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  • 详解Sentinel中的滑动时间窗算法完成数据QPS统计


    在讲解滑动时间窗之前,有个问题可以思考一下,如何统计当前时间服务的QPS呢?博主在前公司的时候,他们是这么设计的,在分布式环境下,列如当前时间 2021-9-13 23:12:10, 那么解析成key = 2021-9-13-23-12-10,并通过这个key查询redis,获取一个整型的统计值,并执行incr自增。当到下一个时间2021-9-13 23:12:11,则生成key=2021-9-13-23-12-11.从redis中获取一个新的计数器,并incr。


    1) 随着时间的增长,redis中的key越来越多 

    2)23时12分10秒600毫秒  与  23时12分11秒600毫秒 这1秒期间,QPS的值将无法统计。


    1 我们把当前的时间看做一个无限延长的有向轴,并且分隔成一个个固定单位,这个固定单位成为时间窗,可以是1s,也可以是1min。为了便于统计一分钟内或者1秒钟内的QPS,将单位时间窗划分为多个样本时间窗。

    2  划分样本时间窗的目的是 为了避免重复统计,列如当时间运行到样本窗7 ,则需要统计样本窗4-7。 下次如果当前时间到了样本窗8,则需要统计5-8,而中间的5-7已经统计过了,只需要再加上样本窗8中的数据。

    3  在sentinel中,缓存了一个单位时间窗的统计数据,并组织成一个环,实际上就是通过对样本窗口数取余来确定请求落在哪个样本窗上。

    4 使用了滑动时间窗算法之后,获取的QPS永远统计的是当前时间之前的一个单位时间窗的统计结果,也解决了在前言中的问题2.




    // Do some checking.
                // 先做其他的slot
                fireEntry(context, resourceWrapper, node, count, prioritized, args);
                // Request passed, add thread count and pass count.
                // 对当前的资源DefaultNode添加统计
                if (context.getCurEntry().getOriginNode() != null) {
                    // Add count for origin node.
                    // 对所有相同资源和相同来源。不同的context上的同一个originNode做统计

    统计的维度有这么几个,1 对于当前请求在指定资源上的DefaultNode的统计   2指定资源上上全局的clusterNode的统计。代码如下node.addPassRequest(count)

        public void addPassRequest(int count) {
            // 增加当前入口的defaultNode中的统计数据
            // 增加当前资源的clusterNode中全局统计数据

    3 对于相同资源的全局CluserNode在指定来源上的统计  ,比如 全局统计资源A在来源A上的QPS ,代码  context.getCurEntry().getOriginNode().addPassRequest(count);

        public void addPassRequest(int count) {
            // 为滑动计数器增加本次访问的计数器



         * Holds statistics of the recent {@code INTERVAL} milliseconds. The {@code INTERVAL} is divided into time spans
         * by given {@code sampleCount}.
         * 定义一个使用数组保存数据的计量器
        private transient volatile Metric rollingCounterInSecond = new ArrayMetric(SampleCountProperty.SAMPLE_COUNT /* 样本窗口数量 默认2 */,
            IntervalProperty.INTERVAL /* 时间窗长度  默认1s */);
         * Holds statistics of the recent 60 seconds. The windowLengthInMs is deliberately set to 1000 milliseconds,
         * meaning each bucket per second, in this way we can get accurate statistics of each second.
        private transient Metric rollingCounterInMinute = new ArrayMetric(60, 60 * 1000, false);




        public void addPass(int count) {
            // 获取当前时间点所在的样本窗口
            WindowWrap<MetricBucket> wrap = data.currentWindow();
            // 在样本窗中增加count


        // 计算当前时间在哪个样本窗口
        private int calculateTimeIdx(/*@Valid*/ long timeMillis) {
            long timeId = timeMillis / windowLengthInMs;
            // Calculate current index so we can map the timestamp to the leap array.
            //  一个时间窗组成一个环,该环由多个样本窗口组成
            return (int)(timeId % array.length());


        public WindowWrap<T> currentWindow(long timeMillis) {
            if (timeMillis < 0) {
                return null;
            // 计算当前时间所在的样本窗口ID,即在计算数组leapArray中的索引
            // 这个idx不会超过样本数量
            int idx = calculateTimeIdx(timeMillis);
            // Calculate current bucket start time.
            // 获取当前时间对应的样本窗口的起始时间戳
            long windowStart = calculateWindowStart(timeMillis);
             * Get bucket item at given time from the array.
             * (1) Bucket is absent, then just create a new bucket and CAS update to circular array.
             * (2) Bucket is up-to-date, then just return the bucket.
             * (3) Bucket is deprecated, then reset current bucket and clean all deprecated buckets.
            while (true) {
                // 获取到当前时间所在的样本窗口
                WindowWrap<T> old = array.get(idx);
                if (old == null) {
                     *     B0       B1      B2    NULL      B4
                     * ||_______|_______|_______|_______|_______||___
                     * 200     400     600     800     1000    1200  timestamp
                     *                             ^
                     *                          time=888
                     *            bucket is empty, so create new and update
                     * If the old bucket is absent, then we create a new bucket at {@code windowStart},
                     * then try to update circular array via a CAS operation. Only one thread can
                     * succeed to update, while other threads yield its time slice.
                    WindowWrap<T> window = new WindowWrap<T>(windowLengthInMs, windowStart, newEmptyBucket(timeMillis));
                    if (array.compareAndSet(idx, null, window)) {
                        // Successfully updated, return the created bucket.
                        return window;
                    } else {
                        // Contention failed, the thread will yield its time slice to wait for bucket available.
                } else if (windowStart == old.windowStart()) {
                     *     B0       B1      B2     B3      B4
                     * ||_______|_______|_______|_______|_______||___
                     * 200     400     600     800     1000    1200  timestamp
                     *                             ^
                     *                          time=888
                     *            startTime of Bucket 3: 800, so it's up-to-date
                     * If current {@code windowStart} is equal to the start timestamp of old bucket,
                     * that means the time is within the bucket, so directly return the bucket.
                    return old;
                } else if (windowStart > old.windowStart()) {
                    // 在idx上的样本时间窗可能已经老了,可能是上几圈的idx位置,本线程的windowStart 已经到了后面圈的样本时间窗了
                     *   (old)
                     *             B0       B1      B2    NULL      B4
                     * |_______||_______|_______|_______|_______|_______||___
                     * ...    1200     1400    1600    1800    2000    2200  timestamp
                     *                              ^
                     *                           time=1676
                     *          startTime of Bucket 2: 400, deprecated, should be reset
                     * If the start timestamp of old bucket is behind provided time, that means
                     * the bucket is deprecated. We have to reset the bucket to current {@code windowStart}.
                     * Note that the reset and clean-up operations are hard to be atomic,
                     * so we need a update lock to guarantee the correctness of bucket update.
                     * The update lock is conditional (tiny scope) and will take effect only when
                     * bucket is deprecated, so in most cases it won't lead to performance loss.
                    if (updateLock.tryLock()) {
                        try {
                            // Successfully get the update lock, now we reset the bucket.
                            return resetWindowTo(old, windowStart);
                        } finally {
                    } else {
                        // Contention failed, the thread will yield its time slice to wait for bucket available.
                } else if (windowStart < old.windowStart()) {
                    // 这种情况一般不会出现  除非人为改动
                    // Should not go through here, as the provided time is already behind.
                    return new WindowWrap<T>(windowLengthInMs, windowStart, newEmptyBucket(timeMillis));


    FlowSlot#entry -> FlowRuleChecker#checkFlow -> FlowRuleChecker#canPassCheck  ->  DefaultController#canPass -> DefaultController#avgUsedTokens -> node.passQps()

    获取计量数中的通过数 除以 单位时间窗长度

        public double passQps() {
            return rollingCounterInSecond.pass() / rollingCounterInSecond.getWindowIntervalInSec();



        public long pass() {
            // 更新array中当前时间点所在的样本窗口实例中的数据
            long pass = 0;
            List<MetricBucket> list = data.values();
            // 将当前时间窗中的所有样本窗口统计的值求和
            for (MetricBucket window : list) {
                pass += window.pass();
            return pass;


     public List<T> values(long timeMillis) {
            if (timeMillis < 0) {
                return new ArrayList<T>();
            int size = array.length();
            List<T> result = new ArrayList<T>(size);
            for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
                WindowWrap<T> windowWrap = array.get(i);
                // 判断样本窗是否过时: 当前时间-windowsStart > intervalInms
                if (windowWrap == null || isWindowDeprecated(timeMillis, windowWrap)) {
                    // 有可能这个时间窗口 没有请求,在一个时间窗的时候 发现这个样本窗已经过时
            return result;

    LeapArray有2个实现类,分别是OccupiableBucketLeapArray (单位时间窗为1s)和 BucketLeapArray(单位时间窗为1min),那么这两个实现类有什么区别的。实际上对于OccupiableBucketLeapArray,如果是优先级较高,同时流控的时候超过了配置的阈值,那么可以等待一定的时间,使用未来的配额,保证通过流控。


        public boolean canPass(Node node, int acquireCount, boolean prioritized) {
            int curCount = avgUsedTokens(node);
            if (curCount + acquireCount > count) { // 被流控
                // 如果流控策略是基于QPS 并且优先级较高
                if (prioritized && grade == RuleConstant.FLOW_GRADE_QPS) {
                    long currentTime;
                    long waitInMs;
                    currentTime = TimeUtil.currentTimeMillis();
                    waitInMs = node.tryOccupyNext(currentTime, acquireCount, count);
                    if (waitInMs < OccupyTimeoutProperty.getOccupyTimeout()) {
                        // 添加占用未来时间对应的样本窗的pass配额
                        node.addWaitingRequest(currentTime + waitInMs, acquireCount);
                        // 统计 OccupiedPass
                        // PriorityWaitException indicates that the request will pass after waiting for {@link @waitInMs}.
                        throw new PriorityWaitException(waitInMs);
                return false;
            return true;


    在上面的代码中有个比较 waitInMs < OccupyTimeoutProperty.getOccupyTimeout(),这说明就是因为当前样本窗的pass数量太多造成的,这个时间只要sleep 剩余样本窗是的时间就可以了。


    public long tryOccupyNext(long currentTime, int acquireCount, double threshold) {
            double maxCount = threshold * IntervalProperty.INTERVAL / 1000;
            // 0
            long currentBorrow = rollingCounterInSecond.waiting();
            if (currentBorrow >= maxCount) {
                return OccupyTimeoutProperty.getOccupyTimeout();
            // 500
            int windowLength = IntervalProperty.INTERVAL / SampleCountProperty.SAMPLE_COUNT;
             * 这个算法  是获取当前时间对应的样本窗的结束时间 往前推一个单位时间窗 来获取到一个能统计到当前时间对应的样本窗的最早时间
            long earliestTime = currentTime - currentTime % windowLength + windowLength - IntervalProperty.INTERVAL;
            int idx = 0;
             * Note: here {@code currentPass} may be less than it really is NOW, because time difference
             * since call rollingCounterInSecond.pass(). So in high concurrency, the following code may
             * lead more tokens be borrowed.
            // 当前时间单位窗口的统计数
            long currentPass = rollingCounterInSecond.pass();
             * 这块逻辑很好理解:
             * 从最早时间 到 当前时间为止
             * 初始等待时间为  当前时间对应的样本窗,剩余的时间长度
             * 如果去掉最早样本窗的pass数之后,发现仍然大于阈值 ,则等待时间数 + 样本时间窗长度
            while (earliestTime < currentTime) {
                long waitInMs = idx * windowLength + windowLength - currentTime % windowLength;
                if (waitInMs >= OccupyTimeoutProperty.getOccupyTimeout()) {
                long windowPass = rollingCounterInSecond.getWindowPass(earliestTime);
                if (currentPass + currentBorrow + acquireCount - windowPass <= maxCount) {
                    return waitInMs;
                earliestTime += windowLength;
                currentPass -= windowPass;
            return OccupyTimeoutProperty.getOccupyTimeout();
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/gaojy/p/15265524.html
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