Polar Code主要研究者的个人主页(持续更新中........)
1. Polar码的编译码。以及List译码算法,都少不了Ido Tal这位大牛。
2.ali eslami
Electrical & Computer Engineering Dept., Texas A&M University
3.Alexios Balatsoukas-Stimming
Telecommunications Circuits Laboratory || EPFL
4.Pascal Giard
a Ph.D. candidate in the Electrical and Computer Engineering department at McGill University. work under the supervision of Profs. Warren Gross and Claude Thibeault.
5. Naveen Goela
PhD received from University of California, Berkeley, Wireless Foundations Center. Originally from Andover, MA and went to school at Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) for undergraduate studies and research at CSAIL
. I've enjoyed teaching experiences in Kenya, Africa as part of the MIT African Internet Technology Initiative. I was a visiting scholar at EPFL in Lausanne, Switzerland. I am interested in statistics, coding theory, and computer vision. I currently live in