
#!/usr/bin/env python 2 3 import rospy, math, tf 4 from costmap_converter.msg import ObstacleArrayMsg, ObstacleMsg 5 from geometry_msgs.msg import Point32, QuaternionStamped, Quaternion, TwistWithCovariance 6 from tf.transformations import quaternion_from_euler 7 8 9 def publish_obstacle_msg(): 10 pub = rospy.Publisher('/test_optim_node/obstacles', ObstacleArrayMsg, queue_size=1) 11 rospy.init_node("test_obstacle_msg") 12 13 y_0 = -3.0 14 vel_x = 0.0 15 vel_y = 0.3 16 range_y = 6.0 17 18 obstacle_msg = ObstacleArrayMsg() 19 obstacle_msg.header.stamp = rospy.Time.now() 20 obstacle_msg.header.frame_id = "odom" # CHANGE HERE: odom/map 21 22 # Add point obstacle 23 obstacle_msg.obstacles.append(ObstacleMsg()) 24 obstacle_msg.obstacles[0].id = 99 25 obstacle_msg.obstacles[0].polygon.points = [Point32()] 26 obstacle_msg.obstacles[0].polygon.points[0].x = -1.5 27 obstacle_msg.obstacles[0].polygon.points[0].y = 0 28 obstacle_msg.obstacles[0].polygon.points[0].z = 0 29 30 yaw = math.atan2(vel_y, vel_x) 31 q = tf.transformations.quaternion_from_euler(0,0,yaw) 32 obstacle_msg.obstacles[0].orientation = Quaternion(*q) 33 34 obstacle_msg.obstacles[0].velocities.twist.linear.x = vel_x 35 obstacle_msg.obstacles[0].velocities.twist.linear.y = vel_y 36 obstacle_msg.obstacles[0].velocities.twist.linear.z = 0 37 obstacle_msg.obstacles[0].velocities.twist.angular.x = 0 38 obstacle_msg.obstacles[0].velocities.twist.angular.y = 0 39 obstacle_msg.obstacles[0].velocities.twist.angular.z = 0 40 41 r = rospy.Rate(10) # 10hz 42 t = 0.0 43 while not rospy.is_shutdown(): 44 45 # Vary y component of the point obstacle 46 if (vel_y >= 0): 47 obstacle_msg.obstacles[0].polygon.points[0].y = y_0 + (vel_y*t)%range_y 48 else: 49 obstacle_msg.obstacles[0].polygon.points[0].y = y_0 + (vel_y*t)%range_y - range_y 50 51 t = t + 0.1 52 53 pub.publish(obstacle_msg) 54 55 r.sleep() 56 57 58 if __name__ == '__main__': 59 try: 60 publish_obstacle_msg() 61 except rospy.ROSInterruptException: 62 pass
roslaunch teb_local_planner test_optim_node.launch
roslaunch mypublisher publish_dynamic_obstacles.py
启动rosrun rqt_reconfigure rqt_reconfigure;选中参数include_dynamic_obstacles,teb local planner使用一个常速度模型来预测障碍物将来的行为。现在的轨迹是根据时间和空间来避免障碍物而不是仅仅考当前障碍物的位置来避免。对于速度模型的估计精确性是很重要的,常速度假设是合理且满足的。

~<name>/min_obstacle_dist: Desired minimal distance from (static and dynamic) obstacles ~<name>/inflation_dist: Non-zero cost region around (static) obstacles ~<name>/include_dynamic_obstacles: Specify whether the motion of dynamic obstacles should be included (constant-velocity-model) or not. ~<name>/dynamic_obstacle_inflation_dist: Non-zero cost region around (dynamic) obstacles ~<name>/include_costmap_obstacles: Deactivate costmap obstacles completely ~<name>/costmap_obstacles_behind_robot_dist: Maximum distance behind the robot searched for occupied costmap cells. ~<name>/obstacle_poses_affected: Specify how many trajectory configurations/poses should be taken into account next to the closest one. ~<name>/weight_obstacle: Optimization weight for keeping a distance to static obstacles. ~<name>/weight_inflation: Optimization weight for inflation costs of static obstacles. ~<name>/weight_dynamic_obstacle: Optimization weight for keeping a distance to dynamic obstacles. ~<name>/weight_dynamic_obstacle_inflation: Optimization weight for inflation costs of dynamic obstacles. ~<name>/footprint_model: The robot footprint model