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  • Java日志框架


    眼下java应用日志收集都是採用日志框架(slf4j、apache commons logging)+日志系统(log4j、log4j2、LogBack、JUL等)的方式。而针对在分布式环境须要实时分析统计的日志,一般採用apache flume、facebook scribe等分布式日志收集系统。


    • JCL(Jakarta Commons Logging):比較流行的日志框架,非常多框架都依赖JCL,比如Spring等。
    • SLF4j:提供新的API,初衷是配合Logback使用,但同一时候兼容Log4j。


    • Log4j:经典的一种日志解决方式。内部把日志系统抽象封装成Logger 、appender 、pattern 等实现。我们能够通过配置文件轻松的实现日志系统的管理和多样化配置。
    • Log4j2:Log4j的2.0版本号。对Log4j进行了优化。比方支持參数API、支持异步appender、插件式架构等
    • Logback:Log4j的替代产品。须要配合日志框架SLF4j使用
    • JUL(java.util.logging):JDK提供的日志系统。较混乱,不经常使用


    以下将介绍slf4j + Log4j2 日志组件的引入、以及配置和使用


    </pre><pre name="code" class="html"><dependency>
            <!--log4j2 异步appender须要-->

    • Appenders:也被称为Handlers。负责将日志事件记录到目标位置。在将日志事件输出之前,Appenders使用Layouts来对事件进行格式化处理。
    • Layouts:也被称为Formatters,它负责对日志事件中的数据进行转换和格式化。Layouts决定了数据在一条日志记录中的终于形式。
    • Loggers:Logger负责捕捉事件并将其发送给合适的Appender。



    3.1 Appender

    3.1.1 ConsoleAppender




    參数 描写叙述
    filter 用于决定是否须要使用该Appender来处理日志事件
    layout 用于决定怎样对日志记录进行格式化,默认情况下使用“%m%n”。它会在每一行显示一条日志记录
    follow 用于决定Appender是否须要了解输出(system.out或者system.err)的变化,默认情况是不须要跟踪这样的变化
    name 用于设置Appender的名字
    ignoreExceptions 用于决定是否须要记录在日志事件处理过程中出现的异常
    target 用于指定输出目标位置。默认情况下使用SYSTEM_OUT。但也能够改动成SYSTEM_ERR

            <Console name="Console" target="SYSTEM_OUT">
                <ThresholdFilter level="DEBUG" onMatch="ACCEPT" onMismatch="DENY"/>
                <PatternLayout pattern="%d{HH:mm:ss.SSS} %-5level %class{36} %L %M - %msg%xEx%n"/>

    3.1.2 FileAppender



     <File name="File" fileName="fileAppender.log" append="true" locking="true">
                <PatternLayout pattern="%d{HH:mm:ss.SSS} %-5level %class{36} %L %M - %msg%xEx%n"/>

    3.1.3 RollingFileAppender



    RollingFileAppender能够理解为滚动输出日志,假设log4j 2记录的日志达到上限,旧的日志将被删除,腾出的空间用于记录新的日志。

            <RollingFile name="RollingFile1" fileName="logs/log1.log"
                <PatternLayout pattern="%d{yyyy-MM-dd 'at' HH:mm:ss z} %-5level %class{36} %L %M - %msg%xEx%n"/>
                <SizeBasedTriggeringPolicy size="100MB"/>

    3.1.5 其它appender




    3.2 Layouts


    这里贴一篇文章简介下我们经常使用的PatternLayout :http://wiki.jikexueyuan.com/project/log4j/log4j-patternlayout.html


    <PatternLayout pattern="%d{yyyy-MM-dd 'at' HH:mm:ss z} %-5level %class{36} %L %M - %msg%xEx%n"/>

    3.3 Loggers



            <logger name="com.sankuai" level="info" includeLocation="true" additivity="true">
                <appender-ref ref="RollingFile2"/>
                <appender-ref ref="RollingFile1"/>
    		<logger name="com.sankuai.meituan" level="error" includeLocation="true" additivity="true">
                <appender-ref ref="RollingFile2"/>
                <appender-ref ref="RollingFile1"/>
            <root level="error">
                <appender-ref ref="Console"/>
                <appender-ref ref="RollingFile1"/>

    additivity是 子Logger 是否继承 父Logger 的 输出源(appender) 的标志位。详细说,默认情况下 子Logger 会继承 父Logger 的appender,也就是说 子Logger 会在 父Logger 的appender里输出。若是additivity设为false,则 子Logger 仅仅会在自己的appender里输出。而不会在 父Logger 的appender里输出。 

    3.4 日志级别

    DEBUG , INFO ,WARN ,ERROR四种,分别相应Logger类的四种方法
    debug(Object message ) ;
    info(Object message ) ;
    warn(Object message ) ;
    error(Object message ) ;

    4、Log4j2 AsyncLogger与AsyncAppender



    第二张图是将log4j2的异步日志机制和其它日志系统进行对照,log4j2的asyncLogger 性能也是非常有优势。


    4.1 AsyncAppender

    AsyncAppender持有其它的配置了aysnc的appender引用列表(appender须要通过配置注冊成异步的)。当其它的logger须要打日志的时候(logEvent事件),asyncAppender会接收logEvent,缓存到queue中,然后用单独的线程完毕从queue中取logEvent打印到目的appender,这个逻辑比較简单,看下源代码就能明确这个流程。ps. AsyncAppender是Log4j 和Log4j2 都有的,不是新东西,但从上面的性能对照上还是有一点点差异的。基本的原因是:(引用官方说法)Asynchronous Appenders already existed in Log4j 1.x, but have been enhanced to flush to disk at the end of a batch (when the queue is empty).




    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <Configuration status="warn" name="MyApp" packages="">
        <File name="MyFile" fileName="logs/app.log">
            <Pattern>%d %p %c{1.} [%t] %m%n</Pattern>
        <Async name="Async">
          <AppenderRef ref="MyFile"/>
        <Root level="error">
          <AppenderRef ref="Async"/>

    @Plugin(name = "Async", category = "Core", elementType = "appender", printObject = true)
    public final class AsyncAppender extends AbstractAppender {
        private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
        private static final int DEFAULT_QUEUE_SIZE = 128;
        private static final String SHUTDOWN = "Shutdown";
        private static final AtomicLong THREAD_SEQUENCE = new AtomicLong(1);
        private static ThreadLocal<Boolean> isAppenderThread = new ThreadLocal<>();
        private final BlockingQueue<Serializable> queue;
        private final int queueSize;
        private final boolean blocking;
        private final long shutdownTimeout;
        private final Configuration config;
        private final AppenderRef[] appenderRefs;
        private final String errorRef;
        private final boolean includeLocation;
        private AppenderControl errorAppender;
        private AsyncThread thread;
        private AsyncAppender(final String name, final Filter filter, final AppenderRef[] appenderRefs,
                final String errorRef, final int queueSize, final boolean blocking, final boolean ignoreExceptions,
                final long shutdownTimeout, final Configuration config, final boolean includeLocation) {
            super(name, filter, null, ignoreExceptions);
            this.queue = new ArrayBlockingQueue<>(queueSize);
            this.queueSize = queueSize;
            this.blocking = blocking;
            this.shutdownTimeout = shutdownTimeout;
            this.config = config;
            this.appenderRefs = appenderRefs;
            this.errorRef = errorRef;
            this.includeLocation = includeLocation;
        public void start() {
            final Map<String, Appender> map = config.getAppenders();
            final List<AppenderControl> appenders = new ArrayList<>();
            for (final AppenderRef appenderRef : appenderRefs) {
                final Appender appender = map.get(appenderRef.getRef());
                if (appender != null) {
                    appenders.add(new AppenderControl(appender, appenderRef.getLevel(), appenderRef.getFilter()));
                } else {
                    LOGGER.error("No appender named {} was configured", appenderRef);
            if (errorRef != null) {
                final Appender appender = map.get(errorRef);
                if (appender != null) {
                    errorAppender = new AppenderControl(appender, null, null);
                } else {
                    LOGGER.error("Unable to set up error Appender. No appender named {} was configured", errorRef);
            if (appenders.size() > 0) {
                thread = new AsyncThread(appenders, queue);
                thread.setName("AsyncAppender-" + getName());
            } else if (errorRef == null) {
                throw new ConfigurationException("No appenders are available for AsyncAppender " + getName());
        public void stop() {
            LOGGER.trace("AsyncAppender stopping. Queue still has {} events.", queue.size());
            try {
            } catch (final InterruptedException ex) {
                LOGGER.warn("Interrupted while stopping AsyncAppender {}", getName());
            LOGGER.trace("AsyncAppender stopped. Queue has {} events.", queue.size());
         * Actual writing occurs here.
         * @param logEvent The LogEvent.
        public void append(LogEvent logEvent) {
            if (!isStarted()) {
                throw new IllegalStateException("AsyncAppender " + getName() + " is not active");
            if (!(logEvent instanceof Log4jLogEvent)) {
                if (!(logEvent instanceof RingBufferLogEvent)) {
                    return; // only know how to Serialize Log4jLogEvents and RingBufferLogEvents
                logEvent = ((RingBufferLogEvent) logEvent).createMemento();
            logEvent.getMessage().getFormattedMessage(); // LOG4J2-763: ask message to freeze parameters
            final Log4jLogEvent coreEvent = (Log4jLogEvent) logEvent;
            boolean appendSuccessful = false;
            if (blocking) {
                if (isAppenderThread.get() == Boolean.TRUE && queue.remainingCapacity() == 0) {
                    // LOG4J2-485: avoid deadlock that would result from trying
                    // to add to a full queue from appender thread
                    coreEvent.setEndOfBatch(false); // queue is definitely not empty!
                    appendSuccessful = thread.callAppenders(coreEvent);
                } else {
                    final Serializable serialized = Log4jLogEvent.serialize(coreEvent, includeLocation);
                    try {
                        // wait for free slots in the queue
                        appendSuccessful = true;
                    } catch (final InterruptedException e) {
                        // LOG4J2-1049: Some applications use Thread.interrupt() to send
                        // messages between application threads. This does not necessarily
                        // mean that the queue is full. To prevent dropping a log message,
                        // quickly try to offer the event to the queue again.
                        // (Yes, this means there is a possibility the same event is logged twice.)
                        // Finally, catching the InterruptedException means the
                        // interrupted flag has been cleared on the current thread.
                        // This may interfere with the application's expectation of
                        // being interrupted, so when we are done, we set the interrupted
                        // flag again.
                        appendSuccessful = queue.offer(serialized);
                        if (!appendSuccessful) {
                            LOGGER.warn("Interrupted while waiting for a free slot in the AsyncAppender LogEvent-queue {}",
                        // set the interrupted flag again.
            } else {
                appendSuccessful = queue.offer(Log4jLogEvent.serialize(coreEvent, includeLocation));
                if (!appendSuccessful) {
                    error("Appender " + getName() + " is unable to write primary appenders. queue is full");
            if (!appendSuccessful && errorAppender != null) {
         * Create an AsyncAppender.
         * @param appenderRefs The Appenders to reference.
         * @param errorRef An optional Appender to write to if the queue is full or other errors occur.
         * @param blocking True if the Appender should wait when the queue is full. The default is true.
         * @param shutdownTimeout How many milliseconds the Appender should wait to flush outstanding log events
         *                        in the queue on shutdown. The default is zero which means to wait forever.
         * @param size The size of the event queue. The default is 128.
         * @param name The name of the Appender.
         * @param includeLocation whether to include location information. The default is false.
         * @param filter The Filter or null.
         * @param config The Configuration.
         * @param ignoreExceptions If {@code "true"} (default) exceptions encountered when appending events are logged;
         *            otherwise they are propagated to the caller.
         * @return The AsyncAppender.
        public static AsyncAppender createAppender(@PluginElement("AppenderRef") final AppenderRef[] appenderRefs,
                @PluginAttribute("errorRef") @PluginAliases("error-ref") final String errorRef,
                @PluginAttribute(value = "blocking", defaultBoolean = true) final boolean blocking,
                @PluginAttribute(value = "shutdownTimeout", defaultLong = 0L) final long shutdownTimeout,
                @PluginAttribute(value = "bufferSize", defaultInt = DEFAULT_QUEUE_SIZE) final int size,
                @PluginAttribute("name") final String name,
                @PluginAttribute(value = "includeLocation", defaultBoolean = false) final boolean includeLocation,
                @PluginElement("Filter") final Filter filter, @PluginConfiguration final Configuration config,
                @PluginAttribute(value = "ignoreExceptions", defaultBoolean = true) final boolean ignoreExceptions) {
            if (name == null) {
                LOGGER.error("No name provided for AsyncAppender");
                return null;
            if (appenderRefs == null) {
                LOGGER.error("No appender references provided to AsyncAppender {}", name);
            return new AsyncAppender(name, filter, appenderRefs, errorRef, size, blocking, ignoreExceptions,
                    shutdownTimeout, config, includeLocation);
         * Thread that calls the Appenders.
        private class AsyncThread extends Thread {
            private volatile boolean shutdown = false;
            private final List<AppenderControl> appenders;
            private final BlockingQueue<Serializable> queue;
            public AsyncThread(final List<AppenderControl> appenders, final BlockingQueue<Serializable> queue) {
                this.appenders = appenders;
                this.queue = queue;
                setName("AsyncAppenderThread" + THREAD_SEQUENCE.getAndIncrement());
            public void run() {
                isAppenderThread.set(Boolean.TRUE); // LOG4J2-485
                while (!shutdown) {
                    Serializable s;
                    try {
                        s = queue.take();
                        if (s != null && s instanceof String && SHUTDOWN.equals(s.toString())) {
                            shutdown = true;
                    } catch (final InterruptedException ex) {
                        break; // LOG4J2-830
                    final Log4jLogEvent event = Log4jLogEvent.deserialize(s);
                    final boolean success = callAppenders(event);
                    if (!success && errorAppender != null) {
                        try {
                        } catch (final Exception ex) {
                            // Silently accept the error.
                // Process any remaining items in the queue.
                LOGGER.trace("AsyncAppender.AsyncThread shutting down. Processing remaining {} queue events.",
                int count = 0;
                int ignored = 0;
                while (!queue.isEmpty()) {
                    try {
                        final Serializable s = queue.take();
                        if (Log4jLogEvent.canDeserialize(s)) {
                            final Log4jLogEvent event = Log4jLogEvent.deserialize(s);
                        } else {
                            LOGGER.trace("Ignoring event of class {}", s.getClass().getName());
                    } catch (final InterruptedException ex) {
                        // May have been interrupted to shut down.
                        // Here we ignore interrupts and try to process all remaining events.
                LOGGER.trace("AsyncAppender.AsyncThread stopped. Queue has {} events remaining. "
                        + "Processed {} and ignored {} events since shutdown started.", queue.size(), count, ignored);
             * Calls {@link AppenderControl#callAppender(LogEvent) callAppender} on all registered {@code AppenderControl}
             * objects, and returns {@code true} if at least one appender call was successful, {@code false} otherwise. Any
             * exceptions are silently ignored.
             * @param event the event to forward to the registered appenders
             * @return {@code true} if at least one appender call succeeded, {@code false} otherwise
            boolean callAppenders(final Log4jLogEvent event) {
                boolean success = false;
                for (final AppenderControl control : appenders) {
                    try {
                        success = true;
                    } catch (final Exception ex) {
                        // If no appender is successful the error appender will get it.
                return success;
            public void shutdown() {
                shutdown = true;
                if (queue.isEmpty()) {
         * Returns the names of the appenders that this asyncAppender delegates to as an array of Strings.
         * @return the names of the sink appenders
        public String[] getAppenderRefStrings() {
            final String[] result = new String[appenderRefs.length];
            for (int i = 0; i < result.length; i++) {
                result[i] = appenderRefs[i].getRef();
            return result;
         * Returns {@code true} if this AsyncAppender will take a snapshot of the stack with every log event to determine
         * the class and method where the logging call was made.
         * @return {@code true} if location is included with every event, {@code false} otherwise
        public boolean isIncludeLocation() {
            return includeLocation;
         * Returns {@code true} if this AsyncAppender will block when the queue is full, or {@code false} if events are
         * dropped when the queue is full.
         * @return whether this AsyncAppender will block or drop events when the queue is full.
        public boolean isBlocking() {
            return blocking;
         * Returns the name of the appender that any errors are logged to or {@code null}.
         * @return the name of the appender that any errors are logged to or {@code null}
        public String getErrorRef() {
            return errorRef;
        public int getQueueCapacity() {
            return queueSize;
        public int getQueueRemainingCapacity() {
            return queue.remainingCapacity();


    Log4j2的Asynclogger是通过LMAX Disruptor取代queue实现的异步(无锁的并发框架,http://ifeve.com/disruptor/Disruptor简单介绍),达到更高的并发和lower latency。

    4.2 AsyncLogger


    2,生产者消费者指针使用CPU支持的整数自增。无需加锁而且速度非常快。Java的实如今Unsafe package中。

    虽然AsyncLogger 可以大幅度的提高性能。可是也会带来一些问题。以下是翻译官方的文档的Trade-offs:


    • Higher throughput,达到相对于sync logger的6-68倍的吞吐量
    • Lower logging latency,latency是调用Logger.log直到return的时间。asyncLogger的latency比syncLogger以及基于queue的aysncAppender都要低,不仅平均latency低,并且99%、95%latency 也都低于后两者
    • 减少极端大的日志量时候的延迟尖峰


    • Error handling, 假设在打印日志的时候出现错误,使用asyncLogger。业务是不知道异常的(能够通过配置ExceptionHandler处理异常)。假设打印日志是业务逻辑的一部分,不建议使用asyncLogger
    • 打印一些可变的内容的时候。使用asyncLogger 会出现故障。大部分时间,不须要操心这点。Log4j确保了类似于 logger.debug("My object is {}", myObject),使用myObject在打印日志的时刻的版本号打印(Log4j 全部打印都日志都是封装到Message的实现类里,存储在 final String里),无论之后是否改变。可是log4j也支持一些了可变的Message,如 MapMessage and StructuredDataMessage 。这些假设在打印日志时候改变,就有问题了


    配置全部Logger都为AsyncLogger,仅仅须要添加disruptor包,然后配置一个system property,-DLog4jContextSelector=org.apache.logging.log4j.core.async.AsyncLoggerContextSelector。Log4j的配置文件不须要改动。



    <Configuration status="WARN">
        <!-- Async Loggers will auto-flush in batches, so switch off immediateFlush. -->
        <RandomAccessFile name="RandomAccessFile" fileName="asyncWithLocation.log"
                  immediateFlush="false" append="false">
            <Pattern>%d %p %class{1.} [%t] %location %m %ex%n</Pattern>
        <!-- pattern layout actually uses location, so we need to include it -->
        <AsyncLogger name="com.foo.Bar" level="trace" includeLocation="true">
          <AppenderRef ref="RandomAccessFile"/>
        <Root level="info" includeLocation="true">
          <AppenderRef ref="RandomAccessFile"/>

    ps. location的问题

    当layouts配置了输出%C or $class, %F or %file, %l or %location, %L or %line, %M or %method,或者HTML locationInfo,  log4j会获取location的一个快照,而这对于sync 和async的logger都是一个耗时的操作(官方文档上说syncLogger会慢1.3~5倍。async会慢4-20倍)。所以默认都是不会输出location信息,除非Logger配置了includeLocation="true"(官方文档这么说的,可是我測试的是默认是输出的,无论了。反正当日志出现慢的时候,能够考虑通过配置includeLocation控制是否输出location信息)。


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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/gavanwanggw/p/7305218.html
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