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  • 【LeetCode】167. Two Sum II

    Two Sum II - Input array is sorted

    Given an array of integers that is already sorted in ascending order, find two numbers such that they add up to a specific target number.

    The function twoSum should return indices of the two numbers such that they add up to the target, where index1 must be less than index2. Please note that your returned answers (both index1 and index2) are not zero-based.

    You may assume that each input would have exactly one solution.

    Input: numbers={2, 7, 11, 15}, target=9
    Output: index1=1, index2=2







    时间复杂度O(n): 扫一遍


    ps: 严格来说,两个int的加和可能溢出int,因此将tmp和target提升为long long int再进行比较更鲁棒。

    class Solution {
        vector<int> twoSum(vector<int> &numbers, int target) {
            vector<int> ret(2,-1);
            int left = 0;
            int right = numbers.size()-1;
            while(left < right)
                int tmp = numbers[left]+numbers[right];
                if(tmp == target)
                    ret[0] = left+1;
                    ret[1] = right+1;
                    return ret;
                else if(tmp < target)
                //make tmp larger
                    left ++;
                //make tmp smaller
                    right --;


    int main()
        Solution s;
        int A[4] = {2, 7, 11, 15};
        vector<int> numbers1(A, A+4);
        vector<int> ret = s.twoSum(numbers1, 9);
        cout << ret[0] << ", " << ret[1] << endl;
        int B[2] = {1, 1};
        vector<int> numbers2(B, B+2);
        ret = s.twoSum(numbers2, 2);
        cout << ret[0] << ", " << ret[1] << endl;
        int C[3] = {1,2,3};
        vector<int> numbers3(C, C+3);
        ret = s.twoSum(numbers3, 5);
        cout << ret[0] << ", " << ret[1] << endl;
        return 0;
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