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  • orzdba_monitor.sh脚本使用


    • ./orzdba_monitor.sh 主要是用nohup同时在后台调用orzdba,启动下面三个命令
    [root@node02 scripts]# ps -ef |grep orzdba
    root     19887     1  0 17:40 ?        00:00:00 /usr/bin/perl -w /scripts/orzdba -i 10 -t -mysql -innodb_rows -L /r2/monitor/log_orzdba_mysql -logfile_by_day
    root     19888     1  0 17:40 ?        00:00:00 /usr/bin/perl -w /scripts/orzdba -i 10 -t -sys -d sda -L /r2/monitor/log_orzdba_sys -logfile_by_day
    root     19889     1  0 17:40 ?        00:00:00 /usr/bin/perl -w /scripts/orzdba -i 10 -processlist -L /r2/monitor/log_orzdba_proc -logfile_by_day
    • 根据实际情况,需要修改变量:

      • SCRIPTS_FILE=/scripts --脚本所在目录
      • MONITOR=/r2/monitor --监控日志保存目录
      • DEVICE_NAME="sda" --数据库所在的硬盘盘符
      • DELETE_DAYS=15 --日志保存天数
    • 添加权限

    [root@node02 scripts]# chmod 755 orzdba
    [root@node02 scripts]# chmod 755 orzdba_monitor.sh
    • 计划任务

      • crontab -e
      • 每5分钟执行一次脚本,如果没有进程就启动
      • */5 * * * * /scripts/orzdba_monitor.sh >/dev/null 2>&1
    • 日志,分别生成三个日志,根据日期截断日志,可以设置保存日志的天数

      • 日志目录显示如下:
    [root@node01 monitor]# ll /r2/monitor/
    total 194052
    -rw-r--r-- 1 root root    225257 Apr 24 15:36 log_orzdba_mysql.2018-04-24
    -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 180040747 Apr 24 15:36 log_orzdba_proc.2018-04-24
    -rw-r--r-- 1 root root    202990 Apr 24 15:36 log_orzdba_sys.2018-04-24
    -rw-r--r-- 1 root root       114 Apr 24 15:35 orzdba.log


    • 根据实际情况,在orzdba中修改帐号信息。
    my $user="root";       # -u   --mysql帐号
    my $pass="iforgot";    # -p   --mysql密码
    my $host="localhost";  # -h   --mysqlhost
    • 验证帐号如下:
    [root@node02 scripts]#  ./orzdba -u root -p iforgot -h localhost -innodb  -C 5 -i 2  2>/dev/null
    |          Welcome to use the dba tool !          |
    '=============== Date : 2018-04-23 ==============='
    Local_Host: node02.mysql.com   Local_IP:
    MySQL_Host: localhost
    MySQL_DB  :
    MySQL_Var :
    binlog_format[ROW]  character_set_server[utf8]  enforce_gtid_consistency[ON]  gtid_mode[ON]  
    log_bin[ON]  max_allowed_packet[4194304]  max_binlog_cache_size[17179869184G]  max_binlog_size[1G]  
    max_connect_errors[100000]  max_connections[10000]  max_user_connections[9990]  open_files_limit[50000]  
    skip_name_resolve[ON]  sync_binlog[0]  table_definition_cache[912]  table_open_cache[1024]  
    thread_cache_size[64]  wait_timeout[31536000]
    innodb_adaptive_flushing[ON]  innodb_adaptive_hash_index[ON]  innodb_buffer_pool_size[4G]  innodb_file_per_table[ON]  
    innodb_flush_log_at_trx_commit[2]  innodb_flush_method[O_DIRECT]  innodb_io_capacity[200]  innodb_lock_wait_timeout[5]  
    innodb_log_buffer_size[16M]  innodb_log_file_size[2G]  innodb_log_files_in_group[2]  innodb_max_dirty_pages_pct[75.000000]  
    innodb_open_files[1024]  innodb_read_io_threads[4]  innodb_thread_concurrency[64]  innodb_write_io_threads[4]  
    -------- ---innodb bp pages status-- -----innodb data status---- --innodb log--  his --log(byte)--  read ---query---
      time  |   data   free  dirty flush| reads writes  read written|fsyncs written| list uflush  uckpt  view inside  que|
    18:08:12|      0      0      0     0|     0      0      0      0|     0       0|    0      0      0     0     0     0|
    18:08:14| 104298 157834      3     0|     0      0      0      0|     0       0|   61      0       9    0     0     0|
    18:08:16| 104298 157834      0     1|     0      1      0    24k|     0       0|   61      0       9    0     0     0|
    • 帮助命令(./orzdba -I)
    Usage :
    Command line options :
         -I,--help           Print Help Info.
         -i,--interval       Time(second) Interval.
         -C,--count          Times.
         -t,--time           Print The Current Time.
         -nocolor            Print NO Color.
         -l,--load           Print Load Info.
         -c,--cpu            Print Cpu  Info.
         -s,--swap           Print Swap Info.
         -d,--disk           Print Disk Info.
         -n,--net            Print Net  Info.
         -u                  MySQL User(default root).
         -P                  MySQL Password(default iforgot).
         -P,--port           Port number to use for mysql connection(default 3306).
         -S,--socket         Socket file to use for mysql connection.
         -h,--host           Host (hostname/IP).
         -mysql              Print MySQLInfo (include -t,-com,-hit,-T,-B).
         -innodb             Print InnodbInfo(include -t,-innodb_pages,-innodb_data,-innodb_log,-innodb_status)
         -com                Print MySQL Status(Com_select,Com_insert,Com_update,Com_delete).
         -hit                Print Innodb Hit%.
         -processlist        Print Show Full Processlist
         -innodb_rows        Print Innodb Rows Status(Innodb_rows_inserted/updated/deleted/read).
         -innodb_pages       Print Innodb Buffer Pool Pages Status(Innodb_buffer_pool_pages_data/free/dirty/flushed)
         -innodb_data        Print Innodb Data Status(Innodb_data_reads/writes/read/written)
         -innodb_log         Print Innodb Log  Status(Innodb_os_log_fsyncs/written)
         -innodb_status      Print Innodb Status from Command: 'Show Engine Innodb Status';
                             (history list/ log unflushed/uncheckpointed bytes/ read views/ queries inside/queued)
         -T,--threads        Print Threads Status(Threads_running,Threads_connected,Threads_created,Threads_cached).
         -B,--bytes          Print Bytes received from/send to MySQL(Bytes_received,Bytes_sent).
         -rt                 Print MySQL DB RT(us).
         -sys                Print SysInfo   (include -t,-l,-c,-s).
         -lazy               Print Info      (include -t,-l,-c,-s,-com,-hit).
         -L,--logfile        Print to Logfile.
         -logfile_by_day     One day a logfile,the suffix of logfile is 'yyyy-mm-dd';
                             and is valid with -L.
    Sample :
    	shell> ./orzdba -u xxxxx -p xxxxx -innodb  -C 5 -i 2  2>/dev/null
    	shell> ./orzdba -u xxxxx -p xxxxx -lazy -d sda -C 5 -i 2 2>/dev/null
    	shell> ./orzdba -h xxxxx -u xxxxx -p xxxxx -processlist -C 5 -i 2 2>/dev/null
    	shell> nohup ./orzdba -u xxxxx -p xxxxx  -lazy -d sda -C 5 -i 2 -L /tmp/orzdba.log  > /dev/null 2>&1 &





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