1)在二叉树的第i层上最多有2i-1 个节点 。(i>=1)
class Node(object): def __init__(self,item): self.key=item self.left=None self.right=None
class BinaryTree(object): def __init__(self): self.root=None def addNode(self,item): new_node = Node(item) if self.root is None: self.root=new_node else: stack=[] stack.append(self.root) while True: node=stack.pop(0) if node.left is None: node.left=new_node return elif node.right is None: node.right=new_node return else: stack.append(node.left) stack.append(node.right) def traverse(self): #层次遍历 if self.root is None: return None else: s=[] s.append(self.root) while len(s) > 0: node = s.pop(0) print(node.key) if node.left is not None: s.append(node.left) if node.right is not None: s.append(node.right)
def Print(self, pRoot): if pRoot is None: return [] l=[] s=[] s.append(pRoot) while len(s)>0: length=len(s) v=[] for i in range(length): tmp=s.pop(0) v.append(tmp.val) if tmp.left: s.append(tmp.left) if tmp.right: s.append(tmp.right) l.append(v) return l
def preOrder(self,root): if root is None: return None print(root.key) self.preOrder(root.left) self.preOrder(root.right) def inOrder(self,root): if root is None: return None self.inOrder(root.left) print(root.key) self.inOrder(root.right) def postOrder(self,root): if root is None: return None self.postOrder(root.left) self.postOrder(root.right) print(root.key)
def print(root): if root is None: return None s1=[] s2=[] s1.append(root)#靠两个栈交替左右压入栈,实现左右交替输出,形成之字形打印 while len(s1)>0 or len(s2)>0: while len(s1)>0: tmp=s1.pop() print(tmp.value) if tmp.left is not None: s2.append(tmp.left) if tmp.right is not None: s2.append(tmp.right) while len(s2)>0: tmp=s2.pop() print(tmp.value) if tmp.right is not None: s1.append(tmp.right) if tmp.left is not None: s1.append(tmp.left)
def PreOrderWithoutRecursion(root): if root is None: return s=[] p=root while len(s)>0 or p is not None: if p is not None: print(p.key) s.append(p) p=p.left else: p=s.pop() p=p.right
def InOrderWithoutRecursion(root): if root is None: return s=[] p=root while len(s)>0 or p is not None: if p is not None: s.append(p) p=p.left else: p=s.pop() print(p.key) p=p.right
def PostOrderWithoutRecursion(root): if root is None: return s=[] p=root lastVisit=None while p is not None: s.append(p) p=p.left while len(s)>0: p=s.pop() if p.right==None or lastVisit==p.right: print(p.key) lastVisit=p else: s.append(p) p=p.right while p is not None: s.append(p) p=p.left
def treeDepth(root): if root is None: return 0 nleft=treeDepth(root.left)+1 nright=treeDepth(root.right)+1 return nleft if nleft > nright else nright #求解二叉树的宽度,节点数最多的一层的节点数即为二叉树的宽度 def treeWidth(root): if root is None: return 0 max_width=0 s=[] s.append(root) while len(s)>0: width=len(s) if width>max_ max_width=width for i in range(width): node=s.pop(0) if node.left is not None: s.append(node.left) if node.right is not None: s.append(node.right) return max_width
def isPart(pRoot1,pRoot2): if pRoot2 is None: return True if pRoot1 is None: return False if pRoot1.val!=pRoot2.val: return False return isPart(pRoot1.left,pRoot2.left) and isPart(pRoot1.right,pRoot2.right) def HasSubtree(pRoot1, pRoot2): res=False if pRoot1 is not None and pRoot2 is not None: if pRoot1.val==pRoot2.val: res=isPart(pRoot1,pRoot2) if not res: res=HasSubtree(pRoot1.left,pRoot2) if not res: res=HasSubtree(pRoot1.right,pRoot2) return res
def TreeDepth(self,root): if root is None: return 0 nleft=self.TreeDepth(root.left) nright=self.TreeDepth(root.right) return nleft+1 if nleft>nright else nright+1 def IsBalanced_Solution(self, pRoot): isBalance=True if pRoot is None: return isBalance leftDepth=self.TreeDepth(pRoot.left) rightDepth=self.TreeDepth(pRoot.right) if abs(leftDepth-rightDepth)>1: isBalance=False return isBalance and self.IsBalanced_Solution(pRoot.left) and self.IsBalanced_Solution(pRoot.right)
def isSame(self,left,right): if left and right : if left.val==right.val: return self.isSame(left.left,right.right) and self.isSame(left.right,right.left) else: return False elif not left and not right: return True else: return False def isSymmetrical(self, pRoot): if pRoot is None: return True return self.isSame(pRoot.left,pRoot.right)
def Serialize(self, root): if root is None: return '#' return str(root.val)+self.Serialize(root.left)+self.Serialize(root.right)
def Deserialize(self, s): if len(s)<=0: return None root=None val=s.pop(0) if val!='#': root=TreeNode(int(val)) root.left=self.Deserialize(s) root.right=self.Deserialize(s) return root
def findval(root,val): if root is None: return None s=[] p=root path=[] #利用先根遍历的方式进行查找,path保存那些右子树不为空的根节点,进入path说明遍历过了,以便后续判断何时出栈。 while len(s)>0 or p is not None: if p is not None: if p in path: s.pop()#如果在path中了,说明之前遍历过来,就直接出栈吧,不用再向下子树遍历了 else: s.append(p) if p.key==val: return s p=p.left else: p=s[len(s)-1]#暂时先不出栈,看看右子树是否为空,右子树不为空,就暂时不出栈 if p.right is None or p in path:#右子树为空的,或者之前遍历过的就直接出栈吧 s.pop() p=None else: path.append(p) #之前没遍历过的且其右子树不为空,那就先不出栈了,放入path中,表示遍历过了。 p=p.right
例如上图中:E的路径就是A,C ,E。 F的路径就是A,C,F.