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  • 采样

    1,最小标准随机数生成器Linear congruential generator(LCG):


    void gen_points(int npts;float ptpos[])
        int m = pow(2,31) - 1;
        int a = 16807;
        int b = 45454;
        int seed = 1412133;
        float ui = 0.0f;
        for(int i=0;i<npts*3;i++){
            seed = (a * seed + b)  % m;
            ui = float(seed) / float(m);
            //printf("%f  ,%f 
    float pts[];
    int   np = 10000;
    // generation random points
    for(int i=0;i<np;i++)
        float x = pts[i*3];
        float y = pts[i*3+1];
        float z = pts[i*3+2];
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    2,随机游走random walk:

    int np = 100;
    float w = 0 ;
    float scale = 0.1;
    for(int i=0;i<np;i++)
        // add main point
        int add_ptnum = addpoint(geoself(),set(i*scale,w,0));
        if (rand(i*10000)> (1.0/2.0) )
            // up
            w += 1.0f * scale;
            // down
            w -= 1.0f* scale;
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    3,布朗运动brownian motion


    int np = 100;
    float w = 0 ;
    float scale = 1;
    // substeps movement!
    int substeps = 6;
    float substep_scale = 1 / sqrt(substeps);
    for(int i=0;i<np;i++)
        for(int j =0;j<substeps;j++)
                // add main point
            int add_ptnum = addpoint(geoself(),set( (i*substeps + j)*scale/substeps,w,0));
            if (rand(i*10+j*1000)> (1.0/2.0f) )
                // up
                w += 1.0f * scale * substep_scale;
                // down
                w -= 1.0f* scale * substep_scale;
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    然后书中给了 用randn生成正态分布,模拟布朗运动,在houdini随便对应个rand

    int k = 100;
    float dt = 1.0/24.000f;
    float sqdelt = sqrt(dt);
    float b = 0;
    for (int i=0;i<k;i++)
        b = b + sqdelt  * fit(rand(i),0,1,-5,5);
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    int n = 10;
    for(int j=0;j<n;j++){
        for(int i=0;i<n;i++){
            float x = (i + rand(i*500+j*500))/n;
            float y = (j + rand(j*5000+i*1000000))/n;
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    抗锯齿 抖动采样:



    void RT_World::render()
        // INIT our PPMIO
        PPMIO *imageIo = new PPMIO;
        PPMIO::WriteParam imageIoParam;
        imageIoParam.width = vp.hres;
        imageIoParam.height = vp.vres;
        imageIoParam.maxPixelValue = 255;
        // IO will save ascii type for easy reading
        imageIoParam.imageIOType = PPMIO::ASCII_P3_TYPE;     
        imageIoParam.imageType = PPMIO::RGB_TYPE;
    // IO image buffer;
        PPMIO::RGB  *data = new PPMIO::RGB[vp.hres*vp.hres];
        RT_RGB pixel_color;
        RT_Ray ray;
        double zw = 100;
        ray.d = RT_VEC_3D({ 0,0,-1 });
        RT_VEC_2D sample_point; // unit square sample point
        RT_VEC_2D pixel_pos;    // pixel pos with sample point
        RT_Log_StdOut("Start Rendering");
        for (int r = 0; r < vp.vres; r++) {        // loop the row
            for (int c = 0; c < vp.hres; c++) {    // loop the column
                pixel_color = black_color;
                //double x = vp.size  * (c - 0.5 *(vp.hres - 1.0));
                //double y = vp.size  * (r - 0.5 *(vp.vres - 1.0));
                //cout << "rendering pixel x/y:   " << x << "/" << y << endl;
                //ray.o = RT_VEC_3D({ x,y,zw });
                //pixel_color = tracer_ptr->trace_ray(ray);
                //cout << "trace ptr get color->" << pixel_color << endl;
                // for samples
                for (int i = 0; i < vp.num_samples; i++) {
                    sample_point = vp.sampler_ptr->sample_unit_square();
                    pixel_pos[0] = vp.size * (c - 0.5*vp.hres + sample_point[0]);
                    pixel_pos[1] = vp.size * (r - 0.5*vp.vres + sample_point[1]);
                    ray.o = RT_VEC_3D({ pixel_pos[0],pixel_pos[1],RT_SCALAR(zw) });
                    pixel_color += tracer_ptr->trace_ray(ray);
                pixel_color /= vp.num_samples;
                // because our ray born from Cartesian coordinates
                // we need trans to our image coord
                int row = (vp.vres-1) - r;
                int column = c;
                // our pixel_color is 0~1 , we need convert to RGB 0~255 space
                //cout << "current set x y :" << row << "|" << column << endl;
                int index = row * vp.hres + column;
                PPMIO::RGB indexRGB;
                indexRGB.R = unsigned char(pixel_color[0] * 255);
                indexRGB.G = unsigned char(pixel_color[1] * 255);
                indexRGB.B = unsigned char(pixel_color[2] * 255);
                data[index] = indexRGB;
        imageIo->writeImage("c:/test_aa.ppm", data, imageIoParam);
        delete imageIo;
        delete []data;
        RT_Log_StdOut("End Rendering");

    2,比较有意思的,相邻像素随机在 采样集合 采取不同的 samples: 

    inline int
    rand_int(void) {
    void unit_test_random_ray() {
        int num_samples = 25;
        int num_sets = 10;
        int count = 0;
        int jump = 0;
        // per ray has unique own jump
        cout << "construct samples:" << num_samples << "with num_set:" << num_sets << endl;
        for (int ray = 0; ray < 5; ray++) {
            cout << "sending the ray id:" << ray << endl;
            // loop 25 times,get 25 points
            for (int i = 0; i < num_samples; i++)
                if (count % num_samples == 0) {
                    jump = (rand_int() % num_sets) * num_samples;
                    cout << "set jump init:" << jump << endl;
                // 25  samples position index we get:
                cout <<"cout index:" << count <<"  RND:" << jump + (count++ % num_samples) << endl;
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    void unit_test_random_ray2() {
        int num_samples = 25;
        int num_sets = 10;
        int count = 0;
        int jump = 0;
        vector<int> shuffled_indices;
        // set up shuffle_indices
        vector <int> indices;
        for (int i = 0; i < num_samples; i++) {
        for (int p = 0; p < num_sets; p++) {
            random_shuffle(indices.begin(), indices.end());
            for (int j = 0; j < num_samples; j++) {
        // per ray has unique own jump
        cout << "construct samples:" << num_samples << "with num_set:" << num_sets << endl;
        for (int ray = 0; ray < 5; ray++) {
            cout << "sending the ray id:" << ray << endl;
            // loop 25 times,get 25 points
            for (int i = 0; i < num_samples; i++)
                if (count % num_samples == 0) {
                    jump = (rand_int() % num_sets) * num_samples;
                    cout << "set jump init:" << jump << endl;
                // 25  samples position index we get:
                cout << "cout index:" << count << "  RND:" << jump + shuffled_indices[jump+(count++ % num_samples)] << endl;
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    float r = 0;
    float phi = 0;
    if(@P.x > -@P.y)
        if(@P.x > @P.y)
            r = @P.x;
            phi = @P.y / @P.x;
            r= @P.y;
            phi = 2 - @P.x / @P.y;
        if(@P.x < @P.y)
            r = -@P.x;
            phi = 4 + @P.y/@P.x;
            r = -@P.y ;
            if(@P.y != 0.0){
                phi = 6 - @P.x / @P.y;
                phi = 0.0;
    phi *= 3.1415926/4.0;
    @P.x = r * cos(phi);
    @P.y = r * sin(phi);
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    void RT_World::render_perspective_zw() {
        // INIT our PPMIO
        PPMIO *imageIo = new PPMIO;
        PPMIO::WriteParam imageIoParam;
        imageIoParam.width = vp.hres;
        imageIoParam.height = vp.vres;
        imageIoParam.maxPixelValue = 255;
        // IO will save ascii type for easy reading
        imageIoParam.imageIOType = PPMIO::ASCII_P3_TYPE;
        imageIoParam.imageType = PPMIO::RGB_TYPE;
        std::cout << "Start Construct Image buffer data
        // IO image buffer;
        PPMIO::RGB  *data = new PPMIO::RGB[vp.hres*vp.hres];
        std::cout << "End Construct Image buffer data
        RT_RGB pixel_color;
        RT_Ray ray;
        RT_SCALAR eye = 100; // view point
        RT_SCALAR d = 20;    // distance view point to ViewPlane!
        ray.o = RT_VEC_3D({0.0,0.0,eye});
        RT_VEC_2D sample_point; // unit square sample point
        RT_VEC_2D pixel_pos;    // pixel pos with sample point
        RT_Log_StdOut("Start Rendering");
        for (int r = 0; r < vp.vres; r++) {        // loop the row
            for (int c = 0; c < vp.hres; c++) {    // loop the column
                pixel_color = black_color;
                // for samples
                for (int i = 0; i < vp.num_samples; i++) {
                    sample_point = vp.sampler_ptr->sample_unit_square();
                    pixel_pos[0] = vp.size * (c - 0.5*vp.hres + sample_point[0]);
                    pixel_pos[1] = vp.size * (r - 0.5*vp.vres + sample_point[1]);
                    // cal ray direction
                    ray.d = RT_VEC_3D({ pixel_pos[0] - ray.o[0],pixel_pos[1] - ray.o[1],-d });
                    //ray.o = RT_VEC_3D({ pixel_pos[0],pixel_pos[1],RT_SCALAR(zw) });
                    pixel_color += tracer_ptr->trace_ray(ray);
                pixel_color /= vp.num_samples;
                // because our ray born from Cartesian coordinates
                // we need trans to our image coord
                int row = (vp.vres - 1) - r;
                int column = c;
                // our pixel_color is 0~1 , we need convert to RGB 0~255 space
                //cout << "current set x y :" << row << "|" << column << endl;
                int index = row * vp.hres + column;
                PPMIO::RGB indexRGB;
                indexRGB.R = unsigned char(pixel_color[0] * 255);
                indexRGB.G = unsigned char(pixel_color[1] * 255);
                indexRGB.B = unsigned char(pixel_color[2] * 255);
                data[index] = indexRGB;
        imageIo->writeImage("c:/test_aa_pzw_e100_d_100.ppm", data, imageIoParam);
        delete imageIo;
        RT_Log_StdOut("End Rendering");
    View Code



    <<RayTracing from ground up>>

    <<Fundamentals of computer graphics>>

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/gearslogy/p/10929933.html
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