHeight/2, 0) + m_GameBoardTopLeft;
        void ResetPositionOfCol(int col)
            for (int k = 0; k < NumRow; k++)
                m_Items[k,col].transform.localPosition = new Vector3(col * m_fItemWidth + m_fItemWidth/2,
                            -k * m_fItemHeight - m_fItemHeight/2, 0) + m_GameBoardTopLeft;
        public void OnDragItem(GameObject go, Vector2 delta)
            string[] pos = go.name.Split('|');
            int row = int.Parse(pos[0]);
            int col = int.Parse(pos[1]);
            if (m_curDir == MoveDir.None)
                if (Mathf.Abs(delta.x) > Mathf.Abs(delta.y))
                    m_curDir = MoveDir.LeftRight;
                    m_curDir = MoveDir.UpDown;
            if (m_curDir == MoveDir.LeftRight)
                OnLRDrag(row, col, delta);
            else if (m_curDir == MoveDir.UpDown)
                OnUpDownDrag(row, col, delta);
        void OnLRDrag(int row, int col, Vector2 delta)
            m_fCurMoveDelta = m_Items[row,col].transform.localPosition.x + delta.x - m_CurPressItemOriPos.x;
            // if move to the end, stop it
            if (Mathf.Abs(m_fCurMoveDelta) < m_fItemWidth * (NumCol - 1))
                // move items with drag delta
                foreach(GameObject temp in m_HeadTempItemList)
                    temp.transform.localPosition += new Vector3(delta.x, 0, 0);
                foreach(GameObject temp in m_TailTempItemList)
                    temp.transform.localPosition += new Vector3(delta.x, 0, 0);
                for (int i = 0; i < NumCol; i++)
                    m_Items[row,i].transform.localPosition += new Vector3(delta.x, 0, 0);        
                // calculate the num of items we moved
                m_CurDeltaNum = Mathf.Abs((int)(m_fCurMoveDelta/m_fItemWidth));
                if (m_fCurMoveDelta > 0)
                    // if we move a harf item, we still need to create one temp items
                    if (m_CurDeltaNum + 1 > m_HeadTempItemList.Count)
                        GameObject tempItem = null;
                        UISprite img = null;
                        // don't have any temp items when you start to move the items
                        if (m_HeadTempItemList.Count == 0)
                            tempItem = NGUITools.AddChild(m_GamePanel, m_ItemPrefab);
                            tempItem.transform.localPosition = m_Items[row,0].transform.localPosition + new Vector3(-m_fItemWidth, 0, 0);
                            img = tempItem.transform.FindChild("ItemImg").GetComponent<UISprite>();
                            img.gameObject.transform.localScale = new Vector3(m_fItemWidth, m_fItemHeight, 0);
                            img.spriteName = m_Items[row,NumCol-1].transform.FindChild("ItemImg").GetComponent<UISprite>().spriteName;
                            GameObject last = m_HeadTempItemList[m_HeadTempItemList.Count - 1] as GameObject;
                            tempItem = NGUITools.AddChild(m_GamePanel, m_ItemPrefab);
                            tempItem.transform.localPosition = last.transform.localPosition + new Vector3(-m_fItemWidth, 0, 0);
                            img = tempItem.transform.FindChild("ItemImg").GetComponent<UISprite>();
                            img.gameObject.transform.localScale = new Vector3(m_fItemWidth, m_fItemHeight, 0);
                            img.spriteName = m_Items[row,NumCol-1-m_CurDeltaNum].transform.FindChild("ItemImg").GetComponent<UISprite>().spriteName;
                else if(m_fCurMoveDelta < 0)
                    // if we move a harf item, we still need to create one temp items
                    if (m_CurDeltaNum + 1 > m_TailTempItemList.Count)
                        GameObject tempItem = null;
                        UISprite img = null;
                        // don't have any temp items when you start to move the items
                        if (m_TailTempItemList.Count == 0)
                            tempItem = NGUITools.AddChild(m_GamePanel, m_ItemPrefab);
                            tempItem.transform.localPosition = m_Items[row,NumCol-1].transform.localPosition + new Vector3(m_fItemWidth, 0, 0);
                            img = tempItem.transform.FindChild("ItemImg").GetComponent<UISprite>();
                            img.gameObject.transform.localScale = new Vector3(m_fItemWidth, m_fItemHeight, 0);
                            img.spriteName = m_Items[row,0].transform.FindChild("ItemImg").GetComponent<UISprite>().spriteName;
                            GameObject last = m_TailTempItemList[m_TailTempItemList.Count - 1] as GameObject;
                            tempItem = NGUITools.AddChild(m_GamePanel, m_ItemPrefab);
                            tempItem.transform.localPosition = last.transform.localPosition + new Vector3(m_fItemWidth, 0, 0);
                            img = tempItem.transform.FindChild("ItemImg").GetComponent<UISprite>();
                            img.gameObject.transform.localScale = new Vector3(m_fItemWidth, m_fItemHeight, 0);
                            img.spriteName = m_Items[row,m_CurDeltaNum].transform.FindChild("ItemImg").GetComponent<UISprite>().spriteName;
            }// end of side judge
        void OnUpDownDrag(int row, int col, Vector2 delta)
            m_fCurMoveDelta = m_Items[row,col].transform.localPosition.y + delta.y - m_CurPressItemOriPos.y;
            // if move to the end, stop it
            if (Mathf.Abs(m_fCurMoveDelta) < m_fItemHeight * (NumRow - 1))
                // move items with drag delta
                foreach(GameObject temp in m_HeadTempItemList)
                    temp.transform.localPosition += new Vector3(0, delta.y, 0);
                foreach(GameObject temp in m_TailTempItemList)
                    temp.transform.localPosition += new Vector3(0, delta.y, 0);
                for (int i = 0; i < NumRow; i++)
                    m_Items[i,col].transform.localPosition += new Vector3(0, delta.y, 0);        
                // calculate the num of items we moved
                m_CurDeltaNum = Mathf.Abs((int)(m_fCurMoveDelta/m_fItemHeight));
                if (m_fCurMoveDelta > 0)
                    // if we move a harf item, we still need to create one temp items
                    if (m_CurDeltaNum + 1 > m_HeadTempItemList.Count)
                        GameObject tempItem = null;
                        UISprite img = null;
                        // don't have any temp items when you start to move the items
                        if (m_HeadTempItemList.Count == 0)
                            tempItem = NGUITools.AddChild(m_GamePanel, m_ItemPrefab);
                            tempItem.transform.localPosition = m_Items[NumRow - 1,col].transform.localPosition + new Vector3(0, -m_fItemHeight, 0);
                            img = tempItem.transform.FindChild("ItemImg").GetComponent<UISprite>();
                            img.gameObject.transform.localScale = new Vector3(m_fItemWidth, m_fItemHeight, 0);
                            img.spriteName = m_Items[0,col].transform.FindChild("ItemImg").GetComponent<UISprite>().spriteName;
                            GameObject last = m_HeadTempItemList[m_HeadTempItemList.Count - 1] as GameObject;
                            tempItem = NGUITools.AddChild(m_GamePanel, m_ItemPrefab);
                            tempItem.transform.localPosition = last.transform.localPosition + new Vector3(0, -m_fItemHeight, 0);
                            img = tempItem.transform.FindChild("ItemImg").GetComponent<UISprite>();
                            img.gameObject.transform.localScale = new Vector3(m_fItemWidth, m_fItemHeight, 0);
                            img.spriteName = m_Items[m_CurDeltaNum,col].transform.FindChild("ItemImg").GetComponent<UISprite>().spriteName;
                else if(m_fCurMoveDelta < 0)
                    // if we move a harf item, we still need to create one temp items
                    if (m_CurDeltaNum + 1 > m_TailTempItemList.Count)
                        GameObject tempItem = null;
                        UISprite img = null;
                        // don't have any temp items when you start to move the items
                        if (m_TailTempItemList.Count == 0)
                            tempItem = NGUITools.AddChild(m_GamePanel, m_ItemPrefab);
                            tempItem.transform.localPosition = m_Items[0,col].transform.localPosition + new Vector3(0, m_fItemHeight, 0);
                            img = tempItem.transform.FindChild("ItemImg").GetComponent<UISprite>();
                            img.gameObject.transform.localScale = new Vector3(m_fItemWidth, m_fItemHeight, 0);
                            img.spriteName = m_Items[NumRow - 1,col].transform.FindChild("ItemImg").GetComponent<UISprite>().spriteName;
                            GameObject last = m_TailTempItemList[m_TailTempItemList.Count - 1] as GameObject;
                            tempItem = NGUITools.AddChild(m_GamePanel, m_ItemPrefab);
                            tempItem.transform.localPosition = last.transform.localPosition + new Vector3(0, m_fItemHeight, 0);
                            img = tempItem.transform.FindChild("ItemImg").GetComponent<UISprite>();
                            img.gameObject.transform.localScale = new Vector3(m_fItemWidth, m_fItemHeight, 0);
                            img.spriteName = m_Items[NumRow-1-m_CurDeltaNum,col].transform.FindChild("ItemImg").GetComponent<UISprite>().spriteName;
            }// end of side judge





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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/gameprogram/p/2828743.html
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