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  • 几个小程序

    # 1. 询问年龄,性别,如果是10-12岁的小女孩,则邀请加入足球队;询问10次,输出满足条件总人数

     1 def que1():
     2     def judge_player(sex, age):
     3         if sex == ''and 12 <= age <= 14:
     4             return True, ('--OK!     --欢迎加入足球队!!!')
     5         else:
     6             if sex == '':
     7                 return False, ('--Sorry!  只招女球员')
     8             if age < 12:
     9                 return False, ('--Sorry!  再过{}年再来吧'.format(12 - age))
    10             if age > 12:
    11                 return False, ('--Sorry!  只招14岁以下儿童')
    12     import random
    13     sex_list = []
    14     age_list = []
    15     sex_dic = {0:'', 1:''}
    17     for i in range(10):
    18         sex_list.append(sex_dic[random.randint(0,1)])
    19         age_list.append(random.randint(8, 18))
    21     result = []
    22     for interviewer in range(10):
    23         agei = age_list[interviewer]
    24         sexi = sex_list[interviewer]
    25         print(type(age_list[interviewer]))
    26         print('第{}位采访者,性别:【{}】,年龄【{}】 '.format(str(interviewer+1).zfill(2), sexi, str(agei).zfill(2))\
    27               + judge_player(sexi, agei)[1])
    28         result.append(judge_player(sex_list[interviewer], age_list[interviewer])[0])
    30     print('\n满足条件的总人数为:{}'.format(result.count(True)))
    31 # que1()

    # 2. 排序法

     1 l = [6,96,8,9,15,85,2, 87, 1]
     2 def que2():
     3     # 冒泡排序
     4     def bubbleSort(l):
     5         # 循环次数    ------------------------1,   len-1次
     6         for time in range(1, len(l)):
     7             # 对比点 = 总长度 - 循环次数  ------0,   len-time位置
     8             # print(time)
     9             for index in range(len(l)-time):
    10                 if (l[index] > l[index + 1]):
    11                     l[index], l[index+1] = l[index+1], l[index]
    12                 # print('{}---{}---{}~~~~{}'.format(l, time, index, index+1))
    13         return l
    15     # 直接选择排序
    16     def selectSort(m):
    17         # time为比对基准元素位置,------------------         0 - len-1
    18         for time in range(len(l)-1):
    19             # 比对的起始点 = 基准点time + 1 -------    time+1 - len
    20             for index in range(time+1, len(l)):
    21                 # print('{}---{}'.format(time, index))
    22                 if (l[time] > l[index]):
    23                     l[time], l[index] = l[index], l[time]
    24                 # print(time, index)
    25         return  m
    27     # 插入排序----抽扑克牌
    28     def insertSort(m):
    29         result = []
    31         # 单个元素k插入列表li
    32         def to_insert(li, k):
    33             # 标识符
    34             tab = False
    36             # 寻找插入位置
    37             # 循环次数应该至少大于列表长度+1,None也占一位(空列表),即认为扑克牌最末尾还有一张‘空牌’
    38             for i in range(len(li)+1):
    39                 # 修改标识符,标志‘遍历完后的下一个循环’,即在和‘空牌’比较
    40                 if i == (len(li)):
    41                     tab = True
    43                 # 如果在对li[-1]比较完成(包含)之前,且寻找到位置,即把扑克从左往右比较一遍
    44                 if not tab and k < li[i]:
    45                     li.insert(i, k)
    46                     break
    47             # 如果遍历完成,多循环一次,即和‘空牌’不需要比较,直接把牌替换掉‘空牌’
    48             if tab:
    49                 li.append(k)
    50             return  li
    52         # 遍历列表
    53         # result = result[:1]
    54         for length in range(len(m)):
    55             result = to_insert(result, m[length])
    57             # print(result,m[length])
    58         return  result
    60     print('插入排序:',insertSort(l))
    61     print('选择排序:',selectSort(l))
    62     print('冒泡排序:',bubbleSort(l))
    63 que2()

    # 3.判断回文数

     1 def que3():
     2     # 中间向两端判断
     3     def judge_palindrome1(to_judge):
     4         import math
     5         len_to = (len(to_judge) - 1)/2
     7         len_to_right = int(math.ceil(len_to + 0.5))  #向上取整)
     8         len_to_left = int(math.floor(len_to - 0.5)) #向下取整
    10         result = True
    11         for i in range(int(len_to_left)+1):
    12             # print(to_judge[len_to_left - i], to_judge[len_to_right + i])
    13             if to_judge[len_to_left - i] != to_judge[len_to_right + i]:
    14                 result = False
    15                 break
    16         return result
    18     # 两端向中间判断
    19     def judge_palindrome2(to_judge):
    20         mid = (len(to_judge)-1)/2
    21         result = True
    22         for gap in range(len(to_judge)):
    23             # print(gap, -1- gap, to_judge[gap], to_judge[-gap-1])
    24             if float(gap) > mid:
    25                 break
    26             elif to_judge[gap] != to_judge[-gap-1]:
    27                 result = False
    29             # else:
    30             #     print(float(gap) > mid)
    31         return  result
    33     to_judge = input('请输入需要判断的字符串:\n')
    34     print('从中间向两端判断方法,【{}】的回文数判定结果:{}'.format(to_judge, judge_palindrome2(to_judge)))
    35     print('从两端向中间判断方法,【{}】的回文数判定结果:{}'.format(to_judge, judge_palindrome2(to_judge)))
    36 # que3()

    # 4.打印三角形

     1 def que4():
     2     # 实心三角形
     3     def triangle_solid(num):
     4         for i in range(num):
     5             tab = False
     6             for j in range(i+1):
     7                 print('*',end='')
     8                 if j == i:
     9                     tab = True
    10             if tab:
    11                 print('\n' ,end = '')
    12     # 空心三角形
    13     def hollow_solid(num):
    14         for i in range(num):
    15             tab = False
    16             for j in range(i + 1):
    17                 # 判断是否最后一行
    18                 if i != num-1:
    19                     # 循环完成,修改标识符
    20                     if j == i :
    21                         tab = True
    22                     # 判断打印空格还是*
    23                     if (i == j or j == 0):
    24                         print('*',end='')
    25                     else :
    26                         print(' ',end='')
    27                 # 最后一行,全部打印星号
    28                 else:
    29                     print('*', end='')
    30             if tab:
    31                 print('\n', end='')
    32     num = int(input('你想打印几边形?请输入\n'))
    33     triangle_solid(num)
    34     print('\n')
    35     hollow_solid(num)
    36 # que4()

    # 5.输出乘法表

     1 def triangle_solid():
     2     print('九九乘法表如下:')
     4     def deal_str(s):
     5         if len(s) == 2:
     6             return s
     7         else:
     8             return ' ' + s
    10     for line in range(0,9):
    11         tag = False
    12         for index in range(0, 9):
    13             # print(line+1, index+1)
    14             # if index != line:
    15             #     print('\t\t', end='')
    16             if index >= line:
    17                 result = deal_str(str((line+1)*(index+1)))
    19                 print('{}×{} = {}'.format(line+1, index+1, result), end='\t')
    20                 # print(line+1, '*',  +index+1, end='\t\t\t')
    21             else:
    22                 print('\t\t\t', end='')
    23             if index == 8:
    24                 tag = True
    26             if tag:
    27                 print('\n')
    28 # triangle_solid()

    # 6. 猜数字

     1 def guess():
     2     import random
     4     def judge_num(num, num_random):
     5         if num > num_random:
     6             print('It\'s too big')
     7             return 1
     8         elif num < num_random:
     9             print('It\'s too small')
    10             return 1
    11         else:
    12             print("Congratulation!! That\' right!")
    13             return 0
    15     # 产生随机数
    16     num_start = int(input('Digital lower limit of guess number:\n'))
    17     num_end = int(input('Digital upper limit of guess number:\n'))
    18     num_random = random.randint(num_start, num_end)
    20     # 参数初始化
    21     result = 1      # 判断结果
    22     i = 0           # 当前循环次数
    23     frequency = 3   # 循环限制次数
    25     # 提示总猜测次数、剩余次数
    26     print('Notice: You have【{}】 chances you guess '.format(frequency), end = '--&&>>--')
    27     # print('【{}】 chances left now:\n'.format(frequency - i +1))
    29     while result and i != frequency:
    30         # 猜数字
    31         print('【{}】 chances left now:\n'.format(frequency - i))
    32         num = int(input('Please guess a int_number:\n'))
    33         result = judge_num(num, num_random)
    34         i += 1
    35     print('Game Over')
    36 # guess()


    "D:\Preparatory class\Workspace\venv\Scripts\python.exe" "D:/Preparatory class/Workspace/Day5/作业.py"
    <class 'int'>
    第01位采访者,性别:【女】,年龄【15】 --Sorry!  只招14岁以下儿童
    <class 'int'>
    第02位采访者,性别:【女】,年龄【16】 --Sorry!  只招14岁以下儿童
    <class 'int'>
    第03位采访者,性别:【女】,年龄【15】 --Sorry!  只招14岁以下儿童
    <class 'int'>
    第04位采访者,性别:【女】,年龄【18】 --Sorry!  只招14岁以下儿童
    <class 'int'>
    第05位采访者,性别:【男】,年龄【09】 --Sorry!  只招女球员
    <class 'int'>
    第06位采访者,性别:【女】,年龄【08】 --Sorry!  再过4年再来吧
    <class 'int'>
    第07位采访者,性别:【男】,年龄【13】 --Sorry!  只招女球员
    <class 'int'>
    第08位采访者,性别:【男】,年龄【18】 --Sorry!  只招女球员
    <class 'int'>
    第09位采访者,性别:【男】,年龄【12】 --Sorry!  只招女球员
    <class 'int'>
    第10位采访者,性别:【男】,年龄【08】 --Sorry!  只招女球员
    插入排序: [1, 2, 6, 8, 9, 15, 85, 87, 96]
    选择排序: [1, 2, 6, 8, 9, 15, 85, 87, 96]
    冒泡排序: [1, 2, 6, 8, 9, 15, 85, 87, 96]
    * *
    *  *
    *   *
    *    *
    *     *
    *      *
    *       *
    1×1 =  1     1×2 =  2    1×3 =  3    1×4 =  4    1×5 =  5    1×6 =  6    1×7 =  7    1×8 =  8    1×9 =  9    
                2×2 =  4    2×3 =  6    2×4 =  8    2×5 = 10    2×6 = 12    2×7 = 14    2×8 = 16    2×9 = 18    
                                    3×3 =  9    3×4 = 12    3×5 = 15    3×6 = 18    3×7 = 21    3×8 = 24    3×9 = 27    
                                        4×4 = 16    4×5 = 20    4×6 = 24    4×7 = 28    4×8 = 32    4×9 = 36    
                                                5×5 = 25    5×6 = 30    5×7 = 35    5×8 = 40    5×9 = 45    
                                                        6×6 = 36    6×7 = 42    6×8 = 48    6×9 = 54    
                                                                7×7 = 49    7×8 = 56    7×9 = 63    
                                                                        8×8 = 64    8×9 = 72    
                                                                                9×9 = 81    
    Digital lower limit of guess number:
    Digital upper limit of guess number:
    Notice: You have【3】 chances you guess --&&>>--【3】 chances left now:
    Please guess a int_number:
    It's too big
    【2】 chances left now:
    Please guess a int_number:
    Congratulation!! That' right!
    Game Over
    Process finished with exit code 0

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/geoffreyone/p/9899790.html
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