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    A Simple Problem with Integers http://poj.org/problem?id=3468

     1 #include<cstdio>
     2 #define lrrt int L,int R,int rt
     3 #define iall 1,n,1
     4 #define imid int mid=(L+R)>>1
     5 #define lson L,mid,rt<<1
     6 #define rson mid+1,R,rt<<1|1
     7 typedef __int64 LL;
     8 const int M=100010;
     9 int a[M];
    10 struct T{
    11     LL sum,lazy;
    12 }tree[M<<2];
    13 void pushup(int rt){
    14     tree[rt].sum=tree[rt<<1].sum+tree[rt<<1|1].sum;
    15 }
    16 void build(lrrt){
    17     tree[rt].lazy=0;
    18     if(L==R){
    19         tree[rt].sum=a[L];
    20         return ;
    21     }
    22     imid;
    23     build(lson);
    24     build(rson);
    25     pushup(rt);
    26 }
    27 void pushdown(int mid,lrrt){
    28     if(tree[rt].lazy){
    29         tree[rt<<1].lazy+=tree[rt].lazy;
    30         tree[rt<<1|1].lazy+=tree[rt].lazy;
    31         tree[rt<<1].sum+=(mid-L+1)*tree[rt].lazy;
    32         tree[rt<<1|1].sum+=(R-mid)*tree[rt].lazy;
    33         tree[rt].lazy=0;
    34     }
    35 }
    36 void update(int x,int y,int z,lrrt){
    37     if(x<=L&&R<=y){
    38         tree[rt].sum+=(R-L+1)*z;
    39         tree[rt].lazy+=z;
    40         return ;
    41     }
    42     imid;
    43     pushdown(mid,L,R,rt);
    44     if(mid>=x) update(x,y,z,lson);
    45     if(mid<y)  update(x,y,z,rson);
    46     pushup(rt);
    47 }
    48 LL query(int x,int y,lrrt){
    49     if(x<=L&&R<=y) return tree[rt].sum;
    50     imid;
    51     pushdown(mid,L,R,rt);
    52     LL ans=0;
    53     if(mid>=x) ans+=query(x,y,lson);
    54     if(mid<y)  ans+=query(x,y,rson);
    55     return ans;
    56 }
    57 int main(){
    58     int n,m;
    59     while(~scanf("%d%d",&n,&m)){
    60         for(int i=1;i<=n;i++){
    61             scanf("%d",&a[i]);
    62         }
    63         build(iall);
    64         while(m--){
    65             char op[4];
    66             int x,y,z;
    67             scanf("%s%d%d",op,&x,&y);
    68             if(op[0]=='C'){
    69                 scanf("%d",&z);
    70                 update(x,y,z,iall);
    71             }
    72             else{
    73                 printf("%I64d
    74             }
    75         }
    76     }
    77     return 0;
    78 }
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     Mayor's posters http://poj.org/problem?id=2528


     1 #include<cstdio>
     2 #include<cstring>
     3 #include<algorithm>
     4 #include<map>
     5 #define mt(a,b) memset(a,b,sizeof(a))
     6 #define lrrt int L,int R,int rt
     7 #define iall 1,n,1
     8 #define imid int mid=(L+R)>>1
     9 #define lson L,mid,rt<<1
    10 #define rson mid+1,R,rt<<1|1
    11 using namespace std;
    12 const int M=10000010;
    13 struct Input{
    14     int x,y;
    15 }in[10010];
    16 int tos[20010];
    17 int tohash[M];
    18 int tree[M<<2];
    19 void build(lrrt){
    20     tree[rt]=0;
    21     if(L==R) return ;
    22     imid;
    23     build(lson);
    24     build(rson);
    25 }
    26 void pushdown(int rt){
    27     if(tree[rt]){
    28         tree[rt<<1]=tree[rt];
    29         tree[rt<<1|1]=tree[rt];
    30         tree[rt]=0;
    31     }
    32 }
    33 void update(int x,int y,int z,lrrt){
    34     if(x<=L&&R<=y){
    35         tree[rt]=z;
    36         return ;
    37     }
    38     pushdown(rt);
    39     imid;
    40     if(mid>=x) update(x,y,z,lson);
    41     if(mid<y)  update(x,y,z,rson);
    42 }
    43 bool vis[M];
    44 void query(lrrt){
    45     if(L==R){
    46         vis[tree[rt]]=true;
    47         return ;
    48     }
    49     pushdown(rt);
    50     imid;
    51     query(lson);
    52     query(rson);
    53 }
    54 int main(){
    55     int t,m;
    56     while(~scanf("%d",&t)){
    57         while(t--){
    58             scanf("%d",&m);
    59             int lt=0;
    60             for(int i=1;i<=m;i++){
    61                 scanf("%d%d",&in[i].x,&in[i].y);
    62                 tos[lt++]=in[i].x;
    63                 tos[lt++]=in[i].y;
    64             }
    65             sort(tos,tos+lt);
    66             lt=unique(tos,tos+lt)-tos;
    67             int n=1;
    68             for(int i=0;i<lt;i++){
    69                 tohash[tos[i]]=n;
    70                 n++;
    71                 if(tos[i+1]>tos[i]+1) n++;
    72             }
    73             build(iall);
    74             for(int i=1;i<=m;i++){
    75                 update(tohash[in[i].x],tohash[in[i].y],i,iall);
    76             }
    77             mt(vis,0);
    78             query(iall);
    79             int ans=0;
    80             for(int i=1;i<=m;i++){
    81                 if(vis[i]) ans++;
    82             }
    83             printf("%d
    84         }
    85     }
    86     return 0;
    87 }
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