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  • 《linux 内核全然剖析》 sys.c 代码分析

     sys.c 代码分析




     * This is done BSD-style, with no consideration of the saved gid, except
     * that if you set the effective gid, it sets the saved gid too.  This
     * makes it possible for a setgid program to completely drop its privileges,
     * which is often a useful assertion to make when you are doing a security
     * audit over a program.
     * The general idea is that a program which uses just setregid() will be
     * 100% compatible with BSD.  A program which uses just setgid() will be
     * 100% compatible with POSIX w/ Saved ID's.
    int sys_setregid(int rgid, int egid)//设置real group ID 。effective group ID
        if (rgid>0) {
            if ((current->gid == rgid) ||
            //假设当前进程的gid == real group ID 或者拥有超级用户权限,就能够把当前进程的group ID更改为 real Group ID 
                current->gid = rgid;
            else //否则setregid是不同意的,返回错误值
        if (egid>0) {
            if ((current->gid == egid) ||
            //假设当前进程的gid 或者effective gid 等于egid 或者拥有超级用户权限,则能够改动当前进程的egid和sgid
                (current->egid == egid) ||
                suser()) {
                current->egid = egid;
                current->sgid = egid;
            } else
        return 0;


     * setgid() is implemeneted like SysV w/ SAVED_IDS
    int sys_setgid(int gid) //设置当前进程的group ID
        if (suser()) //有超级用户权限就能够更改当前进程的gid,egid(effective gid) ,sgid(saved gid)都设置为gid
            current->gid = current->egid = current->sgid = gid;
        else if ((gid == current->gid) || (gid == current->sgid))
        //假设当前进程的sgid 或者gid(current) 等于 gid(传入參数) ,那么把当前进程的effective gid 设置为gid
            current->egid = gid;
            return -EPERM;
        return 0;



    int sys_time(long * tloc) //设置系统时间
        int i;
        i = CURRENT_TIME;
        if (tloc) {
            put_fs_long(i,(unsigned long *)tloc);
        return i;


     * Unprivileged users may change the real user id to the effective uid
     * or vice versa.  (BSD-style)
     * When you set the effective uid, it sets the saved uid too.  This
     * makes it possible for a setuid program to completely drop its privileges,
     * which is often a useful assertion to make when you are doing a security
     * audit over a program.
     * The general idea is that a program which uses just setreuid() will be
     * 100% compatible with BSD.  A program which uses just setuid() will be
     * 100% compatible with POSIX w/ Saved ID's.
    int sys_setreuid(int ruid, int euid) //uid == user ID 设置real 和 effective user ID
        int old_ruid = current->uid;
        if (ruid>0) {
            if ((current->euid==ruid) ||
                        (old_ruid == ruid) ||
                current->uid = ruid;
        if (euid>0) {
            if ((old_ruid == euid) ||
                        (current->euid == euid) ||
                suser()) {
                current->euid = euid;
                current->suid = euid;
            } else {
                current->uid = old_ruid;
        return 0;


     * setuid() is implemeneted like SysV w/ SAVED_IDS
     * Note that SAVED_ID's is deficient in that a setuid root program
     * like sendmail, for example, cannot set its uid to be a normal
     * user and then switch back, because if you're root, setuid() sets
     * the saved uid too.  If you don't like this, blame the bright people
     * in the POSIX commmittee and/or USG.  Note that the BSD-style setreuid()
     * will allow a root program to temporarily drop privileges and be able to
     * regain them by swapping the real and effective uid.  
    int sys_setuid(int uid) //设置user ID
        if (suser())
            current->uid = current->euid = current->suid = uid;
        else if ((uid == current->uid) || (uid == current->suid))
            current->euid = uid;
            return -EPERM;
    int sys_stime(long * tptr) //设置系统时间
        if (!suser())
            return -EPERM;
        startup_time = get_fs_long((unsigned long *)tptr) - jiffies/HZ;
        jiffies_offset = 0;
        return 0;


    int sys_times(struct tms * tbuf) //获取系统时间把内核数据段的数据读到tbuf里去
        if (tbuf) {
            verify_area(tbuf,sizeof *tbuf);
            put_fs_long(current->utime,(unsigned long *)&tbuf->tms_utime);
            put_fs_long(current->stime,(unsigned long *)&tbuf->tms_stime);
            put_fs_long(current->cutime,(unsigned long *)&tbuf->tms_cutime);
            put_fs_long(current->cstime,(unsigned long *)&tbuf->tms_cstime);
        return jiffies;


    int sys_brk(unsigned long end_data_seg) //brk 数据段结尾
        if (end_data_seg >= current->end_code &&
            end_data_seg < current->start_stack - 16384)
            current->brk = end_data_seg;
        return current->brk;


     * This needs some heave checking ...
     * I just haven't get the stomach for it. I also don't fully
     * understand sessions/pgrp etc. Let somebody who does explain it.
     * OK, I think I have the protection semantics right.... this is really
     * only important on a multi-user system anyway, to make sure one user
     * can't send a signal to a process owned by another.  -TYT, 12/12/91
    int sys_setpgid(int pid, int pgid)  
        int i;
        if (!pid)
            pid = current->pid;
        if (!pgid)
            pgid = current->pid;
        if (pgid < 0)
            return -EINVAL;
        for (i=0 ; i<NR_TASKS ; i++)
            if (task[i] && (task[i]->pid == pid) &&
                ((task[i]->p_pptr == current) ||
                 (task[i] == current))) {
                if (task[i]->leader)
                    return -EPERM;
                if ((task[i]->session != current->session) ||
                    ((pgid != pid) &&
                     (session_of_pgrp(pgid) != current->session)))
                    return -EPERM;
                task[i]->pgrp = pgid;
                return 0;
        return -ESRCH;


    int sys_getpgrp(void) //获得当前进程的pgrp == process group
        return current->pgrp;


    int sys_setsid(void) //设置session ID
        if (current->leader && !suser()) //当前进程不是session leader或者拥有超级权限的话是无法更改session ID的
            return -EPERM;
        current->leader = 1; //当前进程被确觉得session leader
        current->session = current->pgrp = current->pid;
        current->tty = -1;
        return current->pgrp;


     * Supplementary group ID's
    int sys_getgroups(int gidsetsize, gid_t *grouplist)
    //原因非常easy,一个进程的group id仅仅能是一个值!这就约束了它就仅仅能属于一个进程组。他的group leader仅仅能有一个!

    { int i; if (gidsetsize) verify_area(grouplist, sizeof(gid_t) * gidsetsize); for (i = 0; (i < NGROUPS) && (current->groups[i] != NOGROUP); i++, grouplist++) { if (gidsetsize) { if (i >= gidsetsize) return -EINVAL; put_fs_word(current->groups[i], (short *) grouplist); } } return(i); }


    static struct utsname thisname = {
    int sys_uname(struct utsname * name) //获取系统名称信息
        int i;
        if (!name) return -ERROR;
        verify_area(name,sizeof *name);
        for(i=0;i<sizeof *name;i++)
            put_fs_byte(((char *) &thisname)[i],i+(char *) name);
        return 0;


     * Only sethostname; gethostname can be implemented by calling uname()
    int sys_sethostname(char *name, int len) //设置系统名词信息
        int    i;
        if (!suser())
            return -EPERM;
        if (len > MAXHOSTNAMELEN)
            return -EINVAL;
        for (i=0; i < len; i++) {
            if ((thisname.nodename[i] = get_fs_byte(name+i)) == 0)
        if (thisname.nodename[i]) {
            thisname.nodename[i>MAXHOSTNAMELEN ? MAXHOSTNAMELEN : i] = 0;
        return 0;


    int sys_getrlimit(int resource, struct rlimit *rlim) //获取当前进程的资源界限值
        if (resource >= RLIM_NLIMITS)
            return -EINVAL;
        verify_area(rlim,sizeof *rlim);
                (unsigned long *) rlim);
                ((unsigned long *) rlim)+1);
        return 0;    


    int sys_setrlimit(int resource, struct rlimit *rlim)
        struct rlimit new, *old;
        if (resource >= RLIM_NLIMITS)
            return -EINVAL;
        old = current->rlim + resource;
        new.rlim_cur = get_fs_long((unsigned long *) rlim);
        new.rlim_max = get_fs_long(((unsigned long *) rlim)+1);
        if (((new.rlim_cur > old->rlim_max) ||
             (new.rlim_max > old->rlim_max)) &&
            return -EPERM;
        *old = new;
        return 0;


    int sys_umask(int mask)//当设置当前进程创建文件的属性
        int old = current->umask;
        current->umask = mask & 0777;
        return (old);


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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/gccbuaa/p/6697534.html
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